Ropinirole vs pramiprexole plus other questions…

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Ropinirole vs pramiprexole plus other questions…

Post by paulabuls »

Hi all,

A little introduction plus a couple of questions. Sorry for the length.

My name is Paula, I have suffered from RLS for a number of years but only started recognizing what it was, getting treatment etc about 6 years ago. Prior to recognizing what it was I was taking Benadryl to try to get to sleep not knowing that it was the worst thing I could do.

The doctor who first formally diagnosed me and started me on medication was a family doctor who unfortunately started me on way higher dosages than was best. (.5 mg pramiprexole and 2400 mg Gabapentin/day). Fairly quickly after that I realized I was having trouble with compulsive spending (luckily nothing overly severe) and after doing some research on my own (I’m a psychotherapist and chronic researcher) discovered this was a known side effect of pramiprexole. I also discovered I had been put on an unusually high starting dose and thus self lowered my dose to .25 mg, which resolved the spending issues.

After awhile, I realized I had lost any libido and had become incapable of achieving an orgasm. After trying numerous things, therapy, sexual PT, etc. I began to suspect it might be a medication issue. I found some research that indicated that Gabapentin could be involved with anorgasmia. I’ve been working for about a year to slowly lower my Gabapentin dosage. I’m currently down to 1300 mg /day. My regimen is to take my pramiprexole and 400 mg Gabapentin about 5:00 pm, another 300 mg Gabapentin about 8:30 pm and the final 600 mg Gabapentin before bed ( usually about 11:00 pm).

I’m 63 years old. Later this year my wife and I are moving to Portugal and I will be semi-retiring. In preparation for leaving I am taking care of as many medical specialists as I can. I decided to consult a sleep specialist and neurologist for my first time.

I met with his nurse practitioner. She expressed surprise at how high a dose of Gabapentin I was on and wants to get me down to under 900 mg/day she also wants me to switch from pramiprexole to ropinirole. As I was researching the difference I came across some literature that stated that anorgasmia could be associated with pramiprexole as well.

Finally, we discussed CBD which I have been using sublingually for several years. She said in her opinion vaping was a more effective means of taking it.

So I’m curious about people’s experiences between ropinirole and pramiprexole and also regarding vaping of CBD.

FYI, I also have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. My Ferritin level last checked was 203. I know that autoimmune disorders and inflammation can raise this. The sleep doc and I have not discussed iron supplementation yet. We’re waiting to do a sleep study before changing my current meds.

If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for your patience and thanks in advance for any thoughts.



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Re: Ropinirole vs pramiprexole plus other questions…

Post by Rustsmith »

I cannot comment about pramipexole vs ropinerole because I haven't been on ropinerole. I did switch from pramipexole to rotigatine (Neupro patch). I didn't really see much difference except for the method that each is administered.

As for the anorgasmia, I have also seen issues with this due to a high gabapentin dose. I take 900 and my doctor wants me to go to 1200. But anorgasmia hits at 1200, so I won't go there.

One thing that you might check out is your testosterone levels (both total and free). This could also be contributing to your anorgasmia.

As for vaping, vaping is the fastest way (other than smoking) to administer CBD, THC or both. You get the benefits faster with vaping than you do with tinctures or edibles, but it also doesn't last as long. Tinctures take a bit longer and last longer. Edibles can take an hour or two to become effective, but last the longest. Those who use THC or straight marijuana for their RLS tend to use edibles due to the time that it is effective. Some also use a combination, for example, vape a little at bedtime and eat an edible so that the vaped THC works now and the edible starts to kick in about the time that the vaping effects are running out.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Ropinirole vs pramiprexole plus other questions…

Post by Greensteps »

Sorry trying to navigate this board. How do I ask a different question. ?

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Re: Ropinirole vs pramiprexole plus other questions…

Post by Polar Bear »

If you mean, ask another question on this subject then just click on Post Reply which is at the bottom on the left, in red.

If you mean, ask another question on a new subject then just go to the relevant Forum and click on New Topic at the top left.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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