Lorazepam and OxyContin

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Lorazepam and OxyContin

Post by jblackburn67 »

Wondering if anyone has taken Ativan and OxyContin at the same time?
I have had anxiety my whole life and use Lorazepam on an as needed basis to help with panic attacks and days where I am very anxious. Can’t get on an airplane without taking it.
Problem now is I just started taking Oxy for my RLS. It has completely controlled my symptoms and I’m finally getting good sleep. I’ve read it’s very dangerous to take both because they slow down your breathing.
I have a trip coming up In March and not sure how I can get on a plane without popping some Ativan.

Polar Bear
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Re: Lorazepam and OxyContin

Post by Polar Bear »

I haven't taken the meds you mention. However, I do take pregabalin and cocodamol daily and have done for many years. Both can suppress breathing. About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea and whether as a result of the meds I don't know. As I have rls 24/7 and it is more or less controlled with my meds there is no way I want to not use them.
If I were you I'd speak with my doctor to confirm if occasional use of the Ativan is ok.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Lorazepam and OxyContin

Post by Macadwel »

In the past, I have taken 1 mg of Xanax every night with 100mg of tramadol and 100mg of pregabalin, or I have taken oxycontin cannot remember the dose but it was strong enough to replace the 100mg of tramadol that I was on for a toothache that the tramadol was not touching until I could have a root canal, with the Xanax, and presently I am on 5mg of hydrocodone and take two at night with the Xanax and along with the 100mg of pregabalin and I have not had a problem. I have not tested my resting heart rate with all three as I have not been concerned.
You can purchase one of those finger heart rate monitors, I have one as there have been times I have been concerned with certain meds, and test the Ativan and OxyContin during the day when you have access to medical to see how it all goes. Just a suggestion, before your trip. You could have someone there to monitor you too if you need to make sure it will not cause an issue on an airplane Good luck ~ Mel

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