venlafaxine withdrawal

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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by Rustsmith »

The ER doctor appears to be uninformed about RLS. 1) Not only is it possible to get RLS in your arms, but an expert that I used to see said that RLS should stand for Restless Limb Syndrome because you can have it in your arms, neck, torso, etc. 2) It isn't necessary to continually move your feet, especially if you were there in the morning. The circadian aspect of RLS means that it is worse in the afternoon, evening and night and is less of an issue during the morning. Besides, except during the worst of RLS episodes, I can force myself to sit still for a short time. But when I do that, it is sort of like feeling of pressure building. If I do it too long, my legs will move on their own and that movement is usually a violent kick that I cannot control.

I hope that your psych doctor listens to you tomorrow. You have to emphasize that this is torture (use that word if you can be calm when you say it) and that the symptoms are causing you to get very little sleep. Even if this is due to withdrawal from your antidepressants, that doesn't mean that you need to continue to suffer. A short term prescription for a dopamine agonist, like Mirapex, would quite possibly provide relief from your symptoms until you get through the rest of the withdrawal.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by ViewsAskew »

What Steve and Beth said! If your psych doc isn't listening or is uneducated about this, I do hope you have another option for a different doctor. You need someone who is RLS savvy and knows how to better help you.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by Wild6Flower16 »

Hi I just seen the psychatrist and he put me back on venlafaxine. I was on 300 but he is going to put me on 150.
And klonipine i think it was. It will take the abilify another week to leave my system.
So we will see what happens. It now needs to get cleared for insurance . Thank you for being so supportive.
And so caring.

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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by ViewsAskew »

This gets SO tricky when you need medications that trigger or worsen RLS. I do hope they get it figured out so you are not suffering so.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by Wild6Flower16 »

going back on the venlafaxine helped. Now i don't know if Ablify had anything to do with it since i took it while tapering off of venlafaxine.
But i was on 150 for 3 weeks then 75 for 2 and soon after i got really bad side affects. I tapered too fast that caused the restless leg.
But i also stopped the abilify. I see my regular psych doctor in 3 weeks.
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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by badnights »

I hope things stay calm for you. Is your doctor planning a slower taper off the Venlafaxine?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by Wild6Flower16 »

I dont know yet..i see the regular psych til' jan 23. but my mood had been so low because of getting off it. dreadful feelings sadness especially to do things like washing hair or taking care of my self. The medications barely helps but it exaceerbates the negative feelings when coming off.

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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by badnights »

:( :( Be gentle with yourself when you feel like that. Set very tiny goals. Remind yourself that the state you're in is temporary. I hope it doesn't last very long.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hugs to you, Wild6Flower16. While likely nothing to the extent you are familiar with, have had periods of depression and it is so insidious and permeates through everything. As Beth said, it is important to remind yourself since it never feels temporary!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by Polar Bear »

Wildflower - wishng you a better time. remember... temporary.... temporary.....
We know it is so hard.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: venlafaxine withdrawal

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Been there, done that. Discontinuation syndrome from effexor is awful!. Hang in there.

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