My RLS Mountain....

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sardsy75 »

Dearest Lynne

I know the pain and anxiety you are going through ... especially the going backwards part!!

Girl, you are far from being unworthy in any sense of the word ... so you missed a game of bowls again; if your friends are true, they will understand. You know that we all understand.

You have put so much time, effort, love and support into this board since you dived in here head first and we all appreciate it tremendously; but as you've discovered, your body is telling you that it's time for some much needed and precious "You Time". It's ok to have some time to yourself to recharge and get yourself back on track.

We'll all still be rowing here ... you know that ... when a family member is down, we all rally around to help out in whatever way we can. It's fundamental to being a family!

Know that when you look at the moon, its the same moon that all your friends here (from around the world) see as well, and we'll all be watching it with you and sending you our thoughts, prayers, best wishes, positive and healing energy and most importantly ((((((CYBER HUGGLES))))).

Love ya!!!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!


Post by cornelia »

Becat, I hope your mom's fingers through your hair will make you sleep for hours on end. Happy dreams. Hope you feel better when you come home.


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Post by ksxroads »

Dear Lynne,

Rowing with the others, can't sleep so might as well be! How I can relate! You have expressed exactly what I have been going through. So glad that there is a place where I can find others like me!

I look at people around me and think, how do they do it? And of course it is difficult for them to understand why I am like I am! Don't know if it is daily savings time. Read somewhere that some have seasonal RLS, so I often think that seasonal changes may contribute to increased problems. I tend to be worse during the spring and summer months.

Have a new program to learn and they want an entirely new website - creativity is rather difficult to come by when you can barely remember your name.

My meditations are going to be remembering when my grandmother used to run her fingers through my hair and rub my aches away!

Love you all very much. Hazel
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation.

Music can be made anywhere, is invisible and does not smell. --W H Auden

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Post by jan3213 »

Hi Lynne

Sweetie! We'll all take your oars---I think it's going to take several of us to hold on to just one, but we'll do it!!! Give my love to your mom. I like Hazel's meditation---think of her grandmother running fingers through her hair, too.

We talked, so you know where my heart is~~~~ You may not see this for awhile, but all of us love you.

Hugs and the moon
No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by Jenne1950 »

I stopped rowing for a minute to rest, and my oars are headed down stream! Likewise, I have many similar feelings to those expressed in this thread. The not sleeping, the feeling like a walking zombie, like I'm not part of my own life. I await the day when this comes under control again. My arms are starting with the heebie jeebies, so I'll finish.

I can still put my "baby" who is almost 27 to sleep by rubbing her head and back. My husband falls soundly asleep if I rub his back. I guess I have to learn how to ask for this for myself. It's hard to switch to the person who NEEDS from the person who DOES!

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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ksxroads »

Thank you for the mini vacation! Not the rowing but the wonderful memories you share! Always thought it would be grand to have a place by the sea like Garp's mom, where all of us could spend time, sleeping on our own schedule, living life according to our physical and mental needs. Would your mom consider being house mother!

Picked up some oars down stream... so ducked taped together I am building up some arm muscle, may get rid of some of that hangie down stuff! hahahaha

Hope all have a Blessed weekend, sending you Positive Energy and Healing thoughts!

Love, Hazel
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation.

Music can be made anywhere, is invisible and does not smell. --W H Auden

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Post by Penguinrocks »

last night I was taking Kathleen around to deliver candle orders...There is was...high in the sky....the brightest yellow moon i have seen in a long time....

it hailed yesterday and the thunder and lightning was intense....

then this big yellow moon......

there you all were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you
Beware the Penguin

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Post by becat »

Hazel, I too have noticed that stuff hanging off my's horrible to double wave to someone. I have grown to think of it as a fat store for a hard winter....opps, might need to move north to use it up. Hmmm, maybe it's a signal to the greater gods that I did have muscle tone at one time, so I get credit for having used them at some point.
Yes, I think my Mom would love to be the house mother, just as long as we all do our own thing and don't expect to use a clock......ever. it would likely need to be a place that is within a couple of hours of a casino as well, cause she aint' taking it with her in the end. LOL
Penguin, I washed myself in that moon. It was a truely magically evening in many ways for me. I went to bed at 7 am......yes, medicated and all. Darn this crap. But I'm glad you shared it with me. It was awesome and clear, bright.......just what our hearts needed.
I never knew I needed all of you until I found you here. Blessings in all, even the bad.

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Post by Penguinrocks »

the love in my heart I have for you will win out over the pain i feel in my body.....when those days get bad...i'll have you

when the moon is behind clouds, you'll still be there

when the current gets too strong, we'll share the rowing...

my gratitude, my love and my utmost respect to you all

Beware the Penguin

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Post by becat »


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Post by ksxroads »

Next full moon, we will all go moon bathing with you!

Guess I should be looking for a larger home... maybe I could get Will to add on to ours, there is a pond about 1/4 mile back have him haul in sand for beach front, and we are about an hours drive from the casino...

Sending many warm ************Healing Thoughts************* to each of you. It has not been an easy time for so many of us lately. Yet no matter how terrible I am feeling, I will always find my heart filled with hope and inspiration when I come here.

Holdin you in my heart…I could walk like this for miles
SMILE … cause I’m holding you in my heart
It’s plain to see that God has smiled on me
Cause I am holding you in my heart.
I’m the best I’ll ever be When you are all here with me
As memories hurry by I catch a tear drop in my eye.
As I’m holding you in my heart…. I’m holding you in my heart…

**********More Healing Energy***************

Love Hazey
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation.

Music can be made anywhere, is invisible and does not smell. --W H Auden

Posts: 2842
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm

Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Lynne, I hope you get it worked out. I wish I were the type to wish you the best and shut up; but I'm not. This read is probably going to be to the point and definitely not cuddly - please know I mean it in the kindest way of kicking your butt. :shock: Pleas also know that it comes from love.

I wish you didn't see the Methadone as the end of the line and about not having choices. You are suffering. . .by your own hand, not the doctor's. You don't have to. You have at least two choices. To be miserable or to feel better. Just because you chose to feel miserable for years doesn't mean you have to do it some more.

There are people who have been on Methadone for RLS for many years. The rate of addiction is very low. The rate of tolerance is very low. Very few people have problems. Most importantly, it works! And for long periods of time. How long? I don't know. But would you rather have even just one year of relief than none? Because right now, you have none. You are in pain every day.

You are right about not having many drug choices as of right now. But after a year, two, or ten on Methadone, the choices will be different. What had stopped working might start working again. New medicines will have been approved. Your RLS will be in a different place.

I read a book once about creativity. There was a story in it about a woman who was holding back from trying to reach her dream of going to medical school, as she felt she was too old. The woman said, "I can't go to medical school! Think of how old I'll be when I get out!" The author of the book looked at her and said, "The same age you will be if you don't go."

Somewhere in there is an analogy, but I'm too tired to find it. It's 2:35 and I'm still up, stuck in the going to be late pattern that I love to hate. I'm off to bed. I really do hope that you find your way through the fear and to the solution that allows you to have your life back.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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