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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:28 am
by SquirmingSusan
walkindafloors wrote:I'm still learning drug stuff - what are some examples of opioids? I'm allergic to codine - took one dose. laid on the couch below the loft and could hear my DH talking to me but was like paralized and couldn't talk to answer! WEIRD....

About to decide to leave my beloved social work career and check into being a 3rd shift walmart greeter!

Kim, I do hope you get some sleep soon.

As for the opioids, codeine is inactive, but is metabolized to morphine which is the active drug. And I want to say that there is some kind of relationship between Darvon and methadone, but I'm not sure...
~~~~~~~~waving at Josh

At any rate, if you're allergic to codeine, you'll probably be allergic to morphine, although I suppose, in theory, you could be allergic to codeine before it's metabolized into morphine. :shock:

But you should be able to take some variety of opioid, which would probably give you better relief than you're getting.

At any rate, again, I hope you get some real rest soon. :|

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:48 am
by Neco
It has been remarked they are chemically similar.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:30 am
by walkindafloors
:cry: Okay, Zach, you scared me with the darvaset post...I have no idea what is "too much" so I've switched back to ultram throughout the day (is there too much of this one?) the only taking the darvaset late at night when I still can't stop the pain to lay down (like now...3:25 am and still kicking strong). Guess I should invest in a pill book - do they give proper dosages or does this vary person to person? seems like lots of variables could figure in there.

I go off call on Friday and planning on dosing up for the weekend. My body is so sleep deprived (this is going on over 3 weeks now averaging 1 - 2 nights per week with 4-5 hours sleep and others under 3 hrs.) My job gets the adrenalyn going strong so I stay awake and my boss has allowed me to take my 30 minute lunch sleeping instead of eating when I'm not out on a how do I know what is too much. My dr. has tried me with 9 different meds over this past spell allowing me to "use what works" but not saying what is too much. I really don't abuse meds so she feels safe I suppose doing this but now I'm worried. I figured I'd do the Ultram thing during the day and go back to klonopin at night. Staying away from the Mirapax and Sinamet as long as possible so they'll work better when I get through this spell.

I appreciate everyone's input...sure helps to know you're not alone in this.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:34 am
by Neco
I can't say what is too much. This depends largely on your personal tolerance for the drug, and other factors I am not educated to qualify.

However I didn't mean to scare you.. If you are just taking 1 or 2 per dose or something then that's fine I guess.. I really don't know the dosing for it as my doc never tried it with me, regarding it as pretty useless for me.

Ultram does lower seizure threshold, anti-depressants in particular are a nasty combo, as I found out. I know I've taken too much when I get frequent ticks/ and I guess you'd say spasms.. Kinda like very momentary seizures or something.. Heh.. That is me though.. I have no idea why this is as I used to take this stuff all the time without any issues the year before, and I never had a seizure then.. Guess the anti-depressant permanently screwed me up in thar regard.

If your doc is pretty liberal you could try asking for the next thing up the list.. Which is codeine, or hydrocodone. But first you should discuss with her your concern about "what is too much" Darvocet. Maybe she can put your mind back at ease.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:49 pm
by FidgetBoy
:::waves back at Susan:::

Kim-Sorry you're so sleepless. The weird thing about meds is that you can never truly predict how people react to them until something bizarre happens. However (with a capital "H")--- Susan is correct that structurally, darvon (propoxyphene) which is in "darvocet" is very similar to methadone. But the structure is really the only thing they have in common. Darvocet is a very weak opioid which we reviewed in pharmacy school many moons ago and reviewed one study that showed it was equivalent to 2 extra strength tylenol in terms of pain relief. Now- that doesn't mean you can't get benefit from darvon for RLS--- but it is weaker then almost everything on the market.

The danger of darvocet that zach was referring to is in relation to how many you take---1) if you take too many you will get tylenol overdose which can cause liver issues (limit to < 4000 mg per day) or 2) if you take to much darvocet, the propoxyphene and its active metabolite-norpropoxyphene can accumulate and cause conduction abnormalites in your heart. But this would only occur at really, really large doses.

Tramadol works on the "mu" receptor like all the other opioids but it also weakly blocks the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. Which sort of makes tramadol part opioid and part antidepressant. This is why some folks have worsening of their symptoms on tramadol and outright augmentation.

Given that you have pretty severe symptoms and you seem to be sensitive to codeine-- it should be safe to try a stronger narcotic that is structurally UNRELATED to codeine/morphine and yet stronger then darvocet. In addition, since you are having all day symptoms, taking a low dose longer-acting narcotic is indicated. That leaves you with oxycodone or methadone. If the tramdol is working- you can keep taking it but with your really bad jerks- have you tried neurontin? I can't remember your med history....

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:10 am
by walkindafloors
Thanks for the info Josh, No neurotin yet. Klonopin has been the most recent but I can't shake the fog that remains days after. I am so tired of all this trial and error stuff. No sleep for 3 weeks then with klonopin I sleep - and sleep - and sleep...took two mg. on Saturday night and still can't shake the fog (now 2 am on Monday). Legs haven't stopped through it all...kicking like crazy. Tonight I tried Ultram and Ambien, still staying clear of the mirazex since it augmented several weeks ago... hate to call the neuro again...maybe should mention neurotin. What will that replace or do for me?