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Re: Augmentation

Post by Caldwell »

My RLS is different from one day to the next, but does go in "runs" of 3-4 days of severe RL, then not so bad for a few. On the "not so bad" days, I cut down on the Ropinerole, from taking 2-1mg pills a day, to taking 1 or 1.5 pills. Is this a good way to handle my RL, or am I fooling myself? Oh, me of little knowledge! Is walking, or stretching beneficial......I.e., how can exercise help a neurological condition?

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Re: Augmentation

Post by Rustsmith »

Caldwell, I don't think that I can say that I have the regular cycles that you describe. However, I think that all of us would agree that we have good days and bad days. I know that if I forget to take my pills on time or if life simply gets into the way be changing my daily routine, then there is a good chance that I will have a difficult evening/night.

However, I have noticed that I experience a seasonal swing. My problems seem to be worse in the spring and fall. This could be due to the changing weather. It could also be that the pollen in the air is kicking my allergies into overdrive, which than triggers my RLS. I don't know which it is, but there is something different for me with the changing seasons.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Augmentation

Post by ViewsAskew »

Before mine was daily and always nasty, I might have several bad days, then a few days with nothing, then a bit - etc.

Exercise helps, but we're not sure why. The few studies that have been done showed that after a period of regular exercise that the majority in the study found their RLS had decreased. They suggested moderate aerobic activity.

As to the neurological part - we know so little about this condition. Many different parts of the body are implicated - I think it is a mischaracterization to say it's only neurological. Part of it is, certainly, but that isn't the whole story. Also, since there are multiple genes involved, many of us here believe that there isn't only one version of it, but rather several. That complicates things even more!

Have you had your hemoglobin and serum ferritin checked?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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