Is physical pain in legs common

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Is physical pain in legs common

Post by Stainless »

Since I quit klonopin 4 months ago I have had psychical pain in my thighs almost every day. It is like I jogged many miles further than normal. In fact I have jogged very little over lately. I would describe it as a sharp pain at bone level in the middle front of the thigh. I mean physical pain as opposed to this overwhelming urge to move I think of as RLS. Walking or hot baths are the only things that help.

I think it may be from periodic limb movement at night. I plan to video myself to see. I just keep thinking it will go away. Like RLS I have good days and bad. The pain was there while taking nothing or today on ropinerole and gabapentin but I never remember it while on klonopin. Thanks

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Re: Is physical pain in legs common

Post by ViewsAskew »

A side effect of ropinerole is pain - and it's one where you need to tell the doctor. If you were not using ropinerole when you used clonazepam, this theory makes sense. If you did use ropinerole then, it could have just started.
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