Requip - Anything positive to say?

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Post by jan3213 »

Yeah, I've been there before, Jenny. But, this time---it's going okay and it's been over two weeks. Here's hoping!!!!! I don't need the shaking and quaking right now (not that anyone does).
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Jenny, you have a good point. Klonopin has a half-life of 35-40 hours. That means it takes many days for one pill to completely work its way out of your system. It can take awhile to start to feel really bad. For me, I didn't notice anything for three to four days. By day five, I was sick, and by day six I couldn't believe how sick I was. For someone on a higher dose and with a smaller cut percentage-wise, it could take longer.

It is so important that everyone who takes these drugs does have a plan in case stopping them easily doesn't work. I had NO idea of how hard it might be. It sounds like you didn't either, Jenny. Jan, on the other hand, is not having any problems.

If anyone needs it, there is a great benzo message board that will support people during the detox/withdrawal period. They advocate the Tashton method for doing it. I didn't try it, but many people on the board do and they are quite successful. That said, there are some people for whom it takes literally a year or longer to get off of some of the higher doses of benzos. I am no longer a member, but posted there quite a bit when I went through withdrawal.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Guest »

Thanks again for all the information. I'm distressed that my doctor didn't mention a thing about getting off Klonopin. I still don't know if I can/should take Klonopin (Clonazepam) and Requip together. If I decrease Clonazepam, and it takes as long as you all say (and I have no reason to doubt you!) then it will be weeks before I can try Requip. So much for sleep. Or, can you start the Requip at the same time as decreasing the other? I know, I need to talk to my doctor - but the fact that he didn't even hint at a problem makes me wonder if he even is aware of the situation. Doesn't bode well - I've gone to him for 25 years!

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Post by musiclover »

I just noticed I wasn't logged in when I replied just now. Sorry - and thanks again for the information.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Many of us take a dopamine agonist and a benzo at the same time. It is not a problem at all. Of course, a call to the doctor is a good idea. You can just start the Requip at a very low dose - say .25 mg - as you start to reduce the Benzo by small amounts. The standard protocol for reduction is .5 mg at a time, if I remember correctly, so if you reduce it less than that, you won't be doing anything more than he would say.

The average dose of Requip is close to 2 MG a day, sometimes in one dose, sometimes in divided doses. But some people have success with as little as .5 mg. I wouldn't ever tell you to do anything against your doctor's wishes; sometimes we have had to make adjustments on our own, however, as our doctors just didn't have the necessary knowledge to help us.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by musiclover »

I took the plunge and decided to start my Requip sample packs. I started with .25 mg Requip and 1 mg Clonozepam, slowing increasing the Requip and decreasing the other. The past two nights I've taken 1 mg of Requip and no Clonozepam. I've had trouble getting to sleep both nights - wide awake until the middle of the night - but no RLS symptoms, which is a good thing. But, I've been achey - similar to a flu-like ache. Is this a strong symptom of Requip? I've ended up taking a couple of Ibuprophin and that has helped and I finally fell asleep. I don't know if two nights is enough of a test (probably not) but so far I'm not sold on Requip. I haven't had any Clonozepam withdrawal symptoms mentioned - also a good thing. After reading through many of the threads it sounds like a lot of people take a cocktail of medications - am I right? My doctor gave me a prescription for both Requip and Clonozepam - so he's fine with me taking both - maybe I need to take both to get the sleep. Any thoughts from those of you who successfully take Requip?

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Post by jan3213 »

Yes, a lot of people do take a cocktail of meds. I'm on 2 mgs. Mirapex and .5 mg. Clonazepam (generic for Klonopin). I wanted to report that I've gone down from 1.5 mg. Clonazepam to .5 (spending a month taking 1 mg.) and I've had no problem. I've been on .5 mg. Clonazepam, which is my correct dose now, since July 11 and have had no problems. But, everyone reacts differently.
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Post by ksxroads »

Dear M,

Iinsomnia was one of the problems I had with Requip... so it might be helpful to take both. I am sure Ann will respond soon and she is more informed than I on this matter.

Just did a search recently for another post and body aches is one of the side affects of Requip.

Some people find that after a few weeks side affects subside, however, if you find that your problems increase I would definitely call the doctor. While the DAs do stop the RLS sensations, some of us have problems using them and have to find alternative therapy.

((((((((((((Big Hug))))))))))))))) Klonipin did help me get to sleep. DH works out of town and when he came home, the next morning he said well you slept but I didn't. You talked, sang, and every 20 minutes you'd scream. This went on the entire night! I knew I would awake not feeling rested, but who knew! hahahaha

I had virtually no side affects from stopping Benzos, consider myself very lucky.

(((((BIG HUG to Jan, Ann, M, and you too!)))))

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Requip - At Last -Relief

Post by Dancin' Feet »

After 3 years of extensive exhaustion, I began to recognize the presence of RLS in my life. :shock:

Long air flights are particularly a challenge, since I cannot sit still that long. I feel like I am dancing in my seat, with the poor sould next to me watching me out of the corner of their eye! :evil:

In any case, my doc just recently gave me Requip. In my opinion, a miracle drug! :lol:

I have been on Requip for 4 weeks now and take it religiously. I understand that Requip is one of those drugs that you may not simply stop. But, my experience has been a restful and peaceful night's sleep that I have not had in at least 3 years.

The starter package ramps up using .25 mg , then .50 and then a full 1 mg. I am at the 1 mg now and am continuing at that strength.

I have found that since I go to bed around 11:30, it is best for me to take around 8-9. Otherwise, I am a bit groogy in the am.

But, for me, this is a wonder drug! :D

I like to think of RLS as sleep apnia of the legs!!!

thanks for this site and all the contributors. Excellent info.

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Can nasal and asthma inhalers cause problems

Post by grammy »

I've had RLS forever. I've cut out most caffine and sugar. I know I can't take the medications list in this discussion; bendryl, any cold medications, asthma medications, any anti-anixety or depression medication. I've gone through many sleepless nights because the doctor didn't mention how the meds would affect my legs. I have fairly bad allergies to most everything that blooms, blows in the wind to soaps, shampoos and lotions. I've taken predizone and have gain way to much weight. Does anyone know if the nasal and asthma inhalers cause problems? My arms are starting to bother me during the day, could this by why? I forgot to mention I'm taking Requip since I first saw the commercials on TV and I'm at 4mg every night along with 2mg of Clonazepam. My legs don't bother me at night once I get to sleep. I only get about 3 hours of sleep at night and don't know why. Legs are not keeping me awake I just don't want to go to bed. This really is causing problems for me at work and I'm starting to get systems similar to ADD and narcolepsy which scares in to death. Sorry for rambling. I guess I have two questions one about the inhalers and the other about getting enough sleep at night..Well I'm off to do some crocheting and get my mind off everything. Thanks for listening.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

You should be fine with the nasal steriods (inhalers) and many people can take Claritin or Allegra. These do not cross the blood/brain barrier, hence don't affect out systems the same way. I have used Allegra without problems, and use an asthma inhaler once and awhile and it's fine.

I don't want to go to bed, either. Does the clonazepam not make you sleepy? If it doesn't, you might want to consider (after talking to your doctor), decreasing it and trying a different benzo or another sleep aid. Maybe that would do what you need so you would be knocked out :lol: .

Hope that helps some.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by walkindafloors »

Glad to hear someone else out there is crocheting - sometimes get my yarn tangles as I'm walking around doing my nighttime dance but sure helps take my mind off rls sometimes. I also take my yarn and needles into meetings and places I have to sit and be "still"...seems if I can move my hands, my legs don't act up as bad.

Regarding Requip...not sure I gave it a fair shot, but the first night I got very light-headed and dizzy, second night I felt sick, jumped off the couch to run for the bathroom and only made it as far as the Christmas tree which I ended up grabbing and taking down with me as I passed out cold. Later read that this was one of the side effects, but I've been afraid of taking it now. Is the dropping in BP a side effect that my body would adjust to or should I continue to look elsewhere for relief?

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Post by grammy »

The clonazepam relaxes me but doesn't make me sleepy anymore, I've taken it for about 5 years. Perhaps it's time to try something different. I'm in the process of looking for a new doctor, but I hate change.
Thanks for the info on the inhalers, I'll have to check out what else I've changed over the last month. Process of elimination again. You know I did just have teeth pulled and got dentures two weeks ago. They put me out for that but I did get awake twice with my legs bouncing all over, then they gave me more whatever to knock me out. I know they used medication for nausea but they tried a drug they give chemo patients because it doesn't effect their muscles. I don't know what is was called but evidently it didn't work for me. Maybe there is still enough in my system to cause the problems during the day?

Let me tell you crocheting and pacing is an talent that took alot of practice. Especially with three dogs pacing with me. The bright side of having the dogs pace with me (if they don't trip me) is that they completely understand my ranting and least they haven't told me anything different. lol
Regarding the Requip. When I first started it I looked up all the info regarding side effects, when to take, etc. To begin with I learned to sit up and stand up very slowly then I didn't get dizzy. Now my body has gotten use to it and I don't get dizzy. As for getting sick, it was every night, you would think I would have lost weight but no. The nausea still happens but maybe just once a week or so. I've learned to live with it to a certain extent. It's not nearly as bad as when I first started. I take the Requip right before I go to bed. If I stay up to long I get that sick feeling and before you know it I'm puking (gross sorry). But the benifits of my legs being calm for a little while out weighs the nausea for me. Everyone is different in their reaction to medications. Good luck if you try it again.
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requip anything positive to say

Post by ctravel12 »

I took clonazepam for a while. It worked in the beginning and then my symptons came back so decided to stop taking it. Also did not like the fact that it was a control substance and stopped taking it cold turkey. I for one can tell anyone if you are thinking about doing that, DO NOT. I was walking the floors for a week and was miserable. When I told my dr she said that is a very addictive drug and cannot go off of it like I did. My dr had me take less dosages of the Clonazepam and got me started on Requip. When I started taking Requip, I did not like it as it made me nauseated. When I found this site one of the gals here told me to take it in two doses (I take 1 mg and split it up at taking .5mg around 6pm my time and .5mg about 2 hrs before retiring) and this has helped. Do not get nauseated, however my sleep habit is not the best. I guess the way to look at it is if stops the rls at night that is what is important. What works for one may not always work for another. We just have to find out what works and may go through alot of meds to find out. Everyone have a good day.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Grammy, I wish I could say there was a reason for RLS getting worse - it just doesn't need one! But, stress, surgery, many anti-nausea drugs will all worsen it as will hot weather, too much or not enough exercise, alcohol, and not enough sex. OK, I'm not really sure about the last one :lol: , but lots of people do find that the brain chemicals released during orgasm stop RLS, so it seems logical that not having enough would make it worse! :wink:

I hope it gets under control soon. One things too many of us have found is that we have to change - and frequently. Doctors, medicines, routines, whatever. Hopefully you will find something quickly without too much fuss and then you can get back into a comfortable routine again.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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