Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by legsbestill »

It's a pity this isn't in a separate mmj thread as there's loads of useful info here. Certainly for me also it is THC all the way. I have a bottle of pure CBD oil and it has no positive impact on my legs or sleep. I find it (the CBD) quite helpful for anxiety though and used it for panic attacks when I was coming off oxycontin. Also I second what Steve says about the edible cannabis taking a while to build up. I find there can be a considerable variation in how long it takes to take effect also depending on strain, what you've had to eat etc. It can sometimes take up to an hour and a half.

Steve, how long do you stay off the mmj to 'reset' yourself? I haven't experienced depression with it but a friend who is a medic has warned me that it builds up in the system and can take up to 6 weeks to be eliminated - she mentioned it in relation to the possibility of being tested in the case of a road traffic accident. I find that my tolerance is going up and I am starting to notice myself more dopey while on it (even more dopey) with some difficulty with word recollection etc. I find it very difficult to imagine doing without it though - nothing else works so well for sleep.

Yawny, thanks for your tips, recipes and methods. It is useful to know about the black pepper. I love getting that sort of information. I wonder if I converted my supply to CBN would it help with the dopeyness? Do you find you suffer from that marijuana induced brain fog or is that purely connected with the THC? In truth I have come to rather enjoy the stoned feeling in the evening but could learn to live without it.

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by Rustsmith »

legs, when I had the episode with depression, I noticed that my mood had elevated the next day (after not using it that night) and that I was back to feeling a mood boost from my mid-day methadone the day after that. So, these days I usually give myself a 5 to 7 day break every couple of weeks. I don't try to do anything too rigorous with planning them. I tend to travel every couple of months on business, volunteer work or vacation, so my MMJ holidays often coincide with my actual holidays. I should also add that when I start one of these holidays, I can pretty much count on a short night of broken sleep that first night off. Nothing near as bad as when I was augmented, but one or two hours less sleep and conscious awakenings every hour or so. On the second day, it is more back to "normal" where I get the same hours, but my sleep isn't as deep.

As for being drug tested after a traffic accident, I figure that the methadone in my system would cause enough trouble if I was ever to be tested, so the addition of low levels of MMJ doesn't worry me too much.
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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and for your recipes! It's all very interesting. I've experimented a little with some brownies, unk which strain or how much weed was in them as they were made by a friend. I got a good lecture by the friend as well as the mmj doc who wrote my rx a couple of years ago and am very cautious. For me it takes close to 3 hours before I feel the effects of a small piece of a brownie. When I was on requip I'd wake in the middle of the night with crazy leg movements and be loaded off the edible I'd taken several hours before. Sadly it only helps to sleep but doesn't prevent rls.

My #10 night on Horizant...took the pill at 2030, went to bed at 2200 and read. Legs starting moving about 2300; vaped (I know I said I wasn't going to but....) about midnight and went immediately to sleep....til just before 0800. One pit stop during the night. I'm guessing I should know pretty soon whether the Horizant is going to work regularly but I'm still a little curious as to why within a few hours after I take it my legs go crazy.

As to Legs comment about the mmj info maybe being in more appropriate in another does one stop this thread and do that? And should we/I ?


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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by ViewsAskew »

rvjimzhr1 wrote:As to Legs comment about the mmj info maybe being in more appropriate in another does one stop this thread and do that? And should we/I ?


Threads stay open forever unless people get very mad and start yelling at each other.

You can always start a new thread at any time.

Info almost always appears in some threads that would be helpful elsewhere. It just is the nature of conversation, which evolves due to curiosity, willingness to help, and how brains tend to work. Some of us are more linear and this is likely frustrating. Since our brains all think/work differently, it is often up to those who would like more linearity to start new topics specific to something. To that, if anyone wants the MMJ info in a separate thread, it would be great to have someone start that and ask for others to post it there.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by badnights »

I'm guessing I should know pretty soon whether the Horizant is going to work regularly but I'm still a little curious as to why within a few hours after I take it my legs go crazy.
Didn't someone else have the same thought sometime in the last few months, that their anti-convulsant was causing the symptoms? Anyone remember?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

Thanks for that explanation Ann!

After 11 nights on 600mg Horizant I saw my neurologist and he bumped me to 900mg. His instructions are to use 900mg for 4 nights and if no significant improvement to bump again to 1200mg. After 2 nights at 900mg I expect I'll soon be at 1200 as there has been little, if any, improvement so far, He believes the Horizant alone should stop the movements and help me sleep. I didn't say anything to him but I wonder why he didn't have me titrate up to 900 much sooner rather than have me suffer for 11 nights. He seemed surprised when I mentioned that I felt the drug itself was initiating all the body movements. Right now it's the middle of the night and I've been up walking since midnight and it's nearly 0300.


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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by badnights »

Another reason you might feel that the medication is initiating the movements would be a simple coincidence between the time you take it and the time of onset of your symptoms. What if you tried taking it earlier?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by yawny »

legsbestill wrote:It's a pity this isn't in a separate mmj thread as there's loads of useful info here.

Legsbestill, crackin' good suggestion...I'm going to copy my information above, and put it into the MMJ thread.

Also, regarding your night, CBN makes me very very sleepy and relaxed right away, but doesn't make me dopey, or cause brain fog the next day. I confirmed this with my husband. I won't repeat what he said about my general dopiness, but know, he got a LOOK from me. Also, CBN does create a great body feel. I get a lovely bubbling feeling from my feet to my hips, and feel so relaxed. By morning, it appears to be cleared from my body. I think if THC works for you, then maybe don't rock the boat. But if you're curious, maybe take a small amount of your stash and convert it to CBN and then vape it. I do this whenever I try a new strain from the dispensary. I buy just enough to vape for 2 nights. I realized early on that not all strains are equal for me. And then I learned that strains that are related through DNA always work for me, but even then some are better than others. I rotate them so I don't build tolerance. I've heard that women are more likely to build tolerance, so I'm cautious. Somewhat related, my husband tried both THC and CBN preparations and overwhelmingly prefers CBN. He doesn't have RLS/PLMD but has mild sleep apnea, anxiety, and depression. Without his current treatment, he sometimes woke every 15 minutes all night. He likes CBN because it relaxes him, and he goes right back to sleep when he does wake up.

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by legsbestill »

Wow; thanks for that detailed answer yawny. I am very much more restricted in my access to cannabis than you and I never know what strain I am getting - I guess that probably means I am inadvertently rotating my supply but I don't even know that for sure!

I was thinking of trying to convert some of my (quite small) stash to CBN using your jar-on-the-window-sill technique - just haven't got round to it -- or might order a UV torch from the great Overlord in the Ether (Amazon).

In an effort to overcome my problems with supply, I have started growing my own plants. We have to move house over the summer (from a huge house - full of stuff - to a tiny one) and I didn't want to invest in all the fascinating hydroponic equipment so am using the time-honoured but not terribly effective window sill method. This means that I am limited to strains that are auto-flowering and tolerant of our less warm climate. Although I realise that it is hopelessly outmoded these days to reference climate change, in Ireland we seem nonetheless to have more reliably long sunny days in late spring/early Summer than we used to and the plants are growing well. I am given to understand that it will be a minor miracle if they are to produce healthy buds and grow them effectively but it is one of my great joys at present tending to my plants and make plans for the wonderful harvest that I love to imagine them producing!

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by legsbestill »

Jim, It is definitely worth giving the Horizant a good try and it is a valid question why your neurologist did not recommend you at the outset to go higher if it wasn't effective. In your shoes I would keep trying it until you get to the upper limit. However, it might also be worth bearing in mind that there is a substantial body of sufferers for whom it is ineffective as a mono-therapy. You might ultimately need to add something more into the mix.

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by Polar Bear »

Oh legs..... I'm imagining your window cleaner propping his ladder against your window...... :crazy:
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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by legsbestill »

PB, laugh out loud funny as always but you flatter my domestic arrangements. I love and (up to a point) live by the quotation 'my idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance' - one of the benefits of which is it is hard to see through the grime of my windows. Which is probably just as well as on rugby match days there is a large police presence on our road but it is a very tall house and my bedroom is high up. I think I might be able to reduce my cannabis intake shortly though - I am increasingly hit by the smell when I enter my room - I think I will be high just spending an hour or two in the fuggy atmosphere. Luckily my husband has lost his sense of smell. I will have to monitor him for bloodshot eyes going out to work.

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

Legs, I am aware that I'll be quite fortunate to end up with Horizant or any other med to suffice as my ONLY med. Hope springs eternal! Last night was #3 at 900mg Horizant. What a great night it was! I took the dose more than an hour earlier at 1715. I had slight 'buzzing' in my legs at 2030 but that calmed and I went to bed at 2200 and to sleep almost immediately. I had a pit stop at 2400 and then slept til almost 0600. I was a little woozy for awhile after getting up. Again, I'll be excited tonight as I shoot for two in a row.

I'm finding all the chatter about mmj very interesting....particularly that about CBN. I'm struck with buying my weed as I can't grow it outside and growing inside is totally impractical. Oh well, there's a pharmacy on every corner around here.


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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???

Post by legsbestill »

Sorry, Jim, but you can't be in the mmj club if you get sleep like you got last night :-) Fingers crossed for tonight ...

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Re: Requip & Erectile Dysfunction ???


Oh, legs! Your idea (to a point) of housework being to sweep the room with a lace IS EXACTLY WHAT I am like. I have rather a bit of clutter (papers, for the most part), and the grime on my windows certainly needs to e dealt with! When I had my house "power-washed" last year I was hoping it would really help the windows... but, no, not so much :(
But I just don't have the energy to do housework --- would really rather be in my flower beds with sunshine & butterflies & hummingbirds! :)

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