
Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Post by jiggyanne »

Has anyone had any trouble with Paxil interfering with Requip? I was on it after my husband died but it's been four years and I didn't think I needed it anymore so stopped it (with doc's approval). It was better, but not entirely better.
I seem to be getting "used" to the Requip. I am up to 2 mg now and I still have a problem with it not working. I tried something new the other night. The doc had prescribed Klonopin to help me sleep but I had forgotten about taking it. I took some last night and the night before. It worked beautifully! Full night's sleep, right away! Missed my late shows, though! Klonopin had been prescribed to me for years for RLS, before Requip came out. It only sort of worked. In combination with the Requip, it works great! Anyone had any similar experiences?


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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Anne, I don't know that Paxil interferes directly with Requip, but it usually does worsen RLS, as do most SSRIs and most other antidepressants.

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Post by jiggyanne »

Well, I suspected as much because it helped when I stopped it. Then when I thought maybe it wasn't Paxil, I tried another dose and hoo! I could hardly sleep all night! No more Paxil! Doc says it's okay.

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Other meds that can increase RLS

Post by mackjergens »

You really need to read the list of meds that are known to cause RLS to become worse. Antidepressants is just one of many drugs that can make your legs go wild. Its a good idea to print off the list of meds that affect RLS and keep with you at all times, so you can check when you are given a med for some other medical problem, you can always say NO thanks and your DR can work with you to find another med that will not affect your rls.

Also you will find a list of foods known to increase rls, just read all that you can about RLS, education is the best tool to use in finding help for your rls.

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Post by red56 »

I had been on an anti-depressant for 15 years, now I look back and see that is when my occasional RLS started being an every night misery. I got off the Effexor I had been on for years (what a horrible thing to try to get off of!), also got of Requip which made me augment 24-7. I am now on anit-D Wellbutrin - which doesn't work as well as the Effexor - and on a low .125 mg dose of Mirapex, along with Lunesta for sleep. I am finally back to RLS rarely in the daytime (plane rides, plays, concerts, etc). I am so relieved and hoping that this lasts for a looooong time.

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Post by maddielouise1 »

Just checking with you Betty. Did you ever get to talk to your Dr. and did he give you anything to help with sleep? Hope all is well. Maddie

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Post by ctravel12 »

Red56 I am so glad that things are doing better for you. It is wonderful to see success stories like this.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by Polar Bear »

Maddie, last week doc prescribed Amnitriptyline for sleep, which is a no-no for us with rls, even tho I explained this to him. He said all folk are different. He was not my regular doc. reg. doc had an emergency, So this Wed. 5 Dec I have an appt with regular doc and will hope for a better outcome! (without having to undermine his colleague).

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Post by sardsy75 »

Hey Betty ... and everyone else

Methinks i'm going to be the only fish outta water here when I say that i've been using Amitriptyline quite successfully for nearly 12 months. It's the second time in four years i've been prescribed it.

Now, before you all jump to conclusions (or down my throat), I was taken off it when I trialled a different approach ... which obviously didnt work. It's purpose is not to treat depression; instead it's the "off" switch for my brain at night. My GateKeeper originally prescribed it when I was "wired" on Gabapentin and Sinemet (yup, at the same time!) in an effort to reign in the phenomenal amount of activity in my brain. It was wearin me out trying to get my brain to shuttup and let me sleep. Probably doesnt make sense but its the only way I can explain it.

As a lot of people have said in their replies to your post Betty, EVERYONE is different. I don't think I've ever come accross two or more people with the same medication regime.

For all the people who don't know much of my background ... don't bother reading all 20-odd pages in my "saga" ... here's a brief summary:

Age: 32
Type of RLS: Chronic Familial (at least three people on my mother's side in each generation)
Had RLS: All my life
Diagnosed: June 2003 (Finally!)
Current Drugs List: Codeine Phosphate, Amitriptyline, Clonazepam, Ropinirole*. Would list dosages, but my regime changes every day to the point I have one of those tablet holders that I divvy up all my tablets into for a week: morn, lunch, evening, bedtime.
Been There Done That Drugs List: Ropinirole, Cabergolide, Pergolide, Sinemet, Madopar, Bromocriptine, Gabapentin, Temazepam.
(*Ropinirole only taken when needed)

If you've been watching my thread, you'd know I've not been too crash hot recently. My current medications keep me under control quite successfully. It's the longest "stretch" i've had where anything's worked. My main triggers of an outta left field attack are the weather (gotta luv summer ... NOT!) and way too much dairy products.

Getting back on track, Betty, dont be afraid to try amitriptyline; and I have often thought that if you go into something with a negative attitude, then you will almost certainly convince yourself that it wont work and not give whatever you're trialling a good go.

As we all know, a lot of our RLS lives are spent using trial and error, particularly when something we've depended on for so long, stops working.

I'm not dissing everyone who's held up the red flag about anti-depressants, it's good to know people are on the ball; but it also needs to be remembered that there are those of us who sometimes buck the trend, myself included. For example, I am extremely sensitive to sandflies and midges, resulting in huge welts on my body. I am more than aware of anti-histamines being one of our worst enemies, but, when you gotta have it ... you gotta have it. After a 100mg dose of Phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride) each night for three nights earlier this year I was expecting to go through the roof and be like a bear with a sore head for at least a week, but to my surprise ... nothing happened! Either my brain didn't react to it period, or I was on enough of everything else I take to counteract any possible reaction from my brain (and no, i'm not about to go through detox again just for an experiment thankyou ... one full detox is enough for now thanks!).

Anyway ... that's a longer version of my two cents worth.

Betty, don't give up. You never know what might kick your brain into gear (or outta gear in this case) unless you give it a go. Hope I made sense!

Good luck my friend, and before I go, congrats to you and your family on the newest edition xoxo.

Love n (((((((hugs)))))))))) to all
Last edited by sardsy75 on Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by Polar Bear »

Sardsy, I will certainly bear in mind what you say when I see doc. Thing is - I have been on requip for nearly 12 months.. and no sign of augmentation, so I don't want to do anything that makes me need to up my dose of requip, and thus perhaps encourage augmentation.
Thank you for your comments.
And new addition, our little granddaughter 'Edee', 7 days old is wonderful, and the big bonus is that they live in the house 'next door'. How about that??

Thanks again, Betty

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Post by sardsy75 »

Me again lol

Don't you hate it when you hit "submit" and realise later that you meant to include something?!

Well, here's the something that I forgot (dang brain fog!) ...

Betty, I can totally understand your concerns since the Ropinirole has been working for so long and dont hold your decision to discuss anything with your normal GK against you. It's your body and your decision in the end, I just thought I'd throw my hat in to let you know I'm one of the trend-buckers.

I am curious about a few things: You said you had started taking the med. When I first started taking it, i noticed a distinct "feeling" that something in my brain had been switched off and I would relax and go to sleep. How long did you take it for (even if it was less than a week)? Did you notice any change in being able to get to sleep? Did you notice any immediate effect on your RLS?

Short n sweet this time!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by Polar Bear »

Sardsy, when you say 'started taking the med' I assume you mean the requip.
When I first started doc had prescribed dose to be taken upon going to bed, I was at 2mg and still not a lot of relief. Of course, neither he nor I had realised that this was because it was taking up to 2 hours to work. So then I started to work at the dosage and times myself. First of all splitting the dose and taking part at around 6 pm. Then I decided to try and deal with the daytime symptoms which can be pretty tiresome as I have a desk job, so now I have remained on the 2mg daily but spread it over the day. Doc gives me tablets in the .5mg format and I take 4 per day, starting at around 10am with a half pill, another half at 2pm. This leaves me 3 for the evening, one at 6pm another at 10pm and the remaining pill I keep for when I awake during the night. This remaining pill I take a half of in the middle of the night, and often have a little bit left and therefore don't take the full dose. However if it is the weekend and I hope to lie a little later, and take that little remaining piece at maybe 5 or 6am to deal with any awakening symptoms.
I will just say that my rls 24/7 was there before I started requip. I find the requip works for me, not 100% but I can deal with any breakthrough by walking it off - usually!!
I do still wake up in the night frequently, but can generally get over again. Sometimes not and occasionally up for the whole night) and this is why I will go this week to see my doc and try and get a sleeping aid.

So I can say that the requip did not work to start with but reckon this was cos I had to work at how and when to take it, have to always take it well in advance of symptoms, but now I think I have dosage etc pretty much sorted.

This is a kinda long answer, but hope it answers you ok.
Gotta go, I'm in work, ???? Betty

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Post by sardsy75 »

betty rankin wrote:Sardsy, when you say 'started taking the med' I assume you mean the requip.

:oops: Yikes!!! DOH!!! My bad!!! I meant the amiltriptyline ... :oops:

In one of your posts in this thread, you mentioned that you had actually started taking it in addition to your Ropinirole.

I was just curious to find out if you had noticed any changes during the time you took amiltriptyline.

I'm sorry about confusing you ... it was totally unitentional.

I do thank you for the insight into your Ropinirole journey. When I was put onto Ropinirole by itself last year (June 2006) I also found that when I had gotten to the 2mg mark that it wasnt much use just taking it all in one go at night. I split the dose into morning and before bedtime, however when I saw my Sleep Doc the next time, she told me not to split the dosage, which i thought was rather strange. Why stop something if its working? I was up to 4mg/day and getting nowhere and a lot of augmentation, before I weaned myself off it last Christmas. I have kept it as an optinal extra if I'm going through a rough patch due to external factors but only take 0.5mg (i was given a repeat script for 2mg tablets & with their odd shape its pretty hard to cut them up any more than twice).

Again, I apologise for the confusion. Oh, and I dont mind reading long posts.

Hope you have a good day!
Last edited by sardsy75 on Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by Polar Bear »

Sardsy, I mustn't have been clear in one of my posts. I did actually get the prescription for the amnitrip.... blah blah... but I never did take the drug. I still have it intact.
I do have diazepam 2mg as a sleep aid, which would appear to be totally not worthwhile... like... 2mg of nothing!!! Sometimes I even forget to take get.

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Post by sardsy75 »

Ahhhh ... ok ... No problem! Thanks for clarifying that. It was my fault. I went back through your replies and realised i'd misread one of them. My bad!

I'll better let you get back to work.

Have a good one!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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