On methadone, need quick fix...

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On methadone, need quick fix...

Post by Joanie60 »

Hey guys,

I am on methadone (10mg in morning, 5 mg in evening) and I LOVE IT!! Best coverage ever (I have symptoms 24/7) with no mood swings or other side affects. However, when I forget to take the morning pill, like this morning, and only remember because symptoms are raging, I know it will take at least three hours of hell before relief kicks in. The key, for me, is to stay just ahead of symptoms. So as soon as the "tingle" starts, I take my morning pill. In theory.

Does anyone have an idea for a "quick fix" for this situation? I end up in tears, waiting for the meds to kick in. It's just awful. It also reminds me to be grateful that I DO have meds but .....




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Re: On methadone, need quick fix...

Post by SnOman »

Kratom works for me, red Borneo for night white Borneo for day. It works in 20-30 min for me. I am on tramadol extended release and face your same issue daily, except I think the tramadol wears off in about 18/20 hrs, and takes about 5-6 to start helping RLS symptoms. I can't just take the tramadol early or I would run out before I could refill. I also use kratom for breakthrough symptoms even when the tram is in full effect. I would imagine if you used it while waiting for methadone to kick in you would be ok because it only lasts 3-4 hrs for me.
HOWEVER, I am NOT a DOCTOR and I know from reading here methadone has a very long 1/2 life and is in your system even when not effective for symptoms. It is also much stronger than tramadol... Kratom does work quickly for me and wear off quickly also. If I was going to try it in your situation, I would try in the day when not planning to sleep in case it had an effect on breathing. From what I have read, kratom does not effect breathing as much as most opioid meds. Please be careful, I posted because I thought it could help, but it could potentially harm.

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Re: On methadone, need quick fix...

Post by Joanie60 »

Thank you! Warning noted. I have some kratom which I ordered a while ago but got concerned about mixing it with methadone so I have not used it yet. The breakthru symptoms happen in the morning, which would be a much better time to try it....I would be wide awake in case there was an issue.

Or perhaps I need to set an alarm and just take the pill every day at 10 instead of waiting for the "tingle". The only time this seems to happen is on the weekend when I am running around. During the week, sitting at a desk, I can count on noticing the symptoms as soon as they start :-)


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Re: On methadone, need quick fix...

Post by ViewsAskew »

I use an alarm. One on my computer, one on my phone. So, hopefully I am either by my computer or somewhere where my phone is. I used to have a clip on alarm that I kept by me before the phone.
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Re: On methadone, need quick fix...

Post by Joanie60 »

Good idea! My phone is ALWAYS within 3" of me :-)

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Re: On methadone, need quick fix...

Post by badnights »

I use my phone. I'd be in deep trouble without it. It's not infallible tho - - tonight I just shut off my alarm and continued what I was doing without taking my meds - noticed 1.5 hr later. Now I have to stay up even later :(
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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