What's a good try?

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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What's a good try?

Post by Sojourner »

Recently prescirbed neurontin for PLMS...First night was not particularly a good one with respect to medication effects and PLMS outcomes but am not expecting miracles. Hoping night two will be better. Realize that one or two nights may not be enuf to make any kind of decision but I wonder what is. How long is generally long enuf before its ok to say "uncle." We're all different, but is there a general concensus as to how long it takes a body to perhaps accomodate a medication and is there a point where you know that continuting to take a medication will not change things in respect to side effects or outcomes.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

I can't say I've heard too much about Neurontin and PLMD, but I could have missed it. If you do some searching on PLMD (and PLM and PLMS) you may find more info that I don't remember.

If you follow the link in my signature, there are some links to articles about treating PLMD. That may help you. In the same link, you will find the algorithm - it's used for treating RLS. RLS and PLMD are not always treated the same, though they can be.

Hope that the links help some.

Per trying a med, it can take weeks to get to a therapeutic dose of most of the meds we take. Take Neurontin, for example. Most docs start with 100 to 300 mg. And increase every 5 days. But, the therapeutic dose for some people is 1200 mg (or more). The side effects are what hurts most of us - all of these meds have lots of possible side effects and none of us are the same.

Happy reading!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Sojourner »

Thanks Ann. Have reviewed many of the neurontin posts. Seems a lots of hope in most of them which helped make my foray into neurontin optimistic. Like many here, I don't seem to tolerate medications well or we just don't mix well togeher. I guess I was just trying to get a feel for how others approach giving medication a fair try before saying the good outweighs the bad or vice versa. For instance, if my first day with neurontin is a prelude of things to come then I honestly don't think I will be able to stay with the med very long...as much as I might like to...due to its adverse effect. Sometimes I feel that I'm not toughing it out enuf and that maybe if I just hang in there "a meeting of the minds." no pun intended, will occur. Some posts indicate a remarkable response to a medication on the first day while other....well while others. Just wondering when the line in sand is drawn.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

You know, I think we all draw it in a different spot. Some of us take it once and have a hangnail and say, "Hey, I can't handle this." Others take it until we're almost dead from it before we say, "Uh, doc, you think I should try something different?"

OK< that was a little tongue in cheek, but truly, it differs greatly. I put up with an incredible list of side effects for over a year, almost two, because I didn't know better and my doc told me to. After I got smart, I got educated. Now? I'd bail much more quickly. I guess the things I think about are:

Quality of life - how much does it interfere and/or help? Can I get to work? If I could before the med but can't now, it's out. That is the first thing - if the side effects really interfere and I can't do the basic required things in my life, I'd have to stop it. If it just curtails things or makes me feel kinda lousy, then I probably keep going for awhile. Can I get to a movie or dinner with friends? If not, I might keep trying it because I can't do this without meds, either. But, soon, the second issue comes into play

Lenth of time - if the side effects were not so horrible to incapacitate me, have I given it a fair shot? Many side effects are purported to stop within a few days to a few weeks. For example, many people say the tiredness and lethary of the Neurontin goes away in a few weeks. I tried it for three weeks. I was unable to function and the feeling never diminished, so I stopped it.

Dose - am I close to the average dose, or very low? If I started way below it, I would want to keep doing it until I increased it to at least the average. If NO help by that time, I would bail. If some help, I'd have to think about how high I might have to go.

The only things I've stopped immediately were because of horrible reactions - like projectile vomiting, rashes, or instant worsening of symptoms. The others I've stayed on until I am close or at an average dose. Then I decide - am I getting more out of it than it is taking out of me?

Not sure this helps a lot, but off the top of my head it sounds good :roll:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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What's a good try

Post by jumpy »

I'm on Neurontin...Possibly from a nerve damage study, and possibly for my RLS.. Not sure...my doctor started me out with 100 mg 3x a day and then uped it to 600 mg 3x a day...I was high as a kite...I called him the same day and we reduced it to 300 mg 3x a day for two weeks and then uped the dose. That worked and I don't have any problems with it. But I still have the RLS pain. I told him I wanted to get off of it because it did not seem to be working. He said ok but I would be back on it soon. Maybe he knows more than he's telling me....Pat

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Post by Sojourner »

Ann, great reply and gave me lots to consider. Although, I did have somewhat of a rough first day with neurontin, I swallowed the second capsule this evening and so far a much more tolerable response. Still, its 3:11 am and here we are but with more insomnia then PLM... Even so, I'm encouraged.

Pat, sorry the neurontin was not helpful enough for you and that you are finding relief in other ways. Your doc's comments do seem "interesting." Wonder what he meant too. Keep us posted.



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