My RLS Mountain....

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Post by jan3213 »


I am so glad you posted this. I know this is a message to you, but it's your post, so I'm going to say that I was so worried all evening, but didn't want to call you in case you were able to go to sleep or rest, etc. I'm so glad you called our pharma friend, too.

As we said, it sucks that any of us have to worry about this crap. That's what it is--crap! From my own perspective, I got so desperate, I was willing to take anything my doctor (at that time) wanted me to try and it got me in big trouble. That's when I had to stop and had withdrawal big time. But, I don't think I was as bad as you were this evening.

Hang in there, honey. Maybe you will be lucky and it won't last too long! Remember, it said could last a week, not that it would definitely last a week. So, hopefully you are going to be on the downhill side tomorrow.

Love you!
No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Lynne I am so sorry for what you are going through. I hope that you are doing better tomorrow. I am praying that the dr gets you a med that will definitely take all the pain away.

Please take care and hope that you get the much needed sleep that you so much deserve.

Love you
Taking one day at a time

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Post by Sojourner »

Lots of good thoughts and hopes going your way.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh Lynne, how terrible. I hope you feel better soon!

And once you feel better, can you explain why you have to go through withdrawal? Is it because your doctor cut your dose in half? I guess I don't understand... I thought that in these modern times doctors had people taper off. :( So after you've withdrawn from the meds, you're hoping that they'll work for you again for a while?

Anyway, sending prayers and cyber-hugs your way.

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Post by sardsy75 »


My dear friend and one who has been a rock when I've hit some pretty low places ... please know that despite the miles between us, I am sending you warm hugs, lots of love and plenty of positive healing thoughts.

It's tough being stuck between a rock and a hard place ... but you are one tough cookie and I know that you have the inner strength, the love of your family and the love of this family to work your way through this time.

You know how hard it was for me going thru a complete detox ... I know your pain, I feel your pain. If I could jump on a plane and be by your side during this time I'd be there already. (I really wish I could!)

Love you heaps and lots and heaps and more my friend

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by KBear »

Lynne- holding you in my prayers.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Lynne with all the love and support that you are getting, I just know you will be doing better. Keeping my prayers going for you and so is my sister.

Love you
Taking one day at a time

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Post by MyDecember »


I know you're probably so sick right now you can barely type, so you may not get this for a while. I'm sorry for what you're going through. Anyone who hasn't been through hard core opiate withdrawal truly has no idea what it's like- the constant hot flashes and cold sweats, insomnia, involuntary jerking, shaking, restlessness like you've never had it before, running to the bathroom with stomach cramping, aching all over, nausea, etc. etc. etc. It's like the worst flu you could ever imagine, but ten times worse, and that's not even scraping the surface of the straight up hellish mental symptoms.

These doctors should have known that you'd be physically dependent after taking the higher dose for a few months. They should have been able to figure out that your usual dose was much lower than the OxyContin. They should have tapered you down slowly. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. But, as you said, this is another reminder of why we all have to stay on top of our own care. Sad, but true.

I never knew how truly powerful these medications were until I faced withdrawal. Even with a good taper, when you get down to those last few mg and then go completely off, you're likely to have some problems. I had no clue it was humanly possible to get THAT sick.

My heart goes out to you. Stick with it- you probably feel like it will never get better- but IT WILL.

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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh no, no knocking yourself in the head with a hammer. :shock: It's not your fault the doctor screwed you over. (For some reason right now I'd like to HURT your doctor :evil: )

I'm glad you posted and the worst is over. But so sorry you had to go through such an ordeal. That's too funny about your dog. My dog is the opposite - When I cry she sticks her snout in my face and lets me cry on her. Dogs are so sweet. It sounds like your dog knew that you really needed him.

I'm glad you got you house clean. (I think... :? ) I hope you get a good nap and get some much needed, blessed rest.

Sending prayers and good vibes your way.

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Post by Sojourner »

Lynne, Hope you continue to feel healthier and stronger. Continued thoughts and prayers going your way. Best wishes my friend.

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Post by jan3213 »

Jan, there are no words that could thank you the way I need to. The mess I was in when I finally dial the phone. You calm steady voice and your fingers flying through the internet to find the answers. Your support through a phone line, keeping me from freaking out, well worse than I was. What a burden is seemed, but I know it was not for you. ......
I wish I could say what I feel, but it's over powering, more feeling than one heart knows how to share.


I'm going to write this publically because I want people who may not know you that well to know the kind of woman YOU are.

First, I was so glad to be able to do something for you, but I would have pulled you through the phone line if I could have. I wanted to hop on a plane and get there as fast as I could to be with you. Talking to you on the phone was not my idea of helping you--not near enough. I'm so glad you are better. I have been so worried about you. I know we talked Tuesday, and I thank you for calling me to let me know you were better.

But, to everyone here (and I don't know if anyone will read this or not, but I truly hope you do), it may seem that Lynne and I are overboard about our friendship--that we talk about it too much here on the public forum. However, she has been with me--helped me through so much--in the four years we have known each other (actually more than four years). She has been my rock on more than one occasion, helping me through some pretty tough times.

But, I will never forget when she came to the hospital and stayed with me, day and night--in my hospital room--sleeping in a recliner--for five nights when I had back surgery. She was there when my IV came out and it took (she can tell you how long) I think at least 2 1/2 hours to get another IV in my poor wrecked veins. She was there when I was so sick and passed out. She was there when I wouldn't eat--she tried and tried to get me to eat, but I was a five year old child and wouldn't. We laugh about it now. She listened to me cry; she laughed at me when, under the influence of drugs, I confessed to things I'd done; she was there more than my own family. She IS my family. She made sure my RLS was under control the whole time and watched the nurses like a hawk. Her heart knows no bounds. She is one of the most selfless people I know or will ever know. She is my best friend and I am proud to know her. She knows me better than I know myself. Sorry, I just had to say all of that.

So, Lynne, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for always being there for me. I will always be there for you.

I am so sorry you had to go through all of the crap you've been through. It wasn't necessary and I'd like to wring your doctor's neck. But, I am so glad you are better.

I love you!

No one is alone who had friends.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Jan and Lynne, what a wonderful friendship. To be treasured.

Lynne, I had not realised the nightmare and torture you were suffering, you are so brave. I am glad you are starting to feel a little better.

You make me feel very humble.


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Post by jan3213 »


Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it. Yes, it is a wonderful friendship. And, I do treasure it.

But, there are many, many wonderful people here--including you. I don't know you very well, and that's probably my fault. But, I've read your posts and you are very nice.

This forum has been wonderful to me. Sometimes, even some good comes from a bad thing--like RLS. If I didn't have it, I would have never met some very fine people.

Have a nice day, Betty.

No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by KBear »

Lynne- thank you so much for sharing your experience. So many others will learn from this. You are a brave and strong and an inspiration to the rest of us. Still holding you in my prayers.

Link to the Mayo Clinic Algorithm: ... 907Crc.pdf

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