Amitriptyline affecting RLS symptoms?

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Amitriptyline affecting RLS symptoms?

Post by Frunobulax »

My neuro prescribed Amitriptyline for my headaches. (I'm also getting a MRT.) He recommended to start with a very small dose because I experienced severe side effects in the past from several other drugs including SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants, so we'll go with 1mg per day for a couple of weeks and then increase slowly.

I'm curious, has anyone seen their RLS symptoms get better or worse with Amitriptyline? (Google brings up that says "The current evidence is limited by poor study design, inadequate use of standardized questionnaires, and heterogeneous populations studied for variable lengths of time.", I agree :( Others find increased PLMS with a dosis of 75mg, at the high end of the spectrum

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Re: Amitriptyline affecting RLS symptoms?

Post by Macadwel »

Hi, I thought this was one of the drugs that caused issues with RLS?

I took this on two occasions, it knocked me out, to the point the sedative was so intense I had to take a sick day from work as I could not wake up in the morning. That may be why it works.

My pain management dr said he only prescribes to older people because it knocks people out at night and they cannot do anything in the morning.

Is it still working?

best, Mel

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Re: Amitriptyline affecting RLS symptoms?

Post by Frunobulax »

It's not mentioned in Buchfuhrers book... Haven't taken it yet, but I would use a very low dosis anyway. (And a bit of sedative effect would come in handy as the oxycodone causes insomnia.)

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Re: Amitriptyline affecting RLS symptoms?

Post by Macadwel »

This is what I found! It did knock me out so you may not even notice anything.

"Sertraline, fluoxetine, and amitriptyline appear to increase periodic limb movements that do not disrupt sleep and are thus unlikely to be clinically significant. On the other hand, bupropion may reduce restless legs syndrome symptoms, at least in the short term." ... ort%20term.

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Re: Amitriptyline affecting RLS symptoms?

Post by Frunobulax »

Didn't come to that. I started with 2mg a day and that was fine. After 4 weeks I went up to 10mg a day and turned into a walking zombie. Couldn't stay awake during the day and was so tired that simple walking felt like moving in deep water. Needless to say I stopped the medication.

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