Specialist needed?

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Specialist needed?

Post by musiclover »

I posted a question about Requip. But now I"m beginning to wonder if I need to go to a specialist.

I had been on Clonozepam 2 mg per day. Started at .5 and gradually increased over 10 years or so to 2 mg. Some nights that wasn't even working so at my last checkup - end of May - I asked my doctor about Requip. He gave me two sample packs. Because of the cautions I read here, I continued to take Clonozepam, gradually decreasing it as the dosage of Requip increased. This week I was on 1 mg Requip alone. Not a good experience. I had extreme joint pain and couldn't sleep at all. At least I was awake and comfortable (other than the joint pain.) But I just didn't like the feeling with the drug.

Tonight I went back to plain Clonozepam - 2 mg then a bit ago I added .5 more. This is the highest dosage I've taken and it isn't helping.

I've endured this for 20 years. My Grandmother had it, my father has it and my sister has it. I think one if not both of my sons have it also.
At what point does it make sense to go to a specialist instead of my General Practitioner? And what kind of specialist would that be? I'm really at the end of my rope with this. I've got to get some sleep.

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Post by Ridgerunner »

I would see a Neurologist for your treatment options as it concerns RLS. I was on Clonazepam but my neuro did not like the drug and I had my doubts as well because I am not sure how good of a drug it is to use on a long term basis. Clonazepam really only treats the sleeplessness associated with RLS. When I took it the pain I was experiencing trumped anything the Clonazepam was doing. In conjunction with opiates it worked better.
I am wondering what your symptoms are and how the Clonazepam is helping with this?
For me it is painful sensations and Clonazepam does nothing for that but Methadone sure does.

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Post by musiclover »

File this under For What It Is Worth...

I saw my doctor yesterday because of what I posted about first in this thread. Clonozepam wasn't working and Requip was causing severe joint pain and insomnia. We talked for quite a while. He debated sending me to a sleep specialist (to rule out sleep apnea or other problems) but ultimately decided to send me to a Neurologist.

I was able to get in to see her today. She took a complete history and wants to do some blood work to check iron levels and thyroid - but feels as though I need to stay on Clonozepam longer and decrease my dosage over a much longer period of time. So, I'm to take 1 MG Requip (even though it cause joint pain, cross my fingers I'll be asleep and won't notice!) and 1 MG Clonozepam for 1 month. I go back to see her then and we'll reassess at that time. Her feeling is that because I didn't have Restless Legs when I took Requip, it should work. She said many times the side effects go away after longer usage.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

Good Luck MusicLover...
Tough being a sort of Guinea Pig isn't it?...but I guess that's how things get accomplished
Glad to hear you started seeing a Neuro. I still haven't been able to figure out 100%, all these doctors fear of Clonazapem. It worked really well for me.

Good screen name by the way.
I'm a music lover too.

Well, here's to a smooth transition...from Clonazapem to Requip.

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Post by neelia »

I have a bottle of Requip & a bottle of Klonopin...do I take both? At the same time?? My doc toldme these were the only two options...

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Ya gotta love docs that dispense drugs and no directions!

Do you have nightly RLS that keeps you from sleeping? Requip is great for people who have RLS 5 or more nights a week. You take it an hour before symptoms start. Start with a .25 mg and increase it .25 mg every 3-7 days (different docs, different instructions - me? I'd go every 5 or so to avoid side effects) until you get to a dose that works.

If the Requip solves the problem, you don't need the Klonopin.

If you don't have daily RLS, but rather something 5 or less days a week, the Klonopin may work. You can take it the nights you feel symptoms coming on. It works for some, but not as many as Requip. It is great for helping your fall asleep. It is also highly addictive - you will become physically dependent on it after about a month of taking it. That shouldn't stop you from trying it - if it works, it's worth it.

FYI, these are NOT the only two options! There are at least 20-30 others. I just saw your other post and you mentioned nausea with the Requip. If it hasn't gone away in 4 months, it's not likely to. But, you can try to split the dose taking 1/2 of it at one time and the other 1/2 later. You can also try some ginger or even antinausea drugs if you want to stay on it.

Since your doc is not too savvy, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get savvy. There are a ton of posts here that will get you "up to speed" on RLS and its treatments. Start in the "sticky" posts in the New to RLS section. The one on managing RLS will provide you with much of the knowledge you need.

The old posts are full of great info, too. Welcome to the board - sorry you need it, but hope you can get the info and help you need.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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