
Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Post by domesticflowergirl »

:cry: Well...I started on this Medication 3 nites ago. My Dr. gave me a 10 day Sample...but when I went to get the Perscription filled for a 30 day supply ( Had lost my Job of almost 2 yrs but "thought" the Insurance would carry me for 30 days...WRONG! ) Thank goodness I had my Rent $$$ in the Bank...because a 30 day supply of Mirapex cost me $93.85 ( OUCH! ) I read on here tho that Klonopin works well & i called the Pharmacy & it's ONLY $15.95 for a 30 day supply PLUS just read another Post tonite & there is a Generic "Ropinerole" for Requip. I am going to call my Dr. tomorrow to check these out. W/ NO Insurance ( NO Income as far as that goes & w/ the Physical Limitations my Dr. now has me on now...who know when I will find "anyone" who will hire me. I don't pay my Rent , Utilities etc then my Daughter & her Family can't pay their's...as I live w/ them right now. My Dr. wants to to STOP working Period & get on Total-Disability...but the waiting time is 1-2 yrs & between the time you apply & get it...can NOT be working at all...what's a 57 yr old "Grandma" to do? Live in my Car etc...LOL to OLD, Sick & Tired for that! LOL ) can NOT afford "Maripex" period. SORRY...to carry on so ...just get so Frustrated. I have a "Bone Disease" in my back ...where the Disks are all "Fusing" together & is progressing quite rapidly. Dr. says that "if" I was on Disability that I could rest more & slow it down to a point...so can "put-off" being in a wheel-chair as long as Poss. I have to Take also 4-6 Percoset daily, Lexapro, Tramadol, Prilosec OTC etc...Dr. wants to run further Lab Tests, more X-rays, another MRI etc but owe almost $5,000 for the past yr of Medical Bill(s) & that is ONLY what the Insurance I had would NOT pay. Some are taking me to Court, have filed Law Suits, Collection Agencies etc...ALL I am managing to do is to sell belonging to keep my Medication(s) filled, Rent etc. Well...just had a ROUGH day & needed to "Vent"...Sorry! I know there are so many people worse off than I am so will "try"best I can to be greatful more for what I do have "Right" w/ me than what I have WRONG w/ me. Often tho...is very, very "Hard" to do.
57 yr old Grandma of 5. Crocheting & my Grandchildren. , Reality TV Neopets, , making new friends. Movies, Music & ...4-5 days at the "OCF...Oregon Country Fair" in Veneta, OR .)watching OCF Videos on "You-Tube"

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Post by ViewsAskew »

It's really hard to get this RLS med thing right, isn't it?

But, you have some alternatives. First, here's why the doc gave you this medication instead of Klonopin (at least based on all the info I've learned, it's why most RLS experts would do what he did).

Requip and Mirapex have the most testing and research done and have shown the most effectiveness in treating. They are effective over 90% of the time in most studies, sometimes 100%. Even when you take out the people with problems, over time they are effective at least 70% or higher. These are easy to stop in case of problems, and the side effects are easily monitored. If you have a problem, stopping the drug immediation makes the side effects stop.

Klonopin hasn't been tested much - some of that is because it's generic now, but also because many of the specialists using it found throughout the 70s and 80s that it really wasn't effective - that's why they kept looking for another drug to use and found Requip and Mirapex. Yes, it can knock people out so they don't notice the RLS and it can be helpful if you need an addition to Mirapex or Requip, and sometimes it works on its own. It also has a much greater potential for causing long-term problems. If you want to stop it and you've taken it for over two or three months, count on needing to stop it very slowly (there are some who can stop it more quickly, but the other is more likely). It also tends to make people sleepier the next day. In the book by Buchfurer, Kushida, and Hening, they say that it should be considered after other choices, even after other benzo choices.

I am not saying not to take Klonopin. I am saying that the experts suggest that you do not start with this drug, but rather with Requip or Mirapex.

Money is a problem however, when there is no insurance - and it is for a lot of us - so there are other ways to work around that. First, Requip now has a generic. Ask you doctor to try that drug instead of Mirapex. Second, most drug companies offers assistance to those in need. The Groups Leaders who post here - Becat, Ruby Slippers, or Ctravel are three who can help you with that.

I hope you find what works for you. Some of us have to try many drugs before we find the right one. I hope that you can find one quickly that works and that you can afford.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by Sojourner »

d, You certainly have a lot on your plate. Wish there was more to be said then keep hanging in there and eventually things will sort themselves out. Easier said then done... Ugh. But, sounds like you have a plan with respect to your RLS meds anyway. Hopefully, that will sort itself out more quickly.

Best wishes,

This post simply reflects opinion. Quantities are limited while supplies last. Some assembly required.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Domesticflowergirl and welcome to this group. I am sorry that you are having such a rough time with your rls.

That has got to be rough with no job and insurance. I would see if your dr is willing to work with you and find out what it would cost for the generic for Requip. You may want to ask if he has some samples to see if this med works for you. I would also ask the hospital if they have a payment plan that would be affordable for you.

I do take clonazapem .75mg which is the generic for klonipin. It does work for me; however one thing to remember is what works for one may not work for another. If your dr has samples of this, see if they can give you some to see how it works for you. Alot of times it is trial and error to see what works best for you. Yes clonazapem is very addictive and this is one med that you do not go off "cold turkey" you have to go down very slowly. For instance I was taking 1mg and my neurologist had me go down to .75mg as he said this is one med that you go down very slowly.

On any medication always start out with the lowest dosage to see how it is working with your system.

I do not know if you went to the forum New To RLS but there is an excellent sticky post called "Managing RLS" Please read as much as you can as there is a fountain of information and may answer some of your questions.

Please keep me posted on how you are doing.

I hope the infomation that I posted has helped you.
Taking one day at a time

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