today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

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Re: today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Post by bharrod »

necron99 wrote:where to start. I am 27, and have had a lifetime of problems, be it ADHD, insomnia and restless legs. For all these conditions I have run the gamut of medications, side effects and doctors.

I am completely lost now

Today I had a doctors appointment, with a doctor I have seen twice. I needed to get my oxycodone 5mg, three a day refilled. She talked with me and I asked if there was anything else I could be prescribed, because I have RLS, 24-7, very painful, debilitating RLS. To be noted, I also am on prescription amphetamines for my ADHD. Well, I have been thru a lot of doctors recently, due to changes in insurance, sleep specialists, and the shuffling that happens at offices. I Had been going to this doctor for 2 months now, due to the fact the sleep specialists cost me 200 dollers a month just for the office visit. Well, when she went to go do some "research" on any other meds I might be able to try to deal with the bad day time symptoms of RLS I get, she called up the sleep specialists, and the pharmacy, and saw that there was a percoset and a oxycodone prescription filled with in a week of each other two months ago. I did not like the percoset because they made me nauseous, so I had stopped using the percoset, and used the straight oxycodone she had given me( the percoset had been a automatically mailed prescription). I figured I could keep them around since I hadnt used them all , and save them for when my legs got really bad.

Well to make a long story short, she said I was drug seeking, because I had filled a prescription from her a week after I had filled a prescription from the sleep specialist( for a different pain med) and that she would not see me any more for anything, and that she would be calling the sleep specialists to tell them I had abused my prescriptions.

I am now at wits end. I have only two days of pain meds left, no doctor to go to, 24-7 painful rls, and am now labeled a drug seeker.

I have done the whole Mayo algorithm, and my iron is fine, benzos only help with falling a sleep,DA's make me throw-up all day long as well as make me nauseous, and the Parkinson's drugs make me mentally a zombie. I take multivitamins, magneseum and B vitamins, but they do very little to help.

Please, if anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I fear I am know going to not be able to get any proper treatment for this because of getting those two prescriptions filled close together. Am I forever going to be labeled a drug addict because of my stupid legs. I dont even want to be taking painkillers, they sometimes give me insomnia, could eventually make me dependent, downgrade my pain recepters, and sometimes they make me moody. BUT THEY WORK. THey have been the only thing to truly stop my RLS, and I was so happy I could work again, and be a good husband again, not a cripple moving and rubbing his legs all the time.I am so depressed right now, I feel hopeless. AM I now blacklisted? WIll I ever be able to be helped again.

morgan :cry:

Just for the record, I do not abuse my perscriptions, sell them or give them out. I have taken extra pills before, when I was having a very bad attack, but that is it.

This is no laughing matter, I was labeled that as well today by my doctor, and he wouldn't give me any vicodin because of it!! What in the hell is wrong with these doctors who are accusing us RLS sufferers of abusing the system to get high? If they could only have one good night of RLS symptoms, I would be in heaven to see that....

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Location: Wisconsin USA

Post by KBear »

This makes me so sad for those of you who have been through this. There but for the grace of God . . .

The reason this happens is because there are people who invent symptoms and illnesses to get drugs. I used to know a person like this. These people ruin it for everyone else.

Link to the Mayo Clinic Algorithm: ... 907Crc.pdf

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