Requip (ropinirole) & aching legs?

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Requip (ropinirole) & aching legs?

Post by toxicfemme »

I've just recently started taking generic Requip for my RLS symptoms. My RLS is definitely severe, sometimes lasting non-stop for a couple of months (all hours of the day). But, since I've started taking the Requip, the electric, shaky feeling in my legs has abated mostly, only to be replaced by severe aching in my legs. To the point that I'm left wishing for the regular RLS symptoms to come back.

Sleeping at night has become even more difficult, because with RLS, it may take me 3 or 4 hours to drift off to sleep, but eventually I drift off. Now that my legs have begun to ache, I spend all night in bed awake, & if I'm lucky, I'll drift off for 30 minutes to an hour after the sun has come up from absolute & sheer exhaustion due to tossing & turning every 30 seconds or so.

My question is have any of you Requip (ropinirole) users experienced this aching? Is it just an initial side effect that gets better over time? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, because I'm seriously considering giving up on the medication because of it.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Welcome tf - so sorry you need to be here, though.

Yeah, that has happened to other people. I won't swear to it, but I think that stopping it was the only solution. I wish I knew where the posts were, but you could try searching on Requip and pain or aching to see if you can find them.

Hopefully someone else will either remember more completely than I or will have experienced it and be able to offer better advice.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by toxicfemme »

I've tried doing google searches with those topics, but all I've managed to come up with is useless information about RLS causing aching legs & Requip being a treatment for it.. as opposed to the cause of the aching legs.

I'm sorry to be here as well. It's gotten to the point where I cannot remember the last decent night's sleep I've had without RLS symptoms.

Hopefully others in here can share some insight. I am fully willing to explore all kinds of treatment options & was praying that Requip would work for me, but the aching is becoming unbearable.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

tf - there definitely ARE posts within this board about it. I'd bet they are in this Pharma section - just cruising topics with Requip or ropinerole in the heading may net you what you need. There is an internal search function, too...but it's not the best.

Yeah, I hear you about the sleep thing. It's really horrible when you can't get relief. I am always amazed when I hear people who think that RLS is no big deal :shock:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by toxicfemme »

Thansk for your help, I'll definitely search back through the entries when I get a bit more time. I was only able to go back through 2 pages earlier.

Thankfully, the doctor I lucked out with (I go to the free clinic at my university) actually has RLS herself, so she understands what I'm telling her. So, hopefully she'll be willing to allow me to explore other treatment options.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Boy, oh boy, you really did luck out. The doctor I currently have is similar - her grandmother has it and she is treating her. It really has helped because grandma hasn't responded to some things, to she's had to explore and try other stuff.

Good luck searching.

FYI - weekends tend to be quiet around here. I'm here so much today because I'm reading study abstracts and posting them. I'm sure others will be around soon.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by toxicfemme »

Ah, thanks for letting me know. Was a little worried my post was getting ignored as a repeat or something.

Yea, I definitely did luck out. My main worry right now is that I do know one thing that works for my RLS completely (lortabs) but, I did admit to my doctor that I'd been taking them (illegally, obviously) to treat my symptoms. I explained to her that it is effective, but I also know that I can't just ask for her to prescribe them for me.. I'm honestly not a drug seeker, but I know how dangerous those substances can be.

Hopefully, she'll have some alternate options for treatment. I've done everything possible by way of altering my lifestyle to treat my symptoms, medication is my last resort.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I imagine that some general reading may really help you. There are some good books, many great posts here, etc.

A good starting place is to take the link in my signature. It's to one of the sticky posts in the New to RLS section. But, there are sticky posts in most sections and they are all highly informational.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Hi TF, and welcome to the forum. I was one of the people who developed the aching from the Requip. It got so bad, that I would take the pill, and about an hour later my legs felt like they were on fire. It got to where I just couldn't take another pill, knowing what kind of pain it would bring on. So I quit. My dh had some hydrocodone around, and when my primary care doctor totally blew me off and lectured me for an hour about the evils of taking St. John's Wort, instead of treating my pain, I took it until I could get in to my Monday sleep doctor appointment. That was a bit of a fiasco, but I did get a prescription for my own Vicodin.

The worst part of it all is that I still have aching, burning leg pain after almost 2 years after stopping it.

Well, I hope that made sense. I seem to have forgotten that I had already taken my Lunesta, when I took my Lunesta... Wow am I feeling drunk. :roll:

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Aching legs

Post by Nicky »

I can't remember when it started but I also have aching legs (especially the part behind the knees) but generally aching or burning most of the time. It didn't occur to me that it could be the Requip (2mg). I was thinking it was just advancing rls. I am about to add 125 mcg of Mirapex to eventually come off the Requip as I get no benefit & am probably augmenting. I've read that stopping Requip can be pretty nasty but it MAY also be the way the stop the aching legs aspect. All of rls is really horrible. My older brother had many health issues but his biggest problem was that couldn't sleep & he took his own life some ten years ago. Only now many years later, with the (belated) recognition of rls (plus internet availability) we have a name for what my bro had (& now me). I wish I could stop Requip cold turkey. My neuro hasn't given me a protocol for reducing Requip yet, just add the Mirapex for now. Good luck with the aching, I recognise the feeling. I sometimes apply a cool foot gel & have a fan blowing all night.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Nicky, good news is that if you are taking Mirapex, you can just sub it for the Requip and stop is cold. This is commonly talked about by the specialists - either in the two books that talk about treatment or at the site, so shouldn't be new news to your doc.

BUT, the sub isn't one to one. It's about 2.5 or 3 to one. So, if you're taking 2 mg Requip, you'd need about .75 of Mirapex, straight sub, stop the Requip that very night.

Stopping the REquip, or Mirpaex, is hard when you are not switching to another dopamine agonist.

All that said, while the two drugs work for many people, some of us find that only one works for us and not the other. So, it's still to be seen if the Mirapex works for you, unless you've tried it before.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Nicky »

Thanks for the heads up ViewsAskew. Rather than add the Mirapex to the Requip (2mg) as my neuro seemed to indicate, I would prefer to start the Mirapex (which I've never had before) on it's own. I've only been given 125mcg doses of it, would that be enough to avoid some awful Requip withdrawal it seems a bit low on it's own? On another post I see someone missed a dose or two of their Requip. I did that only once & slept really well but assumed it was a one off or there was still some in my system.
Cheers & thanks for your help.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

From what I know, but remember I'm not a doc or pharmacist, Requip and Mirapex are both out of your system pretty quickly. So, if you missed a dose and you didn't have symptoms, it was probably just that you were having a good night.

.125 is pretty low if you're taking 2 mg of Requip. BUT - when I started augmenting badly on Mirapex, I was at .75. I was able to lower it to .25 within a relatively short period and keep it there. It actually reduced the worst of my augmentation for awhile. So, you may not need to full 2 mg.

Most of this is a guessing game. The docs don't know either, but they are trained on how to make guesses and we're not. On the other hand, we know our own bodies and are more attuned to them. Only you can decide what you want to do.

I can say that if you try it, there is nothing in the literature that indicates you would have any problems OTHER than terrible RLS in case it wasn't enough. But, stopping the DAs is not something that has to be done carefully.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Nicky »

Thanx again ViewsAskew. I've not been brave enough to try the new meds yet. Although my rls is painful & interupting my sleep it is currently pretty much the same each night( for now). A degree of predictability that I'm relying on to get through a busy stressful time at work. I'm probably gonna eventually stop the 2mg Requip & take two of the .125mcg Mirapex & see how it goes. The doc only prescribed .125mcg so I'm not sure I can up it to .75mg to fully replace the 2mg Requip ratio.

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Post by runner1 »

hi tf,

I've been on ropinirole for about 2 weeks now.Last week i noticed my legs have become really painfull.I only take the ropinirole at night and dont get any pain after taking them,it seems to be the next day.

Can i ask when your pain starts and how long it lasts?
I've had back problems for a couple of years which can also affect my leg but these seemed to have settled down.I'm now wondering if the ropinirole is causing the leg pains.I also seem to be getting quite severe headaches.
It seems to be a long road for rls sufferes to find meds that suit.I was so happy 2 weeks ago to finally get some meds for my rls.I'm going to continue with the ropinirole a while longer to see if this pain will wear off.Let me know how you get on if you stay on the ropinirole.
take care,michelle

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