Trials and tribulations with opioids

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Re: Trials and tribulations with opioids

Post by ViewsAskew »

I remember sucking on candied ginger a LOT during my withdrawal. So much so that I rarely eat ginger in anything anymore. The ginger tea in my cupboard is likely ten years old...guess I should toss that, huh.

Hope the ginger helps.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Trials and tribulations with opioids

Post by Noreserve »

Legsbestill, getting your ferritin levels helped you "a lot." Very happy for you. Long may it last.

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