On my third medication--need advice!

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Re: On my third medication--need advice!

Post by ViewsAskew »

We get through those rough times, even though when we're in them we can't imagine how we will.

I used to hate them; after several of them lasting months each, I am now almost phobic of them. When I have a bad day or two, I act as though my life is ending! Then I remember my grandmother who didn't have one day of respite for about 40 years!

jaded, it sucks. All there is to it. Do try to remember that you have a LOT of things left to try. From other individual drugs to combinations of drugs, there still is likely a solution for you. It may not work forever and it definitely won't be fun finding it....but it very likely exists.

For now, ignore anyone who comments about how you look. And if someone asks, just say you'd rather not talk about it right now. It's no ones business unless you want to share.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: On my third medication--need advice!

Post by Betty/WV »

Wow, are we all a mess or what? I had WED/RLS for approx. 20 or 30 years before I even knew what was wrong with me. My daughter came home one day with an article entitled "NightWalkers", she said "Mom this is you". That was my first time having an idea what was wrong with me. So I started investigating and came across rls.org one night by mistake. I was walking the floor crying because I was so tired and couldn't even lie down. Standing at the computer trying to find help with this Restless Legs Syndrome thing. I found this site and vented, boy did I vent. And I got the most encouraging, supportive posts, and found so much help with meds etc. That was 8 years ago. I am now on Mirapex .125mg. twice a day and it helps so much. Not perfect, I still have episodes but not like before. I have a prescription for Vicodin for emergencies. I hope you find relief. I know what it is like. It is just a trial and error thing until you find something that helps. I have been on so many different meds. and to so many different doctors. Keep trying. Don't give in to this monster, RLS.
Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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Re: Back at square one :(

Post by Chipmunk »

jadedsmile1314 wrote:Broke out in nasty hives from the Neurontin. Neuro Dr. said to give it a few days to calm down and then apparently try something else. No sure what that something else is. At this point I think a baseball bat would be cheaper and more effective. Sorry to vent, but I'm just so disgusted. It's going to be a long couple of days punching my legs into submission, doing flips and wondering how many muscles I'll pull each night. I'm definitely feeling like a lab rat. Again, I am so sorry to vent--I feel like I'm preaching to the choir. Need to compartmentalize this stuff or, yup I'll probably lose what's left of my head.
Thanks for the info Deb. Probably should not have put all my eggs in one basket as they say. What else can I say except at this point I am getting desperate and the makeup isn't coming close to covering the bags under my eyes. Family and friends tell me just about everyday that I look miserable. What can I say? I don't want to be on this road, why bring them along for the ride? Sleep deprivation seems to be just how it is now for me. Thankfully, after many years I have a strong tolerance for stress. Guess I can cling to that in the meantime. I've come to know(mainly from everyone on here) that there is many things to try and hope they work. But, I'm starting to lose hope and starting to just scream mercy.

I'm sorry. You WILL find something that works eventually.

I would think the next thing to try would be Lyrica, and then if side effects are an issue, ask about Lamictal (lamotrigine). It's not something commonly prescribed so doctors don't often have it in their heads, but it's an anti-seizure med that has helped me when I couldn't take gabapentin.

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Re: Back at square one :(

Post by ViewsAskew »

Chipmunk wrote:
jadedsmile1314 wrote:Broke out in nasty hives from the Neurontin. Neuro Dr. said to give it a few days to calm down and then apparently try something else. No sure what that something else is. At this point I think a baseball bat would be cheaper and more effective. Sorry to vent, but I'm just so disgusted. It's going to be a long couple of days punching my legs into submission, doing flips and wondering how many muscles I'll pull each night. I'm definitely feeling like a lab rat. Again, I am so sorry to vent--I feel like I'm preaching to the choir. Need to compartmentalize this stuff or, yup I'll probably lose what's left of my head.
Thanks for the info Deb. Probably should not have put all my eggs in one basket as they say. What else can I say except at this point I am getting desperate and the makeup isn't coming close to covering the bags under my eyes. Family and friends tell me just about everyday that I look miserable. What can I say? I don't want to be on this road, why bring them along for the ride? Sleep deprivation seems to be just how it is now for me. Thankfully, after many years I have a strong tolerance for stress. Guess I can cling to that in the meantime. I've come to know(mainly from everyone on here) that there is many things to try and hope they work. But, I'm starting to lose hope and starting to just scream mercy.

I'm sorry. You WILL find something that works eventually.

I would think the next thing to try would be Lyrica, and then if side effects are an issue, ask about Lamictal (lamotrigine). It's not something commonly prescribed so doctors don't often have it in their heads, but it's an anti-seizure med that has helped me when I couldn't take gabapentin.

Tracy, what side effects, if any, do you experience with the Lamictal? And, do you take it alone or with anything?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: On my third medication--need advice!

Post by Chipmunk »


The only side effect I have noticed from the Lamictal is retaining a slight bit of water overnight. I take 100 mg at bedtime with water and I'm often unable to get my wedding ring on in the morning but can do it easily a couple hours later. Water retention was my main issue with the gabapentin. I would retain so much water and then when I was lying prone it would be filtered out and I would have to use the bathroom 3-4 times a night. Hardly helpful when sleep is what you are after. Lamictal is much better in that respect - I only have to use the bathroom during the night if I drink a bunch of water before I go to bed, and I would expect that anyway.

Oh, I have also noticed my skin is more oily. Apparently it is a relatively common side effect of the med. I was already on doxycycline and retin-a for acne (from the adderall, I think, although it could be changing hormones) so it's not a big deal for me.

Lamictal is used sparingly because in certain people it can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome - starts as a rash and then every skin cell in your body peels off. But as long as you titrate up slowly, and stop the med at the first sign of a rash, you're fine.

I'm very happy with it.

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Re: On my third medication--need advice!

Post by ViewsAskew »

Huh - well, you know a lot about it and it's working - all good things. Hope it stays working for a long time.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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