ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

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ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by IzzyKoshi »

Dear Members:
I will likely be faced with a choice between a trial of ER oxycontin or methadone to control very severe RLS. I would appreciate hearing about your experiences with either. One strong concern for me is that, although opiate withdrawal can be very difficult and dangerous, it's duration is time limited. However, I understand that symptoms from methadone withdrawal can last months, or more. However, even if this is incorrect, I am very curious about comparing the two. Thank you.

Bill E.

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Re: ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by Macadwel »

Hi Bill,
I just tried methadone as I am at the end of my choices too. I am currently on a drug holiday from Tramadol with another opioid trying to see if I can go back to it, I am also trying the low oxalate diet, which seems to be helping with my legs.

When I was given the choice to try methadone I started with 1/2 a milligram in the morning as I tend to react to drugs and it did not touch my RLS, but what it did do is put me in a black hole. My mood went dark, I couldn't move, I didn't want to do anything, I did not eat, I was not happy, and I felt like I was dying. My heart rate went to 44 hearts per beat. I took 1 mg at 6 pm, 12 hrs later, to see if it would help my RLS, and all it did was deepen my mood and kept me up all night and the next day. I was still not hungry but drank plenty of water, that was the only thing I wanted was water. The next day I stopped the Methadone, went back on my tramadol, and stayed in this black hole until 6 pm that night, then all of a sudden I snapped out of it as nothing had happened.

Now I am sensitive, so this might not be a problem for you. I would prefer the ER Oxycotin if I had my choice.
Good luck,

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Re: ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by Oozz »

Methadone is preferred by a lot of doctors due to the long half life, lower side GI side effects, and NMDA antagonism (slower tolerance build up). I also believe it reduces glumate. It is my preferred drug.

Oxy is very stimulating to me. I think many others experience that as well.

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Re: ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by ViewsAskew »

Our bodies are complex systems and there can be so many variables. Methadone is the preferred approach in the US for a variety of reasons, but it has its own set of problems and that long half life can make withdrawal very tedious. But, Oxy can be abused when someone is in the 7-8 percent of us that really like that sensations that it can provide. Those are just a few of the many things that might make one work better than the other. I'd talk it out with my provider - the pros and cons of each related to who you are and how you handle things.
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Re: ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by debbluebird »

I can't take Oxycodone for any length of time. I took methadone for about 9 years. 10 to 15 mg divided into two doses. I no longer take it because I can't get it in NM. It worked fairly well. Divided does was to prevent insomnia.
I now take buprenorphine. In some ways I think it's better. I get 2 mg films, so I'm able to cut it. There are times I need more because I also get injections in my back which help. As the injections wear off, the I need a little more buprenorphine. Currently I'm taking 1 mg, divided into two doses. 2 pm and 5 pm. I have severe RLS. Hope this helps. Good luck

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Re: ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by frickets »

I've been taking Methadone for a couple years now and have tolerated it fairly well. It rescued me from augmentation, so I've been a fan. However, I'm facing a move in a few months from VA to AZ. I thought it best to find a new RLS doctor ahead of the move to avoid a gap in care or medications and I'm having a very hard time finding one that's willing to prescribe Methadone. I'm starting to fear that I could be stuck dependent on a medication I can't get. FWIW

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Re: ER opiates (oxy) vs methadone

Post by Stainless »

I'm undergoing neck cancer treatment with chemo and radiation, the only way I would ever get an opioid prescribed in Florida. I'm having trouble sleeping after chemo they say because of a steroid. I have not been impressed with 5 mg. oxy. I guess I expected a lot more. I guess it has it's own insomnia issues or I would take it right now. My severe RLS has been less than 1/4 of normal but the last few days have worsened. If I take an oxy I need three or four hours to fall asleep and by then not much good for RLS, especially with the constipation. I don't want to take with the clonazepam that is prescribed for RLS. I thought this would be a good test of opioids but since my issues are at night, I guess not.

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