worsening symptoms after IV iron

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worsening symptoms after IV iron

Post by fuz_mind »

hi all

just wondering if people have experienced any worsening of symptoms after IV iron?

after 1 week of iv iron, the pain in my legs have increased. sleep is not great - i'm consistently up by 3-4am. having said that I wasn't in a gd shape before the IV iron

but now im worried about speaking to my neurologist about it - i can almost hear him say - increase the requip!

im not sure if my pain was so bad that it was affecting my concentration or if I'm so tired that my brain has stopped. but essentially, i forgot how to open the door in my office. i was just pushing and pushing against the door for a bit, trying to figure out if i have been locked in, ccontemplating calling security. luckily my colleague was around. n it turns out that i had totally forgotten that i had to press a button that will open the doors. it was kinda embarrasing but i'm more worried if my brain cells are dying or there's something wrong with my brain.

would appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this matter.... thank you!

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Re: worsening symptoms after IV iron

Post by stjohnh »

Not me. Usually no effects of IV Iron at all for at least a few weeks.

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Re: worsening symptoms after IV iron

Post by ViewsAskew »

I didn't notice anything for at least three weeks the first time, and about 11 weeks the second.
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