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Flu Shot

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:12 pm
by FidgetBoy
Just wanted to stop in and say that I've discovered that a flu shot I got on Monday has REALLY caused my RLS to ramp up... I'm not sure if I'm alone in this or not? I always get small fevers from the shots but this year I noticed that my legs and even my arms have really not responded well. It's Wed and it's finally getting a bit better but last night I had to take 2 oxycontin before my legs and arms would stop jerking. :shock:

flu shot

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:16 pm
by ctravel12
Hi Josh
No the flu shot did not seem to bother me. So sorry that it did that to you. I just recently had a bad sinus infection and the cough medicine I took did a number on my legs one night so decided to not take it unless it was extremely necessary. I hope that you are feeling much better.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:54 am
by ViewsAskew
Hey, Josh. I was just wondering where you were - a few of you have been quiet lately.

I'm sorry to hear that the flu shot affected you. I didn't get one this year. I don't recall a problem the last two years I did. Hmmmm. . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:08 am
by Walking After Midnight
That's one thing I'm terrified to get...a flu shot.
I've heard so many weird things about them. Some of the guys at work get them and get sick for a few days. Matter of fact, they recommend getting them on Friday in case you a reaction.

I've been taking Dilauded for a couple days. I'm in a lot of pain, lower back, butt and legs. My back went out at work after trying to lift one of those old steel desks. I'm not even sure what category Dilauded (didlaudid?) falls into but I haven't had any RLS symptoms. My Dr. told me to stop taking Hydrocodone while I was taking Dilauded.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:34 am
by ViewsAskew
Randy, don't you know you're not supposed to life heavy things????? That's for those young people to do. Not that you are old - far from it. You're just not, well, young :? .

Dilaudid is in the opioid family. It should work nicely on the RLS since other opioids work for you. Enjoy the respite.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:31 pm
by BeanieLee
Randy, Diluadid is a potent narcotic. It's hydromorphone - synthetic morphine. I've been taking it for a month or so and it's great for my legs. I switch back and forth occassionally between dilaudid and hydrocodone to kind of take a break from each one so that they maintain efficacy for me. I'm glad to hear they bring you relief. They sure do wonders for me. I switched from 2mg pills to 4mg pills but that's because I have a pretty high tolerance for pain meds, having taken hydrocodone for quite a while. Did you get the dilaudid for your legs or was that a completely seperate thing your doctor gave you becuase you hurt yourself? Either way, you may want to tell him that it's effective for your rls so that you might continue treatment with that. Good luck. Hope you feel better too! No more desk lifting for you.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:33 pm
by BeanieLee
Also, I've never even been tempted to get a flu shot so I don't know about that but I can vouch for the antihistamines & cold medicines. I got sick in august and took lots of tylenol cold and sinus and man was I doing a horizontal tap dance, for three days straight. Horrible! I've been permanently scared away from cold medicines. I've also found that wine is a really brutal culprit, when it wears off. I'm sure that's not really anything new to anyone though.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:04 pm
by FidgetBoy
I am wondering if I experienced worsening RLS due to the subsequent "feverish, tad bit sick" feeling I get after my flu shots? I know when I have a virus or bacterial infection, my legs take off- BIG time. So perhaps the reaction I experienced was due to my body's weird reaction to the shot. At any rate, it sucked!

By the way---Hi Ann! I know I've been absent for a little while. I needed to take a break from pharmacy-related stuff. It can be exhausting. I'm sure you're enjoying the same warm weather down in Chicago that we are! I've been doing home projects... long walks with my dachshund.... celebrating election results. How are things with you?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:36 pm
by ViewsAskew
Ah, the election. I'm sure some people here are not doing the happy dance that some of us are!

I am just toooooo busy. I am working my fingers to a stub on a large commission for stained glass panels. They are going into an Irish Pub/restaurant. It's a tight, tight timeline. So, not much time for me to be here, either. I get here once in the morning, and once before bed. And hope the trolls are not visiting in between - or that if they are, Lynne has more time to be here than I do!

The weather is gorgeous!