Side effects: Add Yours to Create a Complete List

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Side effects

Post by sleepdancer »

I had not seen this thread before so I'm glad it has resurfaced. Looks like I've got some reading to catch up on. :)

Most of my side effects would pretty much mirror what others have reported, but one I've not heard mentioned before, so thinking it's not likely to be in the previous pages, I'll list it.

I was on a pretty high dose of Mirapex at bedtime for both RLS and PLMD. This was when I had the extremity of flailing PLMD movements shown in my video. I had been considering weaning off the Mirapex and trying something else, but had been delaying because I knew how difficult transitions can be. Well, I had bus tickets to go out of town, and being as scattered as I was with little sleep for years, I was unable to get to the pharmacy to pick up my refill before leaving town. Thought I would have the script transferred to a pharmacy in the town where I was going, but it seemed like so much hassle, after 3 days without it I decided to bite the bullet and just quit the medicine and see the doctor about a change when I got home.

About 5 days into my visit I developed a bizarre problem. Was with the grandkids at the park but was in so much pain I was miserable and couldn't watch them play, which consisted of them jumping off high flying swings, leaping of stone walls, all the active things kids do at parks. My pain was bizarre in that every time I saw an impact, like when a kid jumping off a wall hit the ground, I felt like I'd been kicked between the legs and the pain seared up thru my abdomen. I couldn't watch sports on TV, Funniest Video shows (many bloopers involving accidents) - anything that involved an impact I had to quickly close myes or turn my head to avoid the pain.

Returned home and saw the neurologist in about a week. I was embarrassed, but explained this odd development to him. Without hesitation he said, "That's because you went off the medicine abruptly." I did at some point go back on the med, gradually increase the dose, then wean off the med (as recommended), interspersed with sleep studies to evaluate my legs without and with the med.

During that time I did some research and saw that a glitch between two sensory systems is called synesthsia. I'm guessing that's what I was experiencing. That was a few years ago. While the intensity and frequency of the pain had gradually lessened, it is still there. At times I still flinch or jump when it unexpectedly happens. Anybody else had this happen?

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

I haven't heard of this but it sounds pretty distressing
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by badnights »

Only the side effects that were enough to make me stop the drug, except for the insomnia caused by the opiods, which I tolerate somehow.

ropinirole (Requip)
severe augmentation

pramipexole (Mirapex)
intolerably sleepy next day

  • good, not strong enough
  • insomnia and strong desire to focus on awake tasks despite overwhelming tiredness
gabapentin (Neurontin)
  • mood swings, very sensitive to small differences in time of ingestion
  • blank depressed moods in which I planned suicide, lasted for 2-3 days
was not on long enough

hydromorph contin
  • insomnia and strong desire to focus on awake tasks despite overwhelming tiredness
  • daytime sleepiness? this is something new and I don't know if it's the HM or the zopiclone
pregabalin (Lyrica)
  • absolutely intolerable sleepiness next day
  • did nothing for the symptoms
clonazepam (Klonopin)
intolerable sleepiness next day

zopiclone (Imovane/Zimovane)
  • consolidates my sleep nicely with no side effects except...
  • daytime sleepiness? this is something new and I don't know if it's the HM or the zopiclone

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Location: Northwest Territories, Canada

Post by badnights »

levo-carbidopa (Sinemet)
can't tell if I get side-effects because I only use it to supplement the HM (when my late-afternoon symptoms cause loss of concentration, or when nighttime breakthrough happens when it's too late to take more HM or I've already taken my max)

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