RLS and Panic attacks - Help!

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Hi Susie. It's good to take care of your body by eating right and exercising. Sometimes that goes a long way toward reducing anxiety. And other times it's not enough, and meds are needed to get you over the hump. The problem is that some of the meds aggravate the RLS, which makes you sleep deprived, and the whole thing is a huge vicious cycle.

There are other drugs that can be used for anxiety, although I understand how tiresome it is to keep trying different meds.

Hang in there! Some day you'll feel good again. Really you will!

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Post by PamR »

I was getting panic attack like symptoms when I was taking Mirapex as well as having weak legs.

When i stopped the mirapex the panic attacks stopped.

I went back to taking requip with my neurontin.

Now that I am on IV iron infusions my rls symptoms seem to be better ( see my new post iron deficiency)


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Post by doety »

Pam -- wonder if the Mirapex could be augmenting. Some of us have loved Mirapex, then found after a while we needed to get off it. (and I didn't know that until I started hanging out more on this board...)

Susie: I love all these posts. I find that all of us are really creative people. I know that RLS is in my body -- but what I have to watch out for is that it's also in my mind. I'm sure the Wellbutrin is helping me. But I also have a long list of "weapons" I use now. Exercise is key -- in most of the literature, it says don't do too much, but do exercise. I'm lucky enough to have a warm swimming pool and use it ever day. But I need to do more than that, so I almost always walk.
When I feel RLS coming on right about dinnertime, I start taking trash out, walk to the store, get on the treadmill, change the sheets, mop -- anything that's vigorous and will turn me another way.
It infuriates me to know that part of this is in my head because that seems to make it even more complicated.

That "spell" I had a while back sent me spinning into a depresion where nothing seemed to help. I told the doc (in my disgusted voice) that if I could sleep I wouldn't be depressed. He said: I don't care how you got there, you are depressed right now. That was true.

I really am good right now. Sometimes it takes a combination of things -- hot tub, ear plugs, even going into another room and sleeping alone (and sometimes with the TV on). Sometimes if I start to panic, my husband will play cards with me, or even walk at night.

I sure hope things get better; let us know how you're doing.

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Post by susieandirenes »

We have joined the 'Y' here because they have a huge warm water therapy pool. It feels great! Will be going there at least 3x a week.

Also have some ear-plugs, and trying them tonight for first time. Being kinda claustrophoebic, I'm hoping they will keep me from hearing the furnace turn on and off, etc.

Thanks for your patience in reading all this...it feels good to put it down in print....and just send it away....almost like I'm getting rid of it.....

Really appreciate everyone! Another thing that has happened - my grandchildren's other grandma (who I really liked and have come to know quite well) was admitted to the hospital 3 weeks ago, found full of cancer, and died this past Friday! They all could really use my help, but it has thrown me for another loop.......I can watch the little ones, 6, 4 and 2 1/2 here at our house, but that is about it!
Positive thoughts!
Positive thoughts!

Have an appt with the holistic stress mgmt psych. Thursday at 4. Anxious to see how it turns out! Would love to get off this Zoloft.

With the book on Adrenal Fatigue I have learned many great coping skills.... The greatest being how to control my blood sugar pretty well.
That has helped this whole thing a lot......Still......3 nights ago I slept good(finally), but it meant being 4 hours late on my meds....and that messed me up all over again, in some thoughts, worse than before. Just kept telling myself this would change, as it always has before!

Today was a pretty good day, except for the heaviness in my chest.

Am so very tired tonight...I pray I can sleep!

Good-night, I hope!

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Post by KBear »

Susie- Who is the author of the Adrenal Fatigue book? I have also been told by a holistic practitioner that I have all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Link to the Mayo Clinic Algorithm:

http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/pd ... 907Crc.pdf

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