Methadone Users

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Johns Hopkins is a very good place if you have RLS. Drs Allen and Earley have done much research - and still are. They are shining stars in our RLS sky.

I imagine that their work percolates through the rest of the organization and that all of Johns Hopkins patients are the better for it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Neco »


I'm so glad to hear that. I hope you don't have to take 100mg/day cause I'm not even sure if I would want to take that much, but I hope that eventually you find the right dose for you..

When/if you hit 30mg/day I would suggest trying to take three 10mg doses a day also. But whatever the case I am glad to hear your doctor is looking out for you.

Almost wish he was my doctor, cause I sure know I am looking at increases in the future.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Helen518 wrote:
So, long story short - HE will take good care of me. I won't chicken out of the IVF. AND everyone with RLS who can afford it should call Johns Hopkins Allergy & Asthma center for a good RLS doc!

Wow, 100 mg to get the RLS under control! And a doctor who will go there. That must be a huge load off your mind, Helen.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Zach, I think we can all agree with you on that. We need doctors like Helen's. There are precious too few of them around.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by woodsie357 »

Helen who do you see? I also go to John's hopkins in baltimore allergy and asthma clinic.
Someone cares about your sleepless nights

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Post by Spiticus »

Wow! 100mg and I can't get past 5mg.

I hope all goes well for you Helen. I'm sure it can be controlled.

I'm even more sure of it now. I just need to convince my doctor that going over 5mg isn't going to turn me into a junkie.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

It's hard to figure out how to do this dance with our doctors. When we go to them, we're in the circling the room stage, wondering if they might make a good partner.

Our first few visits, we see if they like the same dances we do, or can teach us how to dance more effectively. Do they lead? Can they follow if they need to?

This is a complicated dance, with steps that are unknown and unrehearsed. It makes it hard to know if you are doing it correctly in practice.

But, boy, it sure is a dance of beauty when it all comes together. It's easy to know that you are doing it right.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Spiticus »

Great analogy! One thing that might have something to do with this, is that my doctor is a psychiatrist. He treats me for other things and was the doctor who prescribed me loritabs in the first place (after a number of other medications like the anti-parkinsons, etc..). I wonder if he can only prescribe a certain dosage and that's all. Anyone know whether this might be an issue?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Not to my knowledge.

Certain states interpret laws differently or create laws that alter what the FDA decides. And, in some cases, only certain physicians are allowed to prescribe certain drugs - I believe it's Michigan where only certain types of clinics can prescribe methadone.

I haven't heard, however, of a doctor being limited to an amount. Then again, who knows. If it doesn't make sense and it's related to's likely to be true :roll:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, just remembered another part of my conversation with Dr Picchietti today.

He mentioned that the pendulum swings back and forth. With the recent addiction problems (very public ones) of Limbaugh, etc. and the very public deaths (think Heath) and the publicized deaths of people misusing these drugs, that the swing is just at the wrong place right now. It will go back, I imagine, but not before we suffer some consequences. I can only hope that the new policies toward medical marijuana infiltrate other parts of the government...

He also had some valid reasoning why doctors shouldn't be so afraid of prescribing, mostly related to the fact that opioids are used for pain and RLS can be painful, and more importantly that the medical research shows opioids to work effectively. So, unless a doctor was doing something stupid, like not following up or writing scripts without seeing the patient, etc. that the doctors have nothing to worry about.

Of course, that doesn't help us convince them...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Maria »

Here’s my too careless-for-words problem. I’m almost too embarrassed to admit to this lapse in self-management, but I’m desperate and sure hoping someone can offer a suggestion:

I left for a long week-end cross-continent trip to my mom. I ordinarily keep my medication packed in my travel stuff, but cleaned it all out after I started taking methadone. I even took out the emergency codeine I’ve always traveled with (pain happens). (Did I mention this was stupid?) But did I put in my methadone? No.

I had enough in my purse for two days. Now I have two nights to encounter with nothing. (My husband said it would cost $400 to send by Fed Ex next day air. Even so it would not arrive by tonight.).

How much trouble am I in? What can I expect? Any ideas about how to get through this?

I am taking 10 mg per day all at once. Symptoms typically okay if I’m on the move in the day. Night time untreated – whew!


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Post by Polar Bear »

Don't know how appropriate/inappropriate a suggestion this might be, but is it possible that any of mom's friends may use codeine or the like. Just to 'borrow' a few pills. Hope I'm not in trouble for suggesting this.

Another idea may be the hospital emergency room to get enough for a couple of nights.

Do you carry the Medical Alert Certificate listing your current medications.

This isn't a good spot for you, good luck.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, Maria. That is a pickle. Not that you want to be the example (nor do I want you do be), but that is a great reminder about packing and what we need to do. For example, what happens if your luggage is lost? Your purse stolen? I try to remember to carry twice what I need - one set in checked luggage and one set carried on me.

But, try to remember is operative...sometimes things don't work out as we plan.

I am assuming you are still in the country as you said cross continent. Being a saturday, not sure what would be open. You could try an emergency call to your physician and see if he could fax a script for something - it might not be methadone depending on law, but it could be a moderate opioid that you could take more of - to a local pharmacy.

Your pharmacy might also be able to help you in some way. A pain clinic or a methadone maintenance clinic also might help.

If you tough it out, you may have nothing more than sleeplessness due to the RLS. Once a day dosing, according to some doctors, and for some patients, doesn't cause dependence, so you might not have any withdrawal or increased symptoms at all.

I'll hope for one of the above scenarios.

And, truly, you are unique - so what happens to you may be different than what happens to me or someone else. Zach has had to go without at least once - he said it wasn't fun. Another member had a similar situation on vacation. She had a very hard time but in retrospect, she was attributing most of the hard time to her anxiety about the situation and that she was having a hard time in general at that time, so wasn't able to say how much was lack of drugs.

Oh, last thought....any relatives around with medicine cabinets? I'd NEVER tell you that you should take other people's medication, of course...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Neco »

Oh man... I don't know what coming off 10mg cold turkey is gonna do to you.. But my experiences with higher doses was very bad. Aches and pains PLUS the RLS..

Are you still in the USA?? Where are you visiting? There is no way in gods green earth, Fedex costs $400 overnight/second day.. Not for a package as small as a bottle with a couple Methadone Pills.. no fnarking way... I don't know if he just got an estimate and did something wrong - or they asked what he was shipping and they tried to jerk him around or something..

It shouldn't cost more than $50 I would THINK, to overnight something of that size.. If he talked to someone, etc then you should try having him go back with a box, already sealed up, put a teddy bear or something in it too, and pack the pills so they don't rattle.. then see what they say for overnight.. Try UPS Store also..

Be that as it may.. Do you have your doctors home phone number? If not, call the clinic and see if the answering machine gives it out... Explain the situation and ask if you can go to a hospital and have an ER doctor call him to get permission to give you a couple pills.

OR if you and your husband have camera phones, have him take a clear, close-up picture of your pill bottle, so that the text on it can be read. Ask an E.R doctor if they will look at the photo to verify that you HAVE a prescription, and if they will talk to your husband to also verify that it is at home.

You could also try asking the doctor about calling the pharmacy if they are open to verify when you filled it, and how many you were given, etc.. That its an active prescription...

Your best shot is likely going to be the E.R / Urgent care and pray they will listen to you and you can get ahold of your doctor.. If not Methadone, see if they will give you at least some hydrocodone or codeine to get you through the next 2 or 3 days..

Make sure to drive home the point that you are in pain / discomfort.. and if you can believably mimic your unmedicated RLS symptoms (don't tap your feet or bounce your legs, they may interpret it the wrong way) this may also help.. As well as any earnest distress you can put into your voice. Just DON'T overdue it or they will write you off as a drug seeking addict right away.. Put some emotion on your face as well.. A worried, stressed out look will really help.. Although it may make your symptoms worse, you can try thinking about what it might be like that night, or recall a really sad moment that you know will make you cry or at least get you to well-up.. This is all very risky though, but if you can produce a camera-phone picture of your medication bottle it may go a LONG way.

If you have ANY pills left, take them out briefly while explaining your situation , like "and this is ALL I've got on me - the rest is at home!".. BUt be careful that they don't try to take it for some unknown reason.. If they ask to examine the pills, get a verbal agreement that they are not trying to take them away - otherwise tell them you can't let them hold them because its all you have left and you can't have them trying to steal (I'd use the word steal, but that's just me) the only meds you have left.

If you won't be able to get a hold of the doctor, still be sure to offer them the clinic number, as a bargaining chip, and tell them you have no problem with them calling the clinic to tell your doctor you were there and why..

Last ditch resort if nothing else can be done... explain the situation to your mom and see if she has any friends who might be able to help you with some pills.. Or if you have friends in the area see if they know anyone you can buy some marijuanna from. It will likely help a lot if you can't get anything else..

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Post by Aiken »

Can you call your own pharmacy and have them talk to a local pharmacy about a small emergency supply? They can confirm to your local pharmacy that you do have an ongoing prescription, and that you really are from a long way away.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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