today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

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today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi bebopredux I just read your post and am so sorry for what you are going through.

Go to this link and then on the left hand side of the page there are some titles - click on to medical consultation for rls. It will bring up Dr Mark Buchfuhrer's name, address and phone number. Try callng them to see if they know of a good dr in Maine that can help you. I know he has an e-mail address but do not know it. If any of the members know it, please give it to bebopredux.

From what I hear is that Dr B is very good in answering the e-mail. I hope this will be of some help to you.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. My heart aches for what you are going through. I just wish I could help you.

I know how frustrated this can be and I will keep you in my prayers and please keep your strong faith. I know it is easy for me to say all of this as I am not in the pain that you are in now. I am also so sorry for you being sleep deprived.

Please, please keep us posted on how you are doing. We really do care.

Anytime you feel like just venting, talking we are here for you. We are one hugh family and really take care of our own.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

It really is horrible that you are in this situation. I hope you find a way around it. I take it that the other drugs don't work - the Requip, Mirapex, etc. Many of us find ourselves needing opioids and it isn't easy at all. I found a doc that listens to me and prescribes them, but now he's not on my insurance, the doc who is won't touch these drugs, so I have to pay everything out of pocket. At least I have him, though. Seriously, I don't think I would move to another place just because of this. I've always thought about moving, and have moved around some in the past. But, not now. I don't know if I have the energy to try and find someone again. The last time was enough.

I think I went through 8-10 docs. It was exhausting, but it did work. I just use a primary care doc. I wonder. . .what about asking all of your friends and people you know. Tell them you want a new primary care and ask them to describe theirs. Ask them how the doc is about prescribing things (not opioids, just drugs in general). It seems that some docs just are more easy about this than others. Maybe this would be the easier way than what I did - making appointment after appointment.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Location: coastal Maine

Post by catsup »

i can't tell if this is a thread that is long over with or not. but i just have to add my 2 cents.

i, too, have encountered medical professionals and pharmacists who have at sent me a strong non-verbal message that i was seeking drugs for recreational pusposes. it feels so degrading!

one thing that i haven't seen mentioned here has to do with a doctor's approach to addiction. if your doctor believed that you were a "drug seeker" then why didn't she offer you help for addiction? this tells me that she is jerk all around, not just for her misdiagnosis. too many doctors do not recognize addiction as a disease. they view it as a moral issue. i know that you are not an addict, but i just had to toss this angle into the discussion. your doc not only misdiagnosed you with an addictive disease rather than genuine RLS, she treated you immorally. not a good doctor at all, i would say. and, unfortunately, this attitude is very prevalent, and causes them to treat you like some of sleaze. there! that's my additional 2 cents.

blabbity blab! Moll

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Post by tazzer »

another 2 cents to the pot, if it at all possible in your area try to find a doc that specializes in RLS, or at least has read something about it. i take the same thing you went off of, there are other pain meds besides friggin darvocet, drs sometimes just want to be a pain in the butt because they know they can. they hold the power of your pain over your head, and that is why most drs should be smacked! luckily i have a decent dr who seems to care and frankly is fascinated by this condition. i just lucked out i guess. i wish you all the luck, get to finding a new doc. nobody should have to suffer through this rls when there are ways of making it tolerable.

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
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Post by Sojourner »

Don't know if this is on topic or not but.....I guess in the way of hope, as others have found and I hope you will too, there are many good rls providers out there. I have been in a bit of a slump lately with respect to my rls severity and finding something to help. In about the last two months I have had my provider call me back on the phone, after I left a message of concern with his nurse. In these calls, my provider was extemely caring, supportive, and did not seem in particular hurry to get off the phone. This in itself helped me get through these moments of anxiety and crisis. Recently, in response to a question about neurontin, which was recently prescribed, my providers nurse called me, answered my questions, worked out a plan together with me and again conveyed sincere interest and care about my condition and well being. I was told that my calls to the office were appropriate and that I should not hesitate to call in the future as that's what they were there for.

I do not think my provider has all the answers but has been willing to try as well as listen to my suggestions and give me some leeway varying some medication dosing etc.. He has expressed concern about prescibing heavyweght narcotics so I have some idea where he stands. My provider has offered to refer me to other rls specialists for consultation or treatment suggestions.

Oh by the way, I mentioned to my provider that the pharmacy had recently questioned me about my medication history and that I was a bit concerned about going in for another medication. To some extent this is good thing and perhaps something that is their duty to do. In any event, in response to my concern my provider simply stated, "It's none of their business."

I don't know what lies in the future, but I have been fortunate in the care I have received thus far and can only hope this will continue and that others can be as lucky.

Sorry for the long post.



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today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Shalom. Never, never apologize for a long post. I am so glad that your provider is so good with working with you. That definitely is a plus for and am so happy for you.

Thank you so much for sharing that with us.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing and have a wonderful New Year.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by necron99 »

:D Score one for the RLS'ers

So yesterday, I recieved a letter in the mail from the doctor. It was a full apologie for what happened and a offer to refer me to a more experienced doctor. In it she explained that at the time she did think I was drug seeking, but after review of my medical records from the sleep specialist, my past two primary care doctors, and the records from the pharmacy, she saw that I had lengthy evidence of my conditions, and had tried many meds before coming to use narcotics, and I had never abused my prescriptions.

All I can say is, HOORAY. I was so scared I would forever be having to explain what happend to every doctor I went to in the future, but it looks as though my record has been cleared of any accusations.

Thank you all for your support and help thru this ruff time. Now I can finally get on with finding another doctor. This time I am going to try a private practice doctor, and I am going to do my homework before hand. Call them up, and make sure they are willing to be my partner in this, and not force me to see three doctors every month just to get the meds I need.
Ill get to this later

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today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Post by ctravel12 »

Congratulations necron99 What fantastic news. Please let us know how your next dr appt turns out. Hooray for you.

This is really a wonderful group for support and you are more than welcome. Love to read posts like this.

Take care and thanks for sharing that with us.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

That is truly wonderful. What a sigh of relief that must be. Good luck on the next hunt. It's worth it when we finally find the right person.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

Man that is just awesome.
I can imagine how you feel after all that. It's great for you and it's just very encouraging news to all of us who could potentially end up in those same shoes.
Isn't it terriffic when the little guy wins?
Congratulations and good luck with the new Doctors.


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Post by tazzer »

Holy crap!!! A genuine apology from a doctor!!! You should frame that baby!

I am so happy for you I would dance on the bed but would bounce hubby out! Serves him right for going to sleep before me! :D

Congratulations again and like Randy said "score one for the little guy"

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by Aiken »

Just getting caught up on older posts...

Not only is this cool, but you should make a copy and keep it in your wallet, to show to the next numbskull who thinks they know you better than you do. :)

It's interesting that you got a written admission of guilt and an apology. Had you threatened legal action? It's very, very unusual for most any human being to do either of those things, let alone both, and especially people who are subject to malpractice lawsuits. If you haven't threatened, then I must say I'm impressed with your doctor's character, if not her judgement.

Anyway, congrats!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

You know, I seem to have read somewhere in the past couple years that doctors who apoligize get sued much less often. Interesting. Maybe this doc is really, really smart!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by brandy »

I am so pleased that things have turned around for you. You know, we get so frustrated with doctors who do not understand us and do not help the way we need them to help and we can forget that they are human, too. I think the fact that this doctor was willing to apologize and admit his own humanity is really great. I know that you must be so relieved and I appreciate you sharing this good news with us. It is so easy to get discouraged in the midst of all of our struggles and hearing good news renews a sense of hope. Good luck with the next doc. Let us know how it goes.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

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Post by becat »

That is the best news ever Necron.........YaHOO!
First yeah you got your own life back, within the medical records.
OMG a doctor apologizing is darn near human. In this day and age of I'll sue you for anything, someone just did the right thing. AMen!

I am so happy for you. You never have to thank us for support. It's what this place is all about, the heart of this board beats in us all.


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