My RLS Mountain....

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Lynne I am so sorry for what you have gone through and know that I have told you that often. I know that the bond that you and Jan have is absolutely beautiful and will never be broken.

Being there for someone is the best thing that anyone can have. Believe me when Jan said that you are a selfless person (you are too Jan) is the truest thing that anyone can say. Jan I am so glad that you put this on the open board.

I would also like to take your dr and wring his neck. I hope that you do not mind me saying this, in fact, let me doing some a** kicking. I have been known to be a "Little Tornado" and little is really not correct. How about a "LARGE TORNADO" You hurt my friends and you wil havel me to answer to.

I love you and just reread your post and Jan's. You can see the beautiful friendship that has come out of this.

Thank you for doing this. The love and support of this post is what this board is all about.

Lynne you know that I am saying prayers for you and will not quit neither will my sister,.
Taking one day at a time

Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

Lynne...well here I am coming in late again after it's mostly over.
I'm sorry I missed it when you needed a bunch of friends encouraging you. There's nothing better than that, and had I took the time to read all the threads I would've been one of them.

I am so happy you are feeling at least a little bit better. You are in my heart and I hate to hear about you going through all this mess.

You'll be in my prayers and in my fondest thoughts.
The best to you Lynne.

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Post by MyDecember »


I am SO glad to hear that the worst of it is over. Sometimes it's really prolonged- I am relieved to hear that you are on the upswing!

You are in my thoughts. You are very strong. As others have said, thank you for posting this as so many others will learn from it.

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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

No sure how long My December went through her withdrawal...I didn't have opioid withdrawal, but benzo and can still remember how horrible it was. Like you, it was a sudden stopping of it.

Like you, what I still remember is that my doctor completely missed it. In fairness, it was completely my "fault" as I simply stopped taking it, thinking I didn't need it, rather than him tellimg me to stop it. On the other hand, he didn't tell me to taper or how to deal with stopping it once we added the new drugs that did work. Should he have? Probably. I guess he thought I'd ask about it, not just act on it without his input.

By the fourth day, when I was so ill I thought I would die, I was in his office, vomiting, sweating, with a pain so deep in my bones that I thought they were being tortured. He was running pregnacy tests, etc. It never crossed his mind that this it what it was.

When I figured it out and called him later to tell him, his comment? (And, like your doc, Lynne, this is a good, and maybe great, doc.) He said, "I would never have thought that you would have reacted that way."

Lynne shouldn't have had to go through this. Should he have known? Indeed. And he probably did. He did talk about a taper, I am pretty sure that Lynne said. But, in the course of the meeting, things changed, and it slipped his mind.

Like everyone else, I'd so wish that Lynne never had to go through this. Or My December, or me, or anyone. Talking about it, though, is a great reminder that no one is infallible and that we all have to be extremely educated and proactive. And when we can't be, to ask others before doing anything.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by PamR »

I periodically ask for a copy of my chart from my drs office so that i can make sure I have all the information in a a notebook that I keep.

I ask for exact copies not just test results, but for the physicians notes as well.

Sometimes they charge me a fee and sometimes they dont'. But it is worth the fee to be able to monitor my chart.

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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Yes Lynne he is dead wrong. You are not a wuss. I cannot believe that he would of laughed at you. I would of stepped behind his desk and slapped him right across the face and see if he is still laughing. How can someone who has a medical degree treat his patient like that. Personally, he should have his medical degree pulled and not be allowed to practice anymore. Is this the same dr that you have been going to for a long time? Shame on him.

I am so sorry that you had to have that happen to you. I wish that I could of been there with you but know that I am here in spirit.

If you need to talk, I am always here.

Love you and take care my friend.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by Neco »

You guys see doctors who sit at desks ?

Heh.. mine pulls up a chair and sits right in front of me for the whole visit.. I know it's rough sometimes when doctors laugh at us, but I think part of the problem is that as your relationship grows, just like any relationship, comfort zones develop.. Stuff you laugh or talk about with your friends or family members, you wouldn't do with strangers, for instance..

I think it's hard for doctors to maintain that line sometimes.. And sometimes it is harder to take when it is something we don't want to hear.. When I was becoming aware of my addiction to opiates, people were telling me flat out I was getting/hab a problem and I shrugged it off, told myself I'm a smart person I know when it's a problem.. But then secret scolded myself because I knew how I loved to sit there and pop more than I should.

I don't know you very well, to know how tough a person you are or anything, and it'snot really relevent I guess.. But I think in some respects we can be tough about some things and weaker/need help when it comes to others - it doesn't make you a wuss.

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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Location: Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Lynne I am so blessed that I can talk to you. Like I said when you hurt, I hurt. God does work in mysterious ways doesn't He? I am glad that you are going to interview more doctors. You need to be treated with respect. You deserve it and have more than worked for it.

Love you my dear friend.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Again, I am so disappointed. Each time I hear a story here about doctor's inappropriate treatment of us, I think I've heard it all. And then there is another one. I wish it hadn't happened to was just wrong.

But, in your post and Zach's, it occurred to me that familiarity breeds contempt. He's been with you very closely, for a long time. And somehow it's more OK to be mean, rude, disrepectful, etc. to those we are closer to (at least for some of us). Maybe he felt he needed to put you in your place because you started it out by putting him in his.

If someone else asked him what happened today, he'd say nothing, I bet. He'd say that you were really fine, that he knows you, etc. But, he'd be so wrong. He wasn't professional, you weren't fine, and he doesn't have a clue about client interaction. He's violated any sense of trust you may have ever felt with him.

I have no idea of what you'll choose to do...I've always wondered what we are supposed to do in these situations. If we call a doctor and say, "Hey, I need a new doctor (say because my doc isn't on my insurance any more) but I take a narcotic. Will you prescribe it to me?" then we can be convicted of doctor shopping. Yet, if we don't ask, we have to make appointment after appointment and STILL can get in trouble for doctor shopping. Finding someone when you need to leave the person you have and don't know someone is almost impossible.

I hope that because of your commitment as a group leader you will know of other doctors that you can call and work with.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Aiken »

You know what? It doesn't matter if you're a wuss.

It's your life, damnit. Not his. You should be able to live it in the amount of comfort or relief you need to be happy. You don't have to put up with the amount of discomfort that someone else thinks you should be able to put up with.

It's like someone calling someone else a wuss because they don't order 5-star heat in an indian restaurant. I just think, "Okay, so I'm a wuss. I ordered 3-star heat. But I'm going to enjoy my damned food. If I did it your way, sure, I could act all macho and superior like you, but my dinner would be a miserable nightmare, and the only person who would be happy would be you."

Of course, this is easier to say when it's possible to make the choice entirely on our own, which is clearly not so feasible with doctors holding the keys to the medicine cabinet. We have to play nicely, but maintain our own defense doggedly at the same time. Tricky.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Becat... doc just not good enough, getting complacent!!
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by cornelia »

Hey Becat! You're definately not a wuss, I'm sure of that, if only I knew what the word means (LOL). It's not in my English Dutch dictionary.
I feel so sorry for you. But I do want to tell you that I have been told off by my neuro a few times, albeit in a nice way (c'est le ton qui fait la musique). It's not nice to hear things you don't want to hear, but maybe sometimes it's necessary, because docters have to think long term with chronic deseases. I don't know, I wasn't there, maybe he was wrong, but I think that when you have a really good doc (and you have I think) you have to make peace with him somewhere in the future.

Take care,

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