Airsickness meds?

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Airsickness meds?

Post by Joanie60 »

Does anyone have experience with airsickness? Are there any meds that will not make RLS worse? I am afraid Dramamine will (I guess because it is sedating like Benedryl??). I have thrown up on my last three flights to Germany, shortly before landing. I have cut out almost all the airline food (except rolls and butter, crackers, etc) and of course, no alcohol but tons of water. I can't figure out why this is happening now - I'm 57 years old, flown all my life, and suddenly...BAM...I'm stashing barf bags in my carry on haha.

I am in Germany now and don't know what they'll have OTC but I thought I would throw out the topic. I'd rather throw up than accelerate my RLS symptoms for 10 hours if motion sickness drugs are a no-go.

PS: Of course if you have any non-medical hints, I'd love to hear those too!!

As always, thanks for your experience, strength, hope, and wisdom!!

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by yawny »

Joanie60, I’ve been throwing up from motion sickness my entire life. I can’t suggest any medications but a few things I’ve figured out over the years have helped improve the odds of keeping things down.

1)If you can keep yourself as cold as possible even to the point of discomfort. Something about being super duper cold keeps my stomach calmer so I dress very lightly or in layers so I can get down to just a tank or loose fitting shirt that encourages air flow around me. I don’t have one but I’ve considered getting one of those fans on a necklace that blows air on your face and neck.

This one has great reviews at Amazon and several reviewers mention using it on airplanes with much success. I think I’ll get one for the menopausal hot flashes I am anticipating to arrive in my life any day now.

2)Tilt your head back so your chin is higher than usual. Not sure why this works but it does for me. I think I discovered it when I was attempting to fool my stomach into thinking there was no easy exit.

3)Get your sinuses in working order. I believe post nasal drip into a stomach makes a stomach queasy. I’ve been having success with OTC supplements with Quercetin. I don’t have allergies, but non-allergic rhinitis which just means I get congested from stuff in the air (perfumes, smoke, pollen). Quercetin seems to work for both situations. Here are two top brands with great reviews.

:) Good luck to you...

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by stjohnh »

Lots of people swear by Ginger

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by legsbestill »

I was going to suggest ginger - Chrystalised ginger is what I use. Ginger has been found to be very effective in studies - as effective as some pharmaceutical options.
There are also wrist bands that apply pressure to a particular point on your wrist which is supposed to help with nausea. I used them in preganancy for morning sickness and also on the children when they had motion sickness. They seemed to have some positive benefit.

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by yawny »

Ah yes, Ginger! And it comes in many forms...ginger ale, ginger tea, ginger candy, ginger essential oil

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I've used ginger, but in the 6 months I dealt with benzo withdrawal, got to the point I couldn't stand it anymore. Definitely helped.

I get motion sick if I try to read when on a bus, in a car, etc. I use a wrist band that sends electrical impulses. Doesn't make it go away completely, but reduces it by at least 50%.
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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by Joanie60 »

This is great!! Lots of non-medicine ideas. Just what I need. Many thanks! Crystalized ginger...where do I get that? I wasn't sure if ginger ale was something made up by my parents (and the idea of being able to drink carbonated beverage was a thrill!!).

Yawny-I never go anywhere without a fan or two. I have them plugged in all over my house. My far-and-away favorite is: ... UTF8&psc=1

You recharge it via USB cable so there is no expense of batteries. A friend gave me the exact one you had a link to, and it is perfect for when I am putting on makeup and need both my hands. Makeup is rather pointless because it melts off me shortly thereafter, but old habits die hard.

I will also use the fan more on the airplane, not just during hot flashes...good idea!

Thanks everyone! I knew you would come through :-)

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by yawny »

I buy most things on Amazon and you can get crystallized ginger there. There’s one that people seem to love called Gin-gins and the company The Ginger People, makes several different forms of ginger candy.

But you can also find ginger candy at most health food or grocery stores. It’s very strong tasting and like Ann mentioned it can get to be too much. If that happens, you can always try any of the other ginger forms mentioned. Essential oils are an interesting way to go since you can just open the container and smell, or put a few drops under your nose. I once used lemon essential oil for nausea and it worked really well.

Thanks for the fan suggestion, I’m going to get it! I have fans all over my house too, lol. There’s one that I saw that combats nighttime hot flashes by shooting air under your bedsheets. I gotta find that one too.

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by Joanie60 »

Thanks for the suggestion..I've put it on my Amazon list. I've never gotten sick on the way home (Germany to US) but I think I'll drink some gingerale in addition to the copious amounts of water I slosh down (and walking to the bathroom is always helpful with RLS lol).

These hot flashes are a major bummer. Oh well, at least I know they will come to an end at SOME point..wish the same could be said of RLS :)

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by stjohnh »

You can buy ginger root in the produce department of most grocery stores. A lot of people make tea out of slices of the root and drink that.

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by Joanie60 »

Thanks Holland, that sounds easiest of all!

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by ViewsAskew »

If you buy the root, consider noting where it was grown. Much is grown in China (as with garlic, too). Because of soil contamination and other past issues with food (people, baby, dog) produced in China, I try to avoid anything labeled from China.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by Polar Bear »

I saw crystalised ginger today in the supermarket. It was amongst the home baking produce, the flour, raisins etc.
It's too strong for me but my husband is very fond of it.
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Re: Airsickness meds?

Post by Joanie60 »

I asked at homeopathic pharmacy in Ingolstadt (Germany) and pharmacist gave me capsules with 250mg ginger in them. He said it was specifically for motion sickness and there is, obviously, no taste. I took one today to make sure I didn't have some random reaction (i didn't) so I will report back. I've never had a problem flying west (Europe-USA), and have very little warning that I will be throwing up (barely enough time to unbuckle and bolt) but I will take one on my flight home just to be safe!

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