
Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Post by pedrime »

Hi everyone-

I've had the good fortune of no symptoms for about 18 mos, thanks to .125 of Mirapex. Now, I have to take Prevacid for 14 days for gastritis.

The question for all you experts is: I'm on day 2--wondering if my ferritin level will crash over the next 12 days or if that's too short a timeframe for me to have to worry about it.

Thanks & I hope most of you are finding some kind of relief--I know I am very blessed and feel so badly for anyone suffering.


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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I wouldn't worry about it. Those meds do cut down absorption of iron, so over the long haul it can be a problem. Many people manage to absorb enough iron anyway. And it takes a long, long time to deplete your iron stores.

It's great to hear that you're getting relief from your RLS!

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Post by Sleuth »

I am in a state of shock. I have been taking Prilosec every night for two years now. Could that be contributing to my RLS symptoms?


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Post by pedrime »

Thanks Susan!

And Dale--from what I researched, seems like acid reducers/ inhibitors frequently cause RLS problems.

That is what I hate so much about our condition--we have to consider the RLS exacerbation issue before starting any med. And of course we usually do our own research rather than humiliate ourselves by asking the prescribing dr 'will this affect my restless legs' as they glare at you, laughing.

Thank God for this site!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Dale, it could have kept you from absorbing iron, but you had to have the RLS gene to begin with and probably low ferritin. Ferritin takes years to drop in people who don't have RLS (unless they are bleeding somewhere). In some people if they had the infusion you had, they'd never have low ferritin again.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by pedrime »

That's good to know. Now I am (personally) not so worried in case I have to take this stuff any longer than 14 days. RLS gene--scary. I hope none of my 3 kids inherited mine.

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Post by Polar Bear »

I take omeprazole and understand that this does not affect rls.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Not sure if I spoke correctly above now that I think about it. You obviously don't "have" to have the gene because they think only about 50% of us do. But, you do have to have low ferritin; either your body tends to that or you're losing blood some where as I understand it. For many of us with RLS, we just have it low for some reason and even with transfusions it's hard to keep it high.

Related to that, Dr B said that doctors are now starting to move the ferritin higher - at least 75, better if you hit 100. I can't get higher than 30, lol.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Wayne »

Interesting about acid reducers as I take Zantac75 pretty much daily due to a slight acid reflux problem.

My iron level was checked earlier this year and was around 85 or so. The acid reducers didn't seem to affect my iron. But does it really contribute to RLS? That never occurred to me. I know antihistamines are mentioned frequently.

I think I'll go off the Zantac for a while and see.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

The acid reducers are all antihistamines, so I suppose it is possible that they can aggravate RLS. But it's usually the sedating antihistamines that worsen RLS, and the acid reducers are non-sedating.

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