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Re: Quitting Oxycodone

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:45 pm
by ViewsAskew
QyX wrote:
ViewsAskew wrote:I tried that, QyX - rotating opioids. Problem for me is that none of them (that worked) were tolerable. I find it fascinating how different we can be regarding meds. We all just have to find a way that works for us and be happy we have.

Okay but when I remember it correctly, you are fine with Hydromorphone?

I am on 28 mg of Hydromorphone daily now plus 10 mg Oxycodone Instant Release as needed.

No - it causes the same symptoms. Not the nausea, thankfully, but the clenched muscles and resulting excruciating headaches. I think one of our other mods uses hydromorphone successfully.

Re: Quitting Oxycodone

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:33 pm
by badnights
It's me who takes hydromorphone.

Re: Quitting Oxycodone

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:11 am
by ViewsAskew
badnights wrote:It's me who takes hydromorphone.

I thought it was you. Wish I could take it!

How is your dose lately, badnights? Still reduced?

Re: Quitting Oxycodone

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:30 am
by Joanie60
Is hydromorphone available in the US? I do love my methadone, I know it is the gold standard, but sure would love a bottle of something that is instant release (ok, 20-30 minute release). If I screw up the timing on methadone, I am in for a hellacious 24 hours. I also don't know how it will work on my transatlantic flights where I need a good solid hit of something for 10-15 really hard hours, instead of the usually lovely smooth methadone that works when I have a variety of activities (desk, running around, watching TV, sleeping).

But tonight, I will be grateful!!

Re: Quitting Oxycodone

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:07 am
by badnights
How is your dose lately, badnights? Still reduced?
Yes! If I ever catch up here, I'll find time to post an update. I;m at 9 to 12 mg, and I was pretty ,much ready to get a formal reduction of my presctiption from 12 to 9 plus a few extras, but I told her I would hold off til after my field project, which was only 3 weeks this year. Good thing I did, because I am messed up again - not terribly, just my guts are messed and I need 12 mg more often, possibly related. I will try to update my Wahls thread soon.

I am now a certified yoga teacher, and I learned during that grueling 3 weeks of getting up for 8 AM class every single day, that if I do a lot of yoga during the day, including meditation, I can get by on 4-5 hr sleep. Also, that sleep became restful instead of fractured after about a week. So .... I decided to keep doing it. I spent the next week in the office arriving at 8:30 (vs. the 11 am I arrived at before) & leaving at 5 (vs. 7:30), and then 3 weeks in the field, more or less the same thing i.e. getting up early every day. But I also got up early enough to do 30 minutes of yoga, breathing exercises and mediation every morning. And it works - so far. Sort of.

My theory is that we need to train our bodies to activate the parasympathetic (candle-lit dinner) nervous-hormonal system, and de-activate the sympathetic (run-from-tiger) one, so we should be practicing relaxation daily. When the parasym. system is active, bodily resources are devoted to digestion, immune work, reproduction (not that I have any need of that), and general repair and maintenance. (as oppsed to when the sympathetic is active, and ll of that is supporessed, and heart rate and breathing rate go up and acetycholine & other so-called stress hormones race into the blood). So ya, that was (is) my theory, but I was getting so bagged by the end (doing yoga outside in +3C in foggy rain is no fun) that I began to skip it so I could sleep. And I was in dire need of sleep by the time I got back, plus my guts were acting up...

I'm repeating myself. More some day :) :)

Re: Quitting Oxycodone

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:24 am
by ViewsAskew
Glad to hear - look forward to more. And you a a yoga teacher! Definitely looking forward to more.