Methadone, Mirapex tra la

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Re: Methadone, Mirapex tra la

Post by EeFall »

jakesmom wrote:Lyrica has worked wonders for me for my depression and pain, but the price tag is more swelling and constant itching. Did you have any issues with Lyrica?

Lyrica, I'm used to it but realized after an operation that I had, when I started it back up, that it does give me a little of a groggy feeling but besides that it allows me to live a normal life along with a 1/2 tab of methadone. So I take Lyrica in morning and evening and 1/2 methadone in morning and lunch, and a full methadone in the evening. I have no swelling and ignore itching, many meds make me do that and I am even allergic to my own body oils and hair so have to take a shower and wash my hair everyday or the itching would drive me bonkers :lol:

Since I wrote the post about stopping Mirapex (generic) I tried just one .25 mg Mirapex at night along with my other meds and it seems to be helping again. I can't figure the Mirapex out but I am just happy it is sort of working again :D

I probably should mention that without meds I have WED 24 hours a day so that is why I take methadone and Lyrica, they allow me to sit at my desk at work for one thing, without meds I have to continually pace (no sitting, laying, or sleeping) for most of the 24 hour a day. So Lyrica is a life changer for me. Even when Mirapex is not working and I get between zero and 2 hours of sleep a night I can still work, the Lyrica is responsible for that.

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