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Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:41 pm
by BeanieLee
Has anyone ever seen the scene in the movie Magnolia, where Julianne Moore is getting medications filled for her dying husband and the pharmacist makes a comment about how she's getting some "pretty strong stuff" and she flips out and yells at them and says "shame on you!" over and over. That's what I feel like doing sometimes to these idiots. Why would these drugs exist if the people who need them were criminals? A pharmacist of ALL people - they're trained to learn about drugs, to know why people need them and how they work, and they're the poeple who would make someone feel bad for going to get a prescription filled. They're educated about the drugs to know how neccessary they are and they are NOT included in the patients care and treatment so they have no idea what goes on between a patient and doctor. Pharmacists are the last people who should be guilting a patient. They should be aware and take steps to keep a patient safe, but they are in no position to judge a patient. I've been taking pain medicine for quite a while and I'm probalby flagged at every pharmacy in my area as I've visited all of them at least once. fortunately I haven't gotten any flack yet but so help the person who gives it to me because I'm not exactly known to keep my mouth shut in the face of injustice. The poor pharmacists who tries to guilt me will probably wish they never had.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:46 pm
by Hos
Yes, pharmacists, doctors, and some addicted patients do have a lot to learn about pain management as well as needing to treat each other with dignity and respect. I totally agree.

I also wish to throw some blame in with the DEA too. There is some pressure by the DEA where quite a few doctors are imprisoned/licensure revoked for prescribing pain meds to patients that the DEA does not feel need medical treatment. This pressure (from my research and talking to one doctor where I work) may lead doctors to "undertreat" a patient's pain.

Here's one interesting article showing the lack of education from many important parties. ... /taub.html

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:41 pm
by tazzer
hos i know if i read that article my head will explode! :shock:


Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:49 pm
by brandy
When I was in the midst of my augmentation, I was told by my PA which doctors I should consider seeing because some of the doctors in the office absolutely refused to prescribe any drugs in a controlled class. How can a doctor refuse to prescribe what could be a necessary drug for a patient? Needless to say, I went to one of the doctors who would be willing to prescribe a controlled substance. I didn't need it, but it's good to know that if I ever do I have someone who would be willing to help me.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:52 pm
by BeanieLee
Absolutely. MOST of the blame can be given to the DEA. If the DEA weren't silently threatening doctors and making the drugs "taboo" then the pharmacists wouldn't judge and the doctors wouldn't be afraid. It seems that a decision needs to be made as to who is ultimately responsible for a persons health; diagnosis and treatment. Is the DEA who never even has a conversation with a patient, responsible for deciding how much treatment is too much for that person? Should a pharmacist bear the responsibility of having to feel they should cut someone off of their meds knowing nothing about their ailment and what could happen as a consequence of discontinuing the medication? Should even a doctor alone be responsible for making a pharmaceutical decision about someone's body based solely on their own opinion? I think all of those ideas are ludacris. I think that a persons healthcare is the equal responsibility of a patient and their doctor and if a question of abuse or negligence arises within the system, an evaluation should be done directly with the patient in question and their primary care doctor. It's ridiculous to think that any educated and just resolution could occur otherwise. I know I'd certaintly want to speak directly, with my doctor, to the agent who decides he's going to take action to cut off my medication without having ever even met me, or my doctor for that matter.
I have never seen such a disorganized, a**-backwards mess as that which is the American healthcare system.
Sorry for the rant. It's just unbelievable.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:04 pm
by Anonymous
And, by the way, I don't think it's uncommon for people suffering from Fibromyalgia to get the same treatment by pharmacists that we get.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:32 pm
by becat
Ok, THE DEA thing is absolutely true true true. I even asked a well respected Neuro this year at one of my meetings why Neuros didn't like to treat pain in RLSers. As it is common on the board to read about that.
He said it first thing, "the DEA tells us to choose between the ablilty to practice medicine or to write pain meds with refills." I took it that a letter goes out every year to most docs.

That is one we can all fight, this is not apart of the WAR on DRUGS. I just spoke to my politically minded Mother. She said that last year in Congress there was a motion or bill up to protect us in every chromic pain community from insurance and pharmacies. I have no idea what happened to it, but we can find out. Write (nicely and short) to your congressman. Everyone does this and we can help ourselves.

Based on this conversation I did have a conversation with my doctor's office. I told his asst. that when she called the pharmacy today to remind them of the rules they should follow as well. If they have a question about my meds, call the doctor not the insurance! She told me that she would and told me how sorry she was that this had was going on, that they often don't call to varify or to ask what is needed. So another ave. for some us is to alert the docs office about the problem.

I still think our own Medical board could be leaders in the pact if they would write a statement or even something the size of our medical alert cards that the pharmacy and our insurance companies could have on file. Something that states, that we often change meds and that until we find what works we might change somethings within a week or whatever. This might sound silly, but we are not the only community that suffers pain and changing meds.. This is an idea that many communites would steal from us, but they could be leaders for us. hmmmmmmmm
Hope one of them reads this.
Hugs to you all, love it when we band our voices together and are proactive about our world.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:07 pm
by BeanieLee
Lynne, If doctors are told to decide between practicing medicine and prescribing narcotics I'd like to know how many of them respond by asking what they should do with a patient who's suffering with chronic pain.

The DEA will never come flat out and tell patients that despite the compassionate doctors and the effective drugs - we must suffer with no relief because they say so.

If I were a doctor and the DEA told me that, I'd say - here's the number to my patient who wants narcotics to ease her pain. Call her and tell her you've decided she should suffer and that I can't give her medicine anymore.

If they're going to play boss they should at least have the nerve to deliver the news themselves instead of pushing around good doctors.
The whole reason that the very first illegal drug (cocaine), that any drugs became illegal in the first place was because of collective human ignorance, now people in pain can't even get the legal ones for the purposes they're meant to serve. No offense to anyone with any affiliation but the DEA as a whole has been deaf,dumb,blind & mute since it was first created and continues to operate that way. Good intentions gone to waste.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:38 pm
by necron99
Well, Just a up date, I am sending a letter to the patient relations at the hospital I went to, that my wonderful wife has helped me write. Along with the letter. I am including the Quality of life statement that lynne and becat wrote (with everyones help), and info from harverd, NCBI and Partners against pain on the topic of psuedoaddiction. I hope this will help back up my case that I am not a drug addict and simply in need of proper treatment. Ill keep everyone informed

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:00 am
by jan3213
Best of luck to you, Nec.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:02 am
by tazzer
yes best of luck to you .


Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:37 pm
by debt_59
Hi, I do not have the pain my legs just feel like something is crawling in them and they jump. I have to constantly move them or I just about go nut :(
If you have those pain meds left that made you sick. Perocet by the way makes me very sick I can not keep them down. I don't like to take pain meds and Dr knows I have to be hurting to even ask for a muscle relaxor.
Any ways take the left over perocet to the DR then take them back to pharmacy and they will dispose of them for you . Make sure pharmacy gives you a receipt for them too.
I am so sorry this is happening to you :!:
That is what I would do.
Things will work out
Good luck And Take care :)

today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:42 pm
by ctravel12
Hi Nec, please keep us updated on what the hospital says. Good for you in writing the letter.

Take care.

Today I was labled a drug seaker

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:58 pm
by jumpy
I am so sorry for your problems..I am lucky that I have had the same dr for 30 years. I am terrfied he's going to retire. I too, have been on multiple meds. some I could not take. My husband goes to the same dr. He let my dr know, in a conversation that I was upset about the amount of medicine I was taking, and also let him know I was not a drug seeker. Maybe a visit with your wife might help. I am on highblood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, and chlorestral medication in addition to Neurotin, Requip and lortab 7.5 for the RLS and possible diabetic nerve damage. The pain is really bad all day now and the Lortab is the only thing that makes it bearble. I don't know who gave the insurance companys, DEA, and pharmacies the right to question a doctor's decision. Please keep us up on this. I am sure I'll have the same problem in the future...Pat

Re: today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:15 am
by bebopredux
My story?

I was given Oxycontin in 1998 by a doctor who thought that would help me. At the time, it made sense, zero acetominophen and no taking 10-15 Lortabs a day. Well, I decided to end it myself after a year. The drug controlled me not the other way around. When I checked myslef into the hospital after 3 days of sever withdrawal symptoms, my doctor showed up saying he could get me back on the Oxy. I said "I'm not a dog returning to it's own vomit!"

Now? I am the one paying the price. Despite getting myself off Oxy on my own even against my doctor's wishes, my "problem" is on my records and every freakin' doctor sees me as "trouble". A Seeker. No matter what I say or do, this past still haunts me. The way I see it, my doctor should be paying the price, not me.

Now I endure pain since the most I am "allowed" is Darvocet. The stuff they give 4-5 times daily to 85 year old nursing home patients. I can't take NSAIDS due to GERD. Doesn't matter, I have yet to find a doctor to treat my RLS together with the chronic pain I endure on a daily basis. I have to hold off on my "3 per day" allowance of Darvocet and save one for bedtime so I can get help sleeping. If I have a bad day pain wise, I take all 3 of my "allowance" and stay up half the night with bad RLS. This is the choice I am forced to make on a daily basis. This is 2006. The USA. Some progress huh?

I hate the "system". I see others getting fair treatment and I wonder what I did so bad to pay this price for (apparently) the rest of my life left. I'm crying as I type this. Why? Yet again, for the 3rd time in 3 months, the doctor's office failed to fax my script for Darvocet into the pharmacy. They lied to me when they said they faxed it 2 days ago. Result? I suffered with no sleep and pain for 2 days. My recourse?

Nothing. Nada. Nobody is accountable. Yet.....I will be accountable for life. If I didn't have my full faculties or Faith, I could see myself checking out I am so frustrated. Seriously.

Is their a doctor in the house? I live in Maine. ;-)