re: /Gabapentin

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re: /Gabapentin

Post by Betty/WV »

I just read where the FDA has given its ok for gabapentin enacarbel to be used for RLS/EKD. Isn't gabapentin generic for neurontin???? And that has been used for a long time for RLS/EKD. Or is it that it has been used but never been oked by the FDA

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Post by ViewsAskew »

It is a version of gabapentin, but a time release version.

What's new is that gabapentin was never approved as an RLS drug; we only had the two dopamine agonist drugs approved. Now we have three drugs approved for RLS.

Hopefully more to come....and soon!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by badnights »

I's different from gabapentin/Neurontin not only in that it's a sustained-release version but also in that it's a prodrug, which means it only turns into gabapentin after it gets absorbed into your body (your body actually metabolizes the prodrug and produces gabapentin as a metabolite). Gabapentin is erratically absorbed, the prodrug is absorbed more consistently.

janie black
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sustained release gabapentin

Post by janie black »

bethf wrote:I's different from gabapentin/Neurontin not only in that it's a sustained-release version but also in that it's a prodrug, which means it only turns into gabapentin after it gets absorbed into your body (your body actually metabolizes the prodrug and produces gabapentin as a metabolite). Gabapentin is erratically absorbed, the prodrug is absorbed more consistently.

After living most of my life on unsuccessfully on Clonazepam and finally adding carbidomide (sp) on top of that, I met someone 6 months ago who told me she has been taking Gabapentin and it works for her. Well, the minute I got home I called my doctor and had him prescribe it for me. I have not had one second of RLS since that day. My life is new after 54 years.
I have to take 300mg 3 times/day and it's a pain to set my alarm at midday and have it go off at work, not to mention having the pill with me in a pocket or whatever. I am interested in trying the sustained release but want to know if I will possibly see a difference in the drugs with this new drug not working as well. Maybe it has been working because I take my pill faithfully every 8 hours. (Just got out of yet another movie where I was able to sit the entire time!!!!) Has anyone tried the new drug and noticed a difference in the efficacy? Janie B

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Post by Chipmunk »

Janie, did you have painful or non-painful RLS/EKD? I'm really happy for you that you have found something that works for you!

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Post by cmistaya »

I will put up a warning about Gabapentin. I had been on it for months, with it slowly being inresed to having hit 2400 mg a day. I notied about the time I was on 3 a day (900mg) my ankles started swelling. I didn't think it all that unusul because I did have an issue with swelling ankles a couple years ago when I quit smoking with chantix. Dr. couldn't figure it out but eventually it went a way. That is when my Dr, deided to send me to a Nuerologust and he inreased it to 4 a day. He had me on some other med Tegretol (side effets were horrible)and got off that fast. So he increased the Neurontin to 2400mg a day and put mme on Klonopin. This mix really helped me a lot. I rarely had my RLS at up. Beause I am new with my Neurologist I am going through all these tests to rule things out. One was a glucose tillerene test. One of the test seemed off so He had me out to Arthritis Dr. Long story short nothing there but he said he notied when He first saw me I looked bloated. Then he saw my ankles. He looked at my chart again and saw how muh Neurontin I was on and said this was probably the cause. One if the side affcts of Neurontin is swelling of the body and he said he could see it. Now I can only have 2 a day and it is telling on me. My RLS is kiking up bad. I dug around in my cabinet and found 3 Viodin that I hope (doubt) will get me through the weekend. Obviously most probably won't react to Neurontin but just though I would put it out there just in case someone does.

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Post by badnights »

Well, on that note, there is an increased risk of suicidality while on Neurontin. I had it happen to me. It wasn't on the label when I started taking it, but it was by the time I stopped. If you know of the risk, which is pretty small, you will be more likely to recognize it if it happens to you, and therefore be able to deal with it in some manner other than killing yourself.

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Post by Laurachrissy »

cmistaya wrote:I will put up a warning about Gabapentin.
Thanks, because I have the same issue and I just quit the med. yesterday. I even have bags under my eyes. I started walking an extra 12 miles a week for the past two weeks and have gained 6 pounds.....I am livid :evil: Oh, Bethf this stuff makes me irritable...any one else get fussy/irritable besides what Bethf described while taking this stuff?!?

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Post by Andreadrea »

The main side effect I have from gabapentin is RLS/EKD! I am a weird person who often has paradoxical effects of medications. I first experienced RLS after starting gabapentin 10 years ago. The problem is, gabapentin is such an effective mood stabilizer/antidepressant augmenter that I can't go off it. It cracks me up that it is a treatment for EKD, cause it is the opposite for me.

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Post by Wayne »

cmistaya wrote: have gained 6 pounds.....I am livid :evil: Oh, Bethf this stuff makes me irritable...any one else get fussy/irritable besides what Bethf described while taking this stuff?!?

I take 900mg per day in 3 doses. Don't get irritable, just a general drowsy feeling through late morning to early afternoon.

No weight gain issues either.

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Post by kay3914 »

I also had a negative reaction from gabapentin that seemed to make my RLS worse. I had been taking Mirapex 0,25 every other night.

I have chest pain from surgery I had three years ago and three months ago developed tendinitis in one arm.

I started taking gabapentin for the pain and it worked better than anything else I had used. Unfortunately, it caused me some balance problems but worst of all, my RLS got worse until I needed Mirapex every night. I am stopping the gabapentin except for when the pain is really great.

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Post by badnights »

How unfortunate that you have to make that choice! And how paradoxical, that some people who have used gabapentin for pain had it worsen their EkD/RLS.

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Post by Laurachrissy »

What about hairloss?
RLS sux

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I have had some success with gabapentin as far as calming my RLS. I recently have been taking it again because I take Xyrem at night for narcolepsy and get wicked rebound RLS in the morning, along with some crazy anxiety for a bit. I had some gabapentin around and decided to try one in the morning and it has done wonders for both the anxiety and the RLS.

My problem with gabapentin, and it seems to be a common problem, is that it takes ever increasing doses for it to keep working. And at a certain dose, my hands and legs start to swell. I had my appointment with Dr. B last Friday and talked it over with him and he's OK with me taking it, but we decided to switch to Lyrica instead. A tiny dose of that helps me and it doesn't have to be increased all the time like gabapentin. I haven't filled the prescription yet because I'm on vacation, but I'm hoping that will do the trick. Nothing like waking up in the morning with panic attacks and crazy RLS!

I never had mood issues with the gabapenin. I had the opposite of mood problems. It could change me from angry and frustrated into being totally silly and giggly. Now it just mellows me out. I do have balance issues with it, but those ease up over time.

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Post by doety »

Hi: I just saw this. Dr. B told me to slowly substitute Lyrica for the Methadone I'm on. I've just weaned myself off clonazepam (I took it forever, started when every doctor gave it to every RLS patient). It's been 7 days, and I'm so happy to be off it. Gives me hope that I can get off Methadone. Dr. B gave me a bunch of samples. I'm going to let my body stabilize for another week, then I'll start the Lyrica. You said you only took a little bit. Pls. give me any info about it, if you could pls.

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