Dose of Requip too low?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

It's nice to log in and see two success stories, even though I wish there was another way than having to go through painful trial and error. At least, as noted, there is success in the vast majority of cases.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:26 am

the Bota,

Post by softtail »

Mermaid, actually this is from the Rls rebel book ,,, which is well worth looking up and ordering , its written by Jill Gunzel, a lifetime sufferer of Rls, and all the Bota's acronym for ( Bag of Tricks acquired) over her dealings with the disease.

Her approach is to tame the beast of Rls, whatever way possible, and not let it bully you. and you may find some of your own bag of tricks in there, that you employ to get thru the twitches, ( as I do with hot baths, walking, video game playing.)

anyway, don't give up , find a doctor that will listen to you, and really understands RLS. is a real , life altering disease and not just a little twitch that everyone can "just deal with"

My latest find , the neurology specialist, appears well versed on Rls, and her approach, while not just to my liking ( not too hot on using the clonazopan for a long period of time) is working for now, so I am following her approach to the letter for the time being, but I will continue to offer my opinions to her treatment options, as I see fit.

I never stop researching RLS. and you should not either, read everything you can on it, and educate yourself to the limit, cause if you don't , who will.

Offer suggestions ,if something doesn't work, to your doctor, its your pain and suffering you have to endure, so if your doctor is your partner, they should be willing to listen to what you have found out thru your own research, and what your body has been telling you.

Read letters from the Southern Rls group. with Dr. Mark Buchfuhrer, who actually takes the time to answer many letters.
Know you are not alone.

Now will all this make your very next day all that better , probably not, but i found the support I got from reading the letters from all the different approaches to help me cope with the worse times I was going thru.

I hope I can continue to control my symptoms , and maintain my quality of life with just what I am doing now, but if not , its good to know there are alot of alternatives, left out there to try.

good luck.

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