Oxycodone prescription frequency

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Oxycodone prescription frequency

Post by Aiken »

While I'm satisfied with my hydrocodone as far as efficiency, both I and my doctor would prefer that I not take in acetaminophen every day for the rest of my life, so I've been evaluating oxycodone for a week or so now and I figure it'll be fine. (I was worried because I always used to get nauseated on oxycodone.) It prompts a question, though...

I know a brick-and-mortar pharmacy won't fill an oxycodone prescription for more than 30 days. Is it also still the case that I cannot use my health plan's mail-order pharmacy to fill for 90 days? I know the rules changed at some point, but I'm not able to find good information via Google, thanks to all of the web pharmacies tagging themselves with every possible keyword to do with oxycodone, drowning out the real results.

Or am I stuck with the get-30-days-at-a-time rigmarole?
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Post by ViewsAskew »

I'm not sure....I know that I can get 90 days of methadone (or technically should be able to....my doc won't do it), so, maybe the same applies. I can't remember the threads about this - it was a year or so ago that the FDA changed the rules.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I think you're stuck with getting prescriptions every 30 days. The laws were changed to allow doctors to give out 3 months of prescriptions at a time, but there still have to be 3 separate prescriptions, one for each month. My pain doctor won't do that either; I have to pick up the prescription every month.

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Post by Neco »

Wow I guess I'm pretty lucky.

When I started receiving 3 months worth of Methadone scripts at a time, I've never had any problems, except for the ocassional date differences between the date issued and the date to be filled.

My pharmacy told me, that they can't fill a prescription that is more than 60 days old from the date of issue (although they did backdate one for me because it was real close and I think it was a weekend).

So I get a prescription to be filled on the day I drop them off, then I get the 2nd one filled 30 days later, and the 3rd one filled another 30 days later. That's how its supposed to work I guess. All of my prescriptions (except for first one) have a "To be filled on x/x/xx" restriction written onto them so they can't be filled earlier than I need them.

Best thing to do is ask your pharmacy in specifics.

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oxycontin refills

Post by rlswife »

My DH is on this for RLS, and at least in our state, we can never get more than 30 days supply. As someone else said, docs can give you 3 prescriptions at once, dating them appropriately, but IME it is rare that docs will do this.

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