Prescription Refills

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Prescription Refills

Post by 2BassetMom »

I am again in the process of trying to refill my oxycodone. This is a monthly trial that I dread. I contact my PA through the patient portal in hopes the message is read and acted upon. So now I am sitting with 1 pill remaining in the bottle. I sent in another message. This is a tricky dance, if you will, trying not to appear too anxious but conveying the urgent need. If I take the pills as prescribed I invariably run out before the refill date. I can take it every 6-8 hours and some nights are so difficult that it is every 6 hours. I find I try to go beyond 8 hours in order to conserve the supply. This backfires of course in that the legs/pain is worse and takes longer to overcome. You all know the feeling. I have an appointment coming up on April 4th where I will share information I brought back from the quality care center at Scripps in La Jolla CA. My PA asked that I get whatever info I could. She is coming around to the fact that the rls triggers the pain in my hips and legs. I don't want to jeopardize this relationship. Before the opioid crisis" there wouldn't be this angst. I am feeling a bit grumpy and sad mainly from lack of sleep and a lack of response from the PA. It is good to have a place to go and express my frustration without judgment. Thanks.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by badnights »

Awww :(. What unnecessary stress and anxiety. Hopefully on Apr 4 she will upgrade your script - - why oxycodone? Why not oxycontin? The long-acting versions are so much better to get you through the night.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by 2BassetMom »

Yes! OxyContin is what my doctor at Scripps wants me on. It’s all in the paperwork I brought with me. This will be discussed at my appointment. Hopefully she will go along with Dr Poceta’s orders. Still no trsponse from my PA on my oxycodone. It could be a long night.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by badnights »

Blast it all. I wish people realized how non-productive we are when we can't sleep! And what torture it is to be kept from sleep by those symptoms. It's way worse than just having insomnia.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by 2BassetMom »

As predicted it was a long night. Still no response from the PA. I'll be messaging the doctor and ask her what I am supposed to do. I really dislike being put in this position. Really? Every time? Not acceptable. The medical profession has us over a barrel on the opioid meds.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by 2BassetMom »

I just got a call from the doctor's office telling me the prescription for oxycodone will be at my pharmacy within the hour. I'm good for another month. Lesson learned; call in a week before I am out instead of a few days.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by badnights »

Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by ViewsAskew »

I have to move (hopefully the final time for a year) and will need - again - to find a pharmacy. I am NOT looking forward to this, especially as I will be in downtown LA - not too far from skid row. My guess is that they have TIGHT regulations there because of the potential for abuse, reselling, etc. Hope I am wrong...

I am going to ask my Costco. I will have to drive to it, but maybe they will.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by Joanie60 »

Best of luck, Ann. I am lucky that my pharmacy fills my script every month without fail. I forget to be grateful for that!!


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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by ViewsAskew »

Thanks, Joanie. I forgot to ask yesterday when I picked up my other script. Darnit...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by 2BassetMom »

It's time for another refill on my oxycodone. I learned my lesson last month and I messaged my PA a week plus one day with the request. I mentioned the reaction I was experiencing on Requip, anxiety, and let her know that I stopped it because the anxiety was harder to deal with than the RLS. I also asked if she had been successful in getting the extended release oxycodone approved. Hopefully I will here from her in a timely manner. Since stopping the Requip I haven't had any anxiety attacks. The nights have been more difficult but I deal with that. I hadn't been on the Requip long enough to suffer withdrawal. It seems from past experience with DA's that I react rather quickly, augmenting, within 2 weeks. Maybe they aren't the best med for me. I would like to see what the ER oxycodone does. I have been trying a nightly swig of tonic water, about 1 cup worth on the recommendation of a friend whose son is a doctor. I told her I would give it a try. I can't believe the amount of people who seem to have the solution to RLS and need to share. I know they just care and want me to be over this. Most think it is something that we can get over. A bright spot, I found a fellow sufferer this past week and was so happy to be able to come along side her and give her hope. She was so glad to have someone to talk to who knew what she was going through.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by Joanie60 »

I have tried absolutely every single crazy "cure" that has been suggested to me. Mostly so I can say: thanks, I will try that/thanks, I have tried that. I'll confess though, a tiny part of me hopes that a bar of soap under my bedsheets will be the answer haha.

I am on Methadone because I didn't give extended release oxycodone enough of a try. I think it is wonderful because I only take it twice a day and have even you will with ER oxycodone. After being on 4 hour cycles of (relief---is-it-time-for-next-dose), the extended release version of oxycodone or methadone is like a miracle!!

I hope you hear back from PA quickly this month!!

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by 2BassetMom »

Joanie, Thanks for the encouraging word. I am in the 6-8 hour cycle is-it-time yet circle. If I go every 6 hours I run out of pills (why bother putting that time on?) 8 hours finds my legs dancing and back hurting. I'm hoping I'll get a chance to try the ER oxycodone.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by Yankiwi »

Joanie60 wrote:I have tried absolutely every single crazy "cure" that has been suggested to me. Mostly so I can say: thanks, I will try that/thanks, I have tried that. I'll confess though, a tiny part of me hopes that a bar of soap under my bedsheets will be the answer haha.

Me too, even though I'm the original skeptic. Last week I bought a jar of "REM Sleep" capsules for $32.90 (!) It is supposed to support natural/healthy sleep during sleep onset and maintenance. I took one at bedtime, woke up my usual two hours later and took two more, well within the recommended dosage. The rest of the night was like I was on speed, so $32.90 down the drain. I bought it against my better judgement, just hoping it would work.

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Re: Prescription Refills

Post by Joanie60 »

I have drawn the line on a $1000 "thing" my Doc has suggested. Alpha-Stim unit. Looks like a heck of a lot of time/work and seems to promise the world (RLS, pain, depression, anxiety). I am hoping to find a clinical trial haha. But $32.90? I would have done it. That is about what I spent on some hot-flash "cure" which, of course, did not "cure" anything except the seller's bank account!!

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