Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

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Polar Bear
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

I am so glad I didn't restart the mirapex. I was so close to doing so. I had a good night. I've had a few symptoms here and there, but they haven't been bad. I've been able to rub them away or with a little heat or in the tub for a little while. I don't have to pace. Last night I slept from 1 to 5:30, woke up to go to bathroom. Slept again from about 6 to 8:30. Then again until 12:30. I'm also loosing weight. I can tell that my appetite is not as bad and eating less. Sleep is a wonderful thing. Other people take it for granted.

Polar Bear
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

Isn't it great what some sleep will do, how our outlook can become more positive.
I am cheering for you.
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by rthom »

jealous! lol-lol-lol Great news--keep it up, i hope you get more catch-up sleep. :mrgreen:

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by jakesmom »

I had to restart Mirapex; at least until I can find a new doctor. The patch was making my heart race and gave me horrible insomnia.

Never thought I would congratulate someone for sleeping but then again I was one of the ones who took it for granted. Ya don't appreciate what you had til it's gone. Sleep on debbluebird, sleep on!!!!!

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Betty/WV »

debbluebird: Your recent post sounds so encouraging. The first post I read from you sounded like some of my posts, when I was venting. What have you done to cause the great change, sleeping, losing weight etc. I have taken Mirapex for a few years now, gained lots of weight and am exhausted all the time. Eat and sleep all the time but still tired. I am so tired of living this way , right now my legs are not feeling so good. Even though the Mirapex does help a lot. I deal with so many issu es, WED/RLS, arthritis,heart problems,of course depression, age, thats enough to be depressed about. Family, and friends just can't understand me. They don't understand why I don't socialize much anymore, things I used to be very active in, now I have slowed down a lot. I've tried explaining to them but they don't get it. How do I explain that because of the arthritis, I can't walk very much. My weight holds me back too, I look terrible and the weight makes the other issues worse. The last time I went to a movie I had to stand up by the wall for most of it. I can't ride in the car for very long, I have fallen asleep driving, 3 times. So I didn't drive for almost a year. I am driving again but only short distances. So, I don't even give explanations any more as to why I am not participating in events. No one understands anyway. Except maybe my husband. And it took him a long time to understand. I am venting again. But at least, since I found this site, I can babble away, and know you all know where I am coming from. Some of you are worse off than me and I feel for you all. I just feel like hiding in a corner, away from the world. Sorry to be so negative, its one of those morning. Wish you all peace and a good nights sleep. Good for you Debbluebird, wish you more success in fighting this monster.

Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

Yesterday my WED and PLMD were pretty bad, (but I've had worse). Today and this evening I haven't had any. I'm sitting here relaxing and no symptoms are starting, unlike yesterday. The only difference that I can see is that I exercised yesterday. I went to water aerobics. I go again tomorrow, and I will see if there is a trend.

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by badnights »

Hi Betty - you sound a little depressed again. It's good to hear from you, though too bad things are still off-color. I wish things would get better, but how nice that hubby is being supportive. It can make all the difference!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

I believe that I'm probably past the augmentation. Here is what's been happening. I have good days and not so good days, but they aren't as bad as they used to be. I'm able to live through it with rubbing my leg, applying heat or getting into a hot bath. Last night they just seemed to come and go. The day time is pretty good. I'm still on the methadone and gabapentin. I add tramadol here and there opposite of the methadone.
I am so grateful for this site and the people here who contribute and monitor everything

Polar Bear
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

This is good news, I dearly hope that it continues to improve :)
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