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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:57 pm
by ViewsAskew

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:24 am
by becat

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:22 pm
by tazzer
yes, please throw that question out, since i can't make to san antonio this year. i would love to hear what they have to say about it.


Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:54 am
by becat
You got it Babe! Consider it safe with me and done......but don't count on an answer LOL, not my fault. Wonder if I can pack that broom?
Hugs to you hon.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:19 pm
by becat
Thank you Lyndarae.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:21 pm
by lyndarae
NO NO Thankyou, I have learned alot in the last couple of days about myself and others. EMOTIONAL,hate anger,fear,doubt,sadness ect............. out of all of these feelings I choce love first because it is the one emotion I will hang onto for dear life the rest of them only make me and my rls worse. And I dont have time for that or the energy. I know first hand what the last couple of days has done to alot of people, and I have really dug deep to read and reread what everyone is saying and trying to do here. And I give a big thumbs up to you all, it is very clear to me that we all want the same thing here,new and old, I (will try to speak for myself) just want to be a part of and feel like I am adding something of value here, I dont try to educate people about rls because I still dont understand it enough to do so I know what I know for my rls, I am here for support only, and I will be the first to make amends to those I have left out and not welcomed. I am going to work harder at that. I just felt in my heart that maybe if a few old posts were pulled up it would give the people who wanted to read them a chance to get to know us oldtimers a little better and maybe a better understanding of why we are so bonded to each other, they made me laugh and cry and I think I should get on the honor roll for this LOL......NO kidding around here, why fix something that is not broken, change is good yes and it is time for some new people to step up to the helm and do some rowing, some new blood would be good. NO one person in here gets to make changes and rules for the rest of us, this board belongs to us all and we all get to make choices, and I believe that is what is happening here. What I post here is MY STORY and belongs to me, but I share it with everyone here I am an open book, but its my book, I dont want anyone changing my words or useing my story out of this forum. But I trust this forum and that is why I dont hold back my feelings, I did have some journalist dude pm me and ask to use some of my story for an acticle he was writting, the fact that he asked first made me contact him, since he has no idea who I am or what this place is he said some things that freaked me out, made me feel vialated, he had got some info from someone else, loose lips sink ships and I got news for ya FAMILY this one is not going down. But I went down for a while, left here not so happy about all I had shared about myself and who's hands it could get into. BUt then I realized that I am safe here and I have some more reading to do, maybe a book or two and I will educate myself on whats going on around me, so I dont have to feel scared to share. I guess I am just trying to say in this very long post(sorry) we are all just humans here in pain we have enough pain of our own, lets not cause each other more, I promise to think a little harder about how I post because I love ya'll and dont want to hurt any one in any way shape or fourm(get it) ha. I dont need a boss in here telling me what I can and cannot do, I know right from wrong, and have always liked the fact that I am free in here to express myself the best way I know how, and its great that there are those who take alot of time to keep those nasty trolls out of here to protect us all from them, THANKYOU and if you are still awake after reading all of this thankyou too. Everyone take a deep breath, look at the beauty outside your windows and have a wonderful day you are all in my heart and thankyou again for teaching an oldtimer some new lessons GOD BLESS ~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:25 am
by becat

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:39 am
by jan3213
Ahhh, Lynne

It is a mountain range, I'm afraid. I'm glad you talked to your GP last night. Really glad! Although, even though we try our hardest, sometimes our side of things doesn't come across--doesn't get through.

I'm praying for you--praying that things will work out all around. I hope you have a wonderful vacation and that you see your tiara. LOL

And, I hope you have a good visit with your new doc on Thursday. RLS sure does mess up a whole lot of things, doesn't it? Gee, I wonder what my life would be like if I had never heard of it? Oh, well, that's me and everyone else on here, isn't it?

You take care, my dear friend.


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:12 am
by becat
See my tiara, Honey I'm going to be wearing one when I go to see my beautiful crown jewels. :D :!:

I kid you not, I have the cutest 4$ tiara and yes I will wear it.

Somedays you have to entertain yourself!

I'll get my picture with it on next to the Guards! LOL


Yup and talked to my favorite PA from the RLS doc this morning. Everyone is up to date and dumbfounded as I am........but so what, maybe I should be with this new doc after all.

I'm glad I heard about RLS, I'd still bethinking I was crazy and alone.

But I know what you meant, me too. But as it is, life gives us "stuff" to deal with somewhere. At least I have a family here that understands. :wink: :D

I love you too!

Ta Ta,

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:25 pm
by becat
Prayers are answered and sometimes it's a quick yes!

I got to see my expert RLS doc today, and he's got me back on the right path. I thank him.

It may take a couple of days to settle in, but I'm totally cool now, at least for the trip. Yeah.

hugs to all,

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:55 pm
by KBear
Lynne, I am so happy for you, enjoy your trip you deserve it.


Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:31 am
by ctravel12
Oh Lynne Read some of the posts and was very interesting. It is getting late and wil continue some more this week.

You have a wonderful vacation and soooooooooooo glad that your rls dr got the right meds for you. I just know you will do just fine.

I want to see that picture.

Take care my dear friend and prayers are still coming your way and so far they have been answered and will continue to be.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:05 am
by becat
Thank you Kathy, and Ct........Ct you might need a snack, it's an old thread.
However, I really did think it was time to update it.......not only that, I wanted anyone new to know we all started out here in trouble and just had had enough of living this way.

It seems so hard to treat for so many of us, and there are more in my mountain range than I even know of, but I hope we all find each other and push, fight, and find our way through.

Yes, I hope all the greatest hopes I can now make it a great trip without having to fake a smile or stop everyone too many times for breaks.

All will be better, has too........right? :wink: :D

Love ya'll

my rls mountain

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:56 am
by ctravel12
Oh Lynne just finished reading this post. Took a few days but what an eye opener. I felt the wonderful support and love everyone had for each other. Thank you so much for bringing this post back. Lynne, I did not realize what you went through; however with the support of everyone posting was absolutely wonderful.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:19 am
by becat