Ferrous Sulfate recommended by Dr.

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Ferrous Sulfate recommended by Dr.

Post by musiclover »

A few weeks ago I posted about going to a Neurologist to discuss my RLS and use of Clonozepam and Requip. She ordered blood work to check my iron levels and my thyroid.

I got home today and had a letter from her with a prescription for Ferrous Sulfate 325g. The note said she wants me to start taking an Iron Supplement. I'm going to call to discuss tomorrow (I go back to see her on the 22nd but don't want to wait that long.) If I'm reading the prescription properly - it is 1 tablet twice daily. And looking it up on medical websites, there are pretty strict timing issues - no antacids of caffiene within two hours of taking it (I take Prevacid twice a day), and no lying down for 30 minutes after taking it.

Anyone else taking this - or have a similar experience?

BTW - I did a search on the boards here for Ferrous Sulfate and got some good information - just looking for anything else anyone can add.

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Post by FidgetBoy »

Hi musiclover- if you take your iron supplement with a tablet of vitamin C or with a glass of orange juice, you can usually help the absorption of iron. Since prevacid stops your stomach from making acid "around the clock", I'm not sure the timing of the prevacid and iron is a big issue. FYI-when they say "antacid" what they really mean is things like "Tums". Tums and other antacids often contain calcium which can bind very tightly with your iron supplement and basically make it useless. Prevacid does not contain calcium so you shouldn't have a problem. You should also avoid taking your iron tablet within 2 hours of anything else that contains calcium-- that includes cheese, yogurt, milk, etc. Iron is absorbed best on an empty stomach, but can be taken with food if your stomach really bothers you. The gastric side-effects are why most health professionals recommend not lying down/drinking caffeine after taking it... as this can worsen any tendancy for gastric reflux (that lovely feeling of your stomach contents coming back up your esophagus). Not sure if any of the above helps? I really hope the repletion of your iron stores will help your RLS. cheers-Josh

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Great info, Josh.

Musiclover, most docs recommend 325 mg of the iron 3 times a day, not just once. It takes months to raise it. If you take it once a day, it will be a long time before you increase it. That said, I don't know how low your ferrtin level is, so maybe you don't have that far to go to get where the neuro wants it.
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Post by musiclover »

Thanks Josh and Ann,

The prescription says one 325g tablet twice a day but I am calling today to discuss - want to know my levels, etc.

Josh - thanks so much for the info about antacids. I am a coffee drinker in the morning, so will need to work that timing out but glad to know the preavid won't enter into it. Of course, I'll discuss all of this with the doc.

Thanks all!

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