Med transitioning

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Med transitioning

Post by RLS113 »

Can anyone share their experience in transitioning from Ropinole to Gabapetin ?

Can I take both at once until I figure out the dose of Gabapetin that I need for relief?


Polar Bear
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Re: Med transitioning

Post by Polar Bear »

From my own experience, I use Pregabalin which is a sister drug to Gabapentin. I had been taking Ropinerole for many years and augmented so needed to get off it. However I was taking Ropinerole and Pregabalin at the same time. The Pregabalin was actually prescribed for neuropathy but as a bonus was useful in treating my rls.

When I began a slow taper of the Ropinerole my Pregabalin was gradually increased.
Please note that all of the time I was also using Codeine as an rls treatment and still do.
So.... I was initially taking Codeine and Ropinerole, then added Pregabalin (prescribed for neuropathy). Reduced the Ropinerole and increased the Pregabalin, while still taking Codeine.

Yes, you can take both Ropinerole and Gabapentin at the same time.
Your journey will depend on several factors, what dosage of Ropinerole you're taking, have you augmented. If so, it's unlikely that Gabapentin will be sufficient and if your doctor is understanding he may prescribe a few day's worth of an opioid to get you through the worst of the withdrawals.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Med transitioning

Post by RLS113 »

Thank you so much for the reply!
I will keep this in mind. It’s very encouraging to hear others that have already gone down the road I’m heading down.
Very helpful!

Polar Bear
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Re: Med transitioning

Post by Polar Bear »

Just to add, I was on 5mg ropinerole (massively high dose) when I successfully weaned taking 10 months to do so. This was my choice to do it so slowly (as it was my third attempt). This method suited me very well and was without any great trauma. Most folk wean much more quickly.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Med transitioning

Post by SunFlower15 »

I have been tapering/transitioning off my dopamine agonist since early September, using Gabapentin. Yes-the use of both drugs at the same time is a common strategy.
I’d been on 1.5mg Ropinirole for 3 years, with mild augmentation. Since I’m over 65, I was started on 100mg of Gabapentin, and over 3-4 wks, I went to 300mg, which at that time was enough to mostly control my RLS. My Sleep Med doctor directed me to wait for that control before starting and - slowly - dropping down the Ropinirole dose.
I chose to transition very slowly; at the 3.5 month mark I currently take Ropinirole 0.75mg (half my original dose-yay!!) and Gabapentin 400mg each night. Things are going pretty well-I keep a nightly symptom diary, and am hopeful that I’ll be done in early Spring. I have learned a LOT by reading about other people’s RLS journeys.
I wish you well as you go through your drug changeover!

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Re: Med transitioning

Post by meyer »

I am on Gabapentin 200mg 4 times a day and am decreasing my Ropinirole from 1.5mg total per day . I am currently down to 0.25mg by decreasing at 0.125mg for 2 weeks. It is going better the farther I get from the total and I expect to be free of it in another month. In the beginning I had breakthrough symptoms but with extra exercises in the middle of the night and persistent walking over 6000 steps per day I was able to get through. Don't give up! You are making progress!

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