anybody knows why I can't take both Requip and Mirapex?

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anybody knows why I can't take both Requip and Mirapex?

Post by Mark_Galeck »

Hello, 1mg Mirapex works OK for me, symptoms are there but more or less OK, I am getting reasonable sleep, not perfect. 2mg Requip is terrible side effects can't handle it.

I tried half of each - 1/2mg of Mirapex and 1mg of Requip - works like a dream - no symptoms during day or night, great sleep.

My doc says no way, don't combine, absolutely not (this was through his nurse so I could not ask why, and he is really busy and hard to get to). Why? Should I seek a second opinion and/or different doc?

Thank you. Mark

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I would seek a second opinion. I think someone else was doing that, but not sure.

And, I'd write a letter to the RLS Ask a Doctor for one, and to Dr Buchfurer, for two. Ask a Doctor, I think, is for members of the RLS Foundation, at least the answers are printed in a publication that only members get. But, it would be a good question for everyone who gets the publication to see the answer to.

And Dr Buchfurer answers questions on the So Cal RLS support group's website,
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Post by Hos »

What Ann said and I would ask the physician personally at my next appt. I don't see why it can't be combined. Probably a safe answer but I don't know if it's true.

How does it work if you remove the Requip from the equation and just slowly increase your Mirapex by .125 every week until you get relief? (With dr's supervision, of course!

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Post by Mark_Galeck »

The reason why I want to limit Mirapex as much as possible - sorry I did not explain - is the cost - Mirapex costs A LOT, my insurance does not cover. Requip generic in the US is cheap.

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Post by Sojourner »

I also seem to remember a post (s) from someone taking both. However, having said that, I think taking both may not be typical and perhaps has been used in trying to help more difficult cases. It probably just not a first choice combo. Could be wrong there.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I hope Josh or Ed knows...but I seem to remember hearing that Mirapex is coming out in generic in the relatively near future. I am certainly not sure on that one, though.

Have you tried Requip alone? Maybe you could just use it. (As I type, I figure it's a dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway...)
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Mark_Galeck »

Yes, with Requip alone, I need as much as 6mg to relieve symptoms so I can sleep, and at that dose, side effects happen. Mirapex alone, about 1 1/2 mg, and it's expensive. Mirapex and Requip, 1/2mg Mirapex and 2mg of Requip and I am happy.

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