Help for my mom finding severe RLS doctor in Chicago area

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Help for my mom finding severe RLS doctor in Chicago area

Post by erinmaryuhoh »

Good afternoon wise RLS discussion board members! Years ago this board was SO helpful when my mom had been experiencing severe augmentation on her RLS meds. She went to Hopkins, got on methadone and that has (more or less) been a life saver. Her current RLS doctor in the northwest suburbs of Chicago just shared that he will no longer see her (apparently calling to follow up on insurance issues, the sleep studies he had her do, etc. is too high maintenance) and she is having a really hard time finding another RLS doctor. I thought perhaps the RLS hive mind could suggest some Chicago-area doctors knowledgeable about RLS and opioids and with experience treating severe RLS. She went to see Dr. Buchfuhrer in CA last year but since she doesn't live in CA he can't prescribe meds.

Thank you in advance!!


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Re: Help for my mom finding severe RLS doctor in Chicago area

Post by ViewsAskew »

I actually moved to California because I could not find a reasonable doctor in Chicago. It's silly - it's a huge metropolitan area. I live there from 2004 to 20015 and saw over 20 doctors in that time frame. I would find one and they'd refuse to use opioids a year later, etc. I finally decided that my mental health was taking a huge toll as well as my physical health.

This is so maddening that it is like this. I feel for your mom. I remember how awful it felt to now have anyone to rely on.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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