Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

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Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

AND see someone other than Dr. Walters?

I know he's the star, but the earliest I can see him is July 1 and then only by Zoom (and I have to be in the state of TN for it!). I could see anyone else in person and sooner. I mentioned this is an email to Dr. Buchfuhrer, but he pretty much said Dr. Walters was the only one he would trust. However, I've got to believe that if he is the head of the department, there have to be other docs there who are in sync with his methods and teaching and would consult with him.

I could try to go back to Dr. Rye at Emory in Atlanta, but even though Nashville is further away, it would be less stressful driving experience than Atlanta always is.


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Re: Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

Well! I saw from the website that there are 4 other doctors listed at Vanderbilt along with Dr. Walters, so I called to see if I could see any of them sooner than July 1, but it turns out they are ALL booked until July.

I therefore have no reason to change to someone else--unless a cancellation comes up with one of the others, in which case it would be good to know who others are seeing up there.

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Re: Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

Post by Polar Bear »

As there are no available appointments until July with anyone you then need to decide if you are happy to have a Zoom appointment with Dr Walters, or to try for a face to face appointment with one of the other doctors listed. I hope that there will be a member who is familiar with one of the other available doctors and can advise you of their experience.
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Re: Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

Post by MJDK »

I have my initial appointment with Dr. Rye at Emory at the end of November. Can anyone describe their experience with him? I'm traveling a long way to see him. I particularly do not want to be subjected to another sleep study. I've had many, all with the diagnosis of mild sleep apnea for which I use an oral devise to prevent snoring. Thank you.

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Re: Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

MJDK, not sure why you posted this question here. I don't think people will check here for a question about Dr. Rye at Emory. But if you search on his name or mine, you should be able to find my opinion of him from last year. He did want me to get a sleep study but I didn't.

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Re: Anyone go to Vanderbilt for treatment?

Post by badnights »

MJDK wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:32 pm
I have my initial appointment with Dr. Rye at Emory at the end of November. Can anyone describe their experience with him? I'm traveling a long way to see him. I particularly do not want to be subjected to another sleep study. I've had many, all with the diagnosis of mild sleep apnea for which I use an oral devise to prevent snoring. Thank you.
There is also a Topic called "Who is your favorite doctor?" in the General Topics forum.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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