My experience with Medical Marijuana

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My experience with Medical Marijuana

Post by Stainless »

I finally got around to getting a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida. A strange procedure where you pat $275, see an MD and they approve your MM Card but don't give you a prescription. The card has to be renewed every seven months for another $150. The doctor who was young, articulate and seemed genuinely concerned (not what I expected) and gave me some vague advice to basically try everything. Then you go to dispensary where a salesman in their 20s shows you what is available like a candy store. Surprisingly to me was most people coming and going were retirement age (like me) with a lifetime of aches, pains and insomnia.

I told my Neurologist and GP what I was doing and they were very supportive after watching me suffer for a decade. My GP had taken a class and advised me to try sativa strains.

Taken before bedtime It helps me stay asleep but in the daytime just gets me stoned and does not relieve my RLS. I just went through throat cancer so I only take edibles or pills. With the mostly Hybrid pills (the strongest THC they have) I find I build up tolerance very quickly. I guess I need to only take it occasionally instead of a regular basis. I'm not new to Marijuana but MM, dispensaries and edibles are new to me. Any advise would be appreciated.

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