Mirapex class action lawsuit

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Mirapex class action lawsuit

Post by Pleasuredeal »

The purpose of this post is to capture information about a possible class action lawsuit by users of Mirapex or Pramipexole . The drug manufacturers did not give proper warnings about potential bad side effects from using this drug. I believe the drug was first sold In 1997 . In around 2005 the RX sheet included a warning about possible obsessions like gambling.
If you have not look at the current RX sheet , it now has a long list of possible side effects and it is still incomplete. It is too little too late.
AUGMENTATION being the worst of a long list of bad side effects: the drug will make your RLS condition worst forcing you to increase dosage and getting hooked on the drug . It may be too late before you find out you have augmentation because initially it does give you some relief . It’s very effective to mask the RLS symptoms .

This would be like if a pill would be effective with migraines but by taking the pill you will now get more migraines and they will be more painful so you need more pills which means more profit for the drug manufacturers and your pharmacist.

This board mission should include protecting its members from bad drugs and irresponsible pharmaceutical manufacturers

I realize most of us will not live long enough to see any money from a class action law suit but if the RLS Foundation might. If we get any money from this class action , part of it should go for research to CURE RLS , the pharmaceutical companies will only research for how to treat not cure RLS : this would like killing the goose giving gold eggs.

Can we get legal advice about how the members and the RLS Foundation could sue drug manufacturers for bad drugs?.
This may be more effective in helping members than finding new .. bad ... drugs to treat RLS .

Please use this post to share the information or expertise you may have about this subject .

Thank you .

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Re: Mirapex class action lawsuit

Post by Oozz »

I am also very interested in this topic.

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Re: Mirapex class action lawsuit

Post by frickets »

I too was led into augmentation as neither me nor my GP understood the risks of dosing and long-term Pramipexole use. I had started with a specialist, but years past and I let my primary care doctor take over my maintenance RX needs. It eventually became an untenable situation and I was in serious distress. I started seeing a specialist again and we worked through horrible withdrawal while finding a more suitable protocol. Moral of the story - RLS treatment is best served by a specialist.

Honestly, the information found on this forum did as much to help me through that time as my doctor. I wouldn't wish augmentation on my enemies. Anything that can be done to help sufferers and the people they rely on be more informed and prepared would be worth the effort.

Polar Bear
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Re: Mirapex class action lawsuit

Post by Polar Bear »

As a sufferer of 40 years I also augmented because of a GP who was inexperienced in treating Rls. I eventually found a specialist at 38 years in and by that time, using the information gained here, I had weaned off the offending ropinerole and found a working regime. My current GP is happier to have the support of the specialist in the use of opioid treatment.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation

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Re: Mirapex class action lawsuit

Post by Macadwel »

Did anything ever come of this? I would be interested in learning more!

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Re: Mirapex class action lawsuit

Post by Yankiwi »

Class action lawsuits seen enticing but each defendant usually ends up with about $15. Even then it can be in vouchers!

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