Ropinirole Side Effect?

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Re: Ropinirole Side Effect?

Post by crl363 »

Thank you!! I continue to learn every day here.

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Re: Ropinirole Side Effect?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I think it boils down to this. We honestly do not know what long-term changes my happen in our bodies because of augmentation. So, taking a medication that is making you worse than you need to be could cause long-term issues. It might help, but my guess is that it''s probably neutral at best and problematic most likely.

Additionally, augmentation SUX to get through. There is a chance that you will NEVER be able to use a DA again. I can only take them 2 days in a row, max, or I start to have trouble again. By Day 5, I'm in full-blown augmentation.

So, once you have augmented like this, it just makes the cycle worse. At some point, it's likely the DA will just not work at all. That's what happened to me. Increasing didn't help. I had it 24/7, increasing didn't help, and I was miserable. It doens't mean that will happen to you - it might not. We know that this dose is OK for Parkinson's patients, so it's possible that you are OK taking it and there is no harm done. I wouldn't know how to tell.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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