The trouble with opiods

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The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

I find the opiods I take to be the most effective of anything. However every so often I get something go wrong as it has now and then I end up surprised and without the waiting for the hell to come is horrible and ridiculous.
I have tried to make my Dr's apt for a month and am not able to get one till aug 6. My dr is away for 2 weeks and when she returns is not available till then. I'm just screwed. Life is hard enough on so little sleep but to take the little bit f sanity I get (the opiods don't work great just better than anything else), ...
I was told to go to a clinic (they don't prescribe opiods--usual protocol), but I am being prescribed it for a non protocol use so even if they did they wont, I know this from research, experience and other Dr's filling me in. I don't know what to do, it sucks.
This is the problem with getting unusual strategies--if anything goes wrong you are left to deal with the lack of it or withdrawl etc...
I don't mean to sound neg but this is going to suck------I don't have enough to peter off, only about enough for 2 days.

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by Polar Bear »

I wonder if I have heard previously of a sufferer being in dire straits without medication and going to the ER for help.
Can't be certain of this.

It seems dreadful that you can be left without a doctor because of holidays, don't they employ a locum for cover.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

She uses a collegue in the same office but he does not give out opiods for any reason--we've had this discussion and my dr agrees that it is his choice. Actually he caused damage to my back the last time I saw him (herniated 2 disks and tore cartilage being really rough--I am not comfortable seeing him and he will day no anyway)

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by ViewsAskew »

If all she has to do is write it, why can't she do that when she gets back? It doesn't help you now, but waiting until August just isn't right.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

That was my point/problem with it. The office does not allow it. You have to have an appointment, they do not give messages (or do email at all) so if you do not know they are on holiday (than how would you unless they tell you on the last visit--which they do not), it is the office protocol sh.. I told them about the withdrawal (may or may not happen--I guess I'm about to find out), it's just not their problem and because I can see a dr at the clinic it's not keeping them up at night. I so hate this. It's not fair that they can make choices and then hose choices become my fault--like I'm doing wrong. It's about the opiod thing. I appreciate that she will help by prescribing it but hate that there is no option for carry through.

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

I'm hurting really bad right now because my meds are for both pain and the WED and I''ve cut back for a couple of days, but I have a hard time deciding on what to take and when--how much pain to endure. I had to deal with another very large dog (in excess of 120 lbs) today, to keep a vet from getting ate while he checked it over but the pain from the dog and lack of meds makes it virtually impossible for me to be and keep others safe. It's hard to calm a dog if you are stressed from pain etc.. You get the point.

Polar Bear
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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by Polar Bear »

I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. Without medication it's down to the non pharm stuff, hot baths/ cold baths etc.
I have no answers to this but just want to let you know that I'm rooting for you !!
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by debbluebird »

I'm so sorry for you mess. My only suggestion is that with the next script have her write for one more tab a day. In other words, if you take three a day, have her write for four a day. Then save the extra one for this type of situation. I did this with my methadone and I'm about four months ahead. I guess you will have to go to the emergency room if it gets too bad for you. :(

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

I'll try if I need to but it takes 10-12 hrs to get in here (you might remember from the leg/dog bite thing) and they don't give meds like mine there--they keep commenting on me getting off the opiods whenever I've been there. It'll be a no as my pain med dr that does my back shots says they don't do that there and if anyone would he would (he knows/ trusts me and agrees with my treatment plans but will not help as it is crossing a line about who takes care of what). So everyone (except my Dr) is covering their butts. This is why the thread--my dr is not and often I'm lucky--just not now.

About the idea of the dr giving me 1 more than usual--it would be a great idea but this is also part of the problem. I always had a stash (the dr knew and was ok said most did) --2wks but over the last yr it got depleted due to everything getting worse and hardships. Anyway the Dr prescribes the most she can as is but it is 10 a day. I take 12 a day (2 an hr) and because I'm up all night most I need it to be that way in order to just put up with life trials. So in order to make up the rest on a 2 month supply I return for a script after 6 weeks. This allows me (with her knowledge) to get a full days drug and her to not write it. It's a fine line but what else do we do with the laws the way they are.

Long story short I cannot make a supply now as I currently need ore than I have and no way to get it earlier or more. It's been a long year.

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by ViewsAskew »

I really wish they'd figure out how to prevent addiction....then no one would care about these drugs and we'd be able to get what we need.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

That's exactly what needs to happen, or get a test that they would trust--to prove one way or the other. My meds are so light in the opiods chain that after taking it for the time that I've taken it--they nearly have no effect, just the easing of my weird feelings etc. (WED stuff), so to have to go through it like this is really ridiculous. My Dr should not have to go through this crap either. I'm on so little by choice (which is why she is ok with everything)--she wants me on more but I don't get enough good vrs the negative effects so I keep myself on a very minimal dosage--it's a quality of life thing.
We all have to choose about the bad stuff we can tolerate--for me it's lack of control in my brain--so I can't do drugs or drink a lot etc. I never could because I hate the feeling of being out of control. So, I have to put up with my WED symptoms more than others in order to keep my mental health. I hate it, but it's life, and we al have to struggle with these questions at some point.

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by badnights »

This is shitty, Randy. I can see why you're upset. I hate being tied down by my need for a medication that other people abuse. I can't work in a different country, I can't take a holiday without planning in advance with doctor and pharmacy; but at least - at least!! - other doctors in her office will cover for my doctor if she's away, and will prescribe what she has been prescribing. To not do so verges on criminal. Unless your dose has been escalating, no NO doctor, in ER, in clinic, anywhere, should block you from medication that provides relief from a nightmare none of them could probably live a day of.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by rthom »

That's what I think, but it is so different here. Unfortunately where I live was for years (don't know if it still is) said to be the worse drug problem of the country or province (can't remember which) and I wonder how much of their attitude has to do with this. But because I have not hear much different from others I'm left to assume it's pretty much the way it is in our province at least.
It's not just the WED that I feel that way about. it the chance of having a bad withdrawal (any chance it'll drive my BP up? ) I've heard it can be dangerous. So shouldn't that be enough to warrant a stabilizing thing of sorts even if I had to pick it up daily? Yah not their concern---they are at home asleep right now.

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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by badnights »

Withdrawing from opioids can be dangerous if done too quickly. Nausea, diarrhea, and akathesias... the latter might not be distinguishable from WED sensations.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: The trouble with opiods

Post by ViewsAskew »

badnights wrote:Withdrawing from opioids can be dangerous if done too quickly. Nausea, diarrhea, and akathesias... the latter might not be distinguishable from WED sensations.

Beth, do you think an ER in Canada would give someone opioids to prevent a nasty withdrawal? The symptoms could be severe and last for awhile. Maybe a doctor would give enough of a supply to at least get the doctor back in town.

Given that the doctor knows they situation you are in, rthom,I can't imagine how she couldn't fit you in at the start or end of her day, even if there are no official openings.

What would happen if you showed up one morning and said you were really ill and need to see her? Would they try to fit you in? I know the better doctors I've had would.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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