opiate and benzo panic among doctors

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opiate and benzo panic among doctors

Post by Kathryn60 »

I know that I have to rotate my meds in order for them to be effective. I have been on gabapentin for the past 12 years and need another medication to make it be effective. Much to my dismay these last few years, my doctor will only give me 15 clonazepam pills for a 5 MONTH PERIOD! forget about any opiods. I have to result to buying some weed when my short supply runs out and I don't like smoking the week because it doesn't feel good with my lungs. Thankfully I have a good doctor (Dr. Ondo) who will provide me with an unlmited supply of gabapentin and lyrica and a sleeping pill to boot, but he also won't prescribe me the benzos that I need when the RLS is bad. It's a royal pain in the a**!
FYI, menthadone doesn't work for me, keeps me up all night.

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Re: opiate and benzo panic among doctors

Post by Rustsmith »

Kathryn, I also found that methadone caused insomnia. My way to fix the problem was to take the methadone at lunchtime instead of at bedtime (as my doctor directed). I found that the long life of methadone controlled my RLS at night and that by taking it at lunchtime, the insomnia side effect went away.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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