Question about Ropinerole and Stress

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Question about Ropinerole and Stress

Post by Caldwell »

This is my first time "discussing", so bear with me. I am on Ropinerole 2 pills/day - one mg, & don't know if this is the correct dosage - like, what does everyone else use? My RLS has worsened, comes on now during the day, & gives me no peace at night. I'm exhausted! I had major spinal surgery on June 20th; seems as though the RLS has worsened since. To add to my distress, my young son died one month later - I only mention this, not for sympathy, but to ask if stress increases RLS. I live in Ontario, where it seems the physicians have no awareness of RLS.
Any advise please?

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Question about Ropinerole and Stress

Post by Madmom02 »

Caldwell, you might want to repost your message under its own subject by starting a new topic so it doesn't get missed by anyone.

Please accept my sympathies on the loss of your son. That is a terrible thing to have to deal with. I think that stress does make RLS worse but that's just me saying that. I don't have any proof.

I'm new to Ropinerole so I can't help you with that either but there are people on this board who can offer reassurance and suggestions.

Wishing you peaceful sleep. And, please post your questions as a new topic - you'll get help.

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Re: Question about Ropinerole and Stress

Post by Rustsmith »

Caldwell, my condolences for the loss of your son.

For ropinerole, the recommended dose range is from 0.25mg to a max of 4mg per day. The average max is 1mg/day, so you are still within the guidelines but are on the high side of an average dose.

For RLS, there is a normal progression of the disease with age. That happens to most of us and my personal experience has been that the worsening can either occur so slowly that I did not notice it. However, I also experienced a step change at a significant life event where I went from moderate RLS to severe in a very short period of time.

Since you are taking ropinerole, there is also the potential issue of augmentation. Augmentation occurs with the dopamine agonist meds, like ropinerole and pramipexole. Augmentation is where your body starts to rely more and more upon the med, so you have to take higher and higher doses. Eventually you hit the max recommended dose for RLS and have to change to something else. This change can be very difficult, depending upon how your doctor manages the change. For more info on augmentation, take a look at the information in the Augmentation forum or at the messages in my signature.

As for the surgery and stress, yes those can aggravate your RLS. I do not know of any published info specifically about spinal surgery, but the experience of our members has been that surgery often seems to cause a worsening and it would be logical to expect that spinal surgery would be even worse.

As for the issue with your doctors, unfortunately the doctors in Ontario are not different from the doctors around the world. RLS was not included in the information that most of them received in med school. So their knowledge on the subject is usually limited unless they have taken the initiative to find out more - or actually have RLS themselves.

In addition to this site, the RLS Foundation has a lot of information that you might find useful. They are located at Some of their information is available to everyone, but they have a lot more that is available to their members. Membership is $35 (US or CAN)/yr.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Question about Ropinerole and Stress

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hugs to you - what a stressful time in your life.

Steve offered great tips and advice. Please do look into augmentation. It is a possibility - though as noted, stress and surgery alone could increase symptoms.

If you can get to Montreal, Dr. Montplaissir is a noted RLS expert...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Question about Ropinerole and Stress

Post by Caldwell »

Thank you for your replies & info. I'm having a wee bit of difficulty in navigating this site, where to go, how to reply, who answers etc.....all new to me. I'm here to learn & I'm grateful to have this. I would hope a "cure" isn't too far away, but in the meantime, it helps to know I'm not alone & I'm not insane. Well, maybe a little!!

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Re: Question about Ropinerole and Stress

Post by Polar Bear »

You will soon get used to navigating the site, it will become second nature.

How to reply ? You've already done so :)
Who answers a posting? Anyone can answer, the Moderators try and check when they can, and any member who feels they have something to contribute is free to make a post on a thread.

You are most definitely not alone.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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